Hello all,

All of the preliminary testing that I'm aware of for the upcoming release 
is complete, leaving us with a decent level of confidence in the changes. 
We have a document that outlines the release plan (with a link to the 
standard release steps and the testing process) that has undergone a few 
small tweaks, and I think is ready to go:

I'm now asking for volunteers who are able to test the final release once 
it is ready to go. We're hoping for a cross section of testing that verifies

   - JVM Version: 8, 11, 17/18
   - OS: Linux, OS X, Windows 8.1, 10, 11
   - Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11, Edge (blink)

Windows 8.1 and 10 VMs are available at 
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/, I'm not 
presently aware of a source for Windows 11 VMs, so ideally we have a few 
people running that natively.

Please reply to this or contact me off-list (co...@colinalworth.com) with 
the combinations you have access to and are able to test, and we'll 
organize in the next few days, and start the next steps.


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