I've gone ahead and submitted the patches for this work, and have a build 
available (either for maven or just a plain zip download) to test this out, 
along with other features. I only removed explicit references to IE8, 9, 
and 10, as some other code was a bit vague in how it might be used. As IE11 
is still technically supported for a while, and as it behaves as though it 
is a firefox permutation from GWT's perspective, I didn't put any effort at 
this time into removing it.
There are two prerequisite merges that have to happen for this to land:

   - First we need to update the gwt apichecker reference jars 
   - Next, we need to update GWT to use these new reference jars, and 
   account for some api changes since 2.9 that already exist 

Once those are merged, IE 8/9/10 can be removed 

As a follow-up, java.util.Date can be substantially more efficient in both 
gwt and j2cl https://gwt-review.googlesource.com/c/gwt/+/23761

See https://github.com/niloc132/gwt/actions/runs/1369212299 for build log 
and artifacts of only these patches. For maven artifacts, use the 
https://repo.vertispan.com/gwt-snapshot/ repository, and specify gwt 
version 2.10.0-htmlunit-upgrade-SNAPSHOT, this build contains other fixes 
as well such as dropping Java7 support, upgrading to latest Jetty 9, and 
upgrading to latest htmlunit.

Community reviewers who have the ability to approve/+2 patches don't seem 
to be available right now, so I request that anyone who tries out these 
patches or builds also look through the code and give a +1 comment or 
review at the links above. I've received private confirmation from several 
individuals and teams that these patches work as expected, but comments to 
that effect on the patches will help to move this forward.

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 3:24:38 AM UTC-5 rdeang...@gmail.com wrote:

> +1 for dropping support for all IE versions (8-10)
> Jens schrieb am Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2021 um 10:22:50 UTC+2:
>> I think the gecko permutation has very little to no special treatment of 
>> IE 11 and there are some bugs reported because of that. So there isn't much 
>> to deprecated for IE 11. 
>> Personally I only use safari, gecko permutation and define safari as 
>> fallback permutation. In addition I use some code to check runtime vs 
>> compile time user agent and if they are different display a warning that 
>> some things might not work. That warning basically triggers for any exotic 
>> user-agent and any IE below 11.
>> Dropping all IE permutations (8-10) should be totally fine I guess. 
>> Especially because the new, smaller GWT modules only care about IE 11 (if 
>> at all). gwt-dom for example has only two checks for safari and everything 
>> else is treated the same.
>> -- J.
>> ManfredTremmel schrieb am Montag, 4. Oktober 2021 um 11:07:11 UTC+2:
>>> Am Donnerstag, 30. September 2021, 18:49:56 CEST schrieb Colin Alworth: 
>>> > So, is there any objection at this time to dropping what remains of 
>>> IE8, 
>>> > IE9, and IE10 support from GWT? Then, we can reevaluate IE11 at some 
>>> later 
>>> > date, for GWT itself? Various migrated GWT modules have focused their 
>>> > efforts on well-supported browsers, and are likely to only support 
>>> IE11 by 
>>> > accident anyway. 
>>> Let's drop the IE-Permutations. IE11 uses the gecko permutation, so no 
>>> need to 
>>> drop it. In my newer projects, I only use safari permutation for all 
>>> browsers, 
>>> so even dropping all browser specific permutations wouldn't affect me. 

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