[gwt-contrib] Re: Native Authorization in GWT

2014-05-25 Thread Zied Hamdi OneView

 There's one big flaw with your proposal: it's not really “transparent”; 
 the code “using” it has to know it's there (i.e. it's not AOP as you 
 described it), because some @UiField could be 'null' or not visible 
 (depending on actual implementation).
 I believe applying such a rule as “this widget might not be created at 
 all” globally might solve some use cases, but opens other issues: e.g. how 
 do I layout my screen depending on what's actually visible?

I've just realize what you meant Thomas, but I really don't agree, that's 
why I didn't get it :

   - AOP can intercept methods to completely abort their call, it is still 
   AOP (it is even surely what AOP is for). It can clearly be used to hide an 
   element, that still doesn't mean the code that undergoes the AOP influence 
   has to know there was an AOP code. It just has to sustain that possibility 
   but it doesn't know from where it came.
   - The result hosting code has anyway to deal with a field that doesn't 
   exist or that is invisible. It has to either do it manually in traditional 
   GWT, or have it done by another automatic/configurable process in what I'm 

Behind the AOP there can be many possible solutions, GWT is not obliged to 
decide which to adopt, this can be handled as separate solutions: for 
example : 

   - A map of profiles where each profile has a map of UiBinder name keys 
   where it specifies in the value the look and visibility of fields (this way 
   only fields that have special treatment are handled specifically)
   - The inverse process: methods in the Widget mangaer interface to say 
   isVisible(String uiWidget, String field), getStyles(String uiWidget, 
   String field). Which allows a more abstract interface but can show 
   performance issues on large applications
   - a magic client factory that handles all this in a special library

Possibilities are open. The important thing is to be able to catch the 
moment a widget is about to be created to be able to have control on the 
decision. That's the whole point of this feature request

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Native Authorization in GWT

2014-05-25 Thread Zied Hamdi OneView
I forgot to say it's done and it works, I can submit the code under that 
bug id, but since the bug was closed I'm trying to justify why I think this 
feature is important

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Native Authorization in GWT

2014-05-25 Thread Colin Alworth
This seems to be a pretty quiet discussion so far, with mostly Zied 
responding to himself and Thomas’s one initial reply, but it is a holiday 
weekend here in the US, so that might be contributing to the lack of 
additional responses. I haven’t had the chance to even look at the initial 
proposal until this morning, but at a glance, I agree that it would be an 
interesting successor to uibinder or add-on to uibinder, but likely a poor 
modification of uibinder. I’m going to completely ignore the security 
aspect, as the ‘best practice’ is to ‘do it on the server’, and never ever 
trust the client. If you try trusting the client, you are better of just 
omitting the security to avoid any false sense of safety ;).

 - UiBinder is totally declarative - if it had the feature to wire in 
logical statements, we should equally have loop and conditional constructs. 
 - Not everyone uses UiBinder, not everything can be done with UiBinder - 
use of this tool will be limited to users and use-cases that already are 
good fits for uibinder. Anything that is @UiField(provided=true)/@UiFactory 
may be ineligible (since they may be have some runtime decided type, so the 
UiBinder generator can’t see their moving target of setters), any cells or 
other non-uibinder-able ui components can’t work either.
 - I don’t see a full proposal anywhere, but from the issue at 
code.google.com it appears that the intention is to provide isAllowed and 
isReadOnly, and these cases only at initial widget creation, based on a 
String idPath, synchronously. Implications from here: All possible 
permissions that the app might ever access need to be loaded preemptively, 
and from that the server needs to know (and have sent) all possible paths 
that the app might have, permissions can’t change without the app being 
reloaded (either user gets errors from the server when permissions change 
while the app is running, or whole app should be refreshed when any 
permission change of current user, group, or other business logic changes), 
and permissions are never data-dependent (no need to ever check if the user 
‘owns’ the given object, etc). 
 - isAllowed is a bit of a terrifying prospect - either it is not being 
rendered as the specified type (i.e. all @UiFields must be Object and 
typed-checked at runtime), or they are left as null (and null checked for 
any .add, .setWidget that uses them, any add/setter called *on* them, and 
any {} reference made *to* them across all of uibinder internals). Again, 
not very declarative, since the type assumptions that can be made by users 
authoring the matching .java and .ui.xml need to assume that any of their 
declared code in xml might just be ignored and not available in .java.

Were I doing this, I’d go in another direction - don’t try to rewrite 
UiBinder into an imperative language, but instead make your own 
non-declarative xml-widgets that cover the required cases. Support 
conditions and looping, expect to call out to java (or better yet let java 
call back in to note that a state change has happened in permissions), and 
accept more data, such as the current model object, etc. No need to be 
accommodating to UiBinder or non-UiBinder, since this is a new tool 

For fun, I made a aop-replacement tool, ostensibly for simple ui hints 
about permissions for access to things. The goal wasn’t to demonstrate that 
*all* AOP can be achieved with simpler constructs, but instead to show that 
much if it can, much of the time, with very little code. This tool was 
annotation based - define your own annotations and the logic that drives 
them, stick them on fields in the view, and ask the rules to run when any 
changes are made. For example, this annotation means ‘call 
.setVisible(currentUser.group == foo) on any widget with 
@OnlyVisibleTo(foo) on it. This is triggered by extending an interface and 
keying off of the view type and the model type - the resulting object has a 
‘apply’ method that lets it take the view and the model, and applies the 
various rules declared in the view. 
Sample that uses the annotation:

I’m not proposing that this is the only way to solve this, but it is 
compatible with regular java views or UiBinder (just stick the annotations 
next to the @UiField). I also am not pushing this as a way to solve this 
sort of problem out of concerns for developers confusing the concept of 
hiding or disabling a widget with actual authorization, but am instead 
trying to move this toward a sort of binding tool, but for properties other 
than what editors normally work with (i.e. getter/setter against