As far as I can tell, our plans are going OK. We plan to accrue our 1st patient 
(#353<>) by Jun 13 

It's not entirely clear to me what's left to do w.r.t. golden tickets and 
REDCap (#273<>) but 3 
weeks seems like plenty of time for it. Sravani, that's the only blocker in 
trac. If that's not right, please let us know.


From: [] on 
behalf of Swander, Lena C []
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:59 AM
Subject: ADAPTABLE Feedback Request

Hi all,

The coordinating center is requesting we meet regularly with CAPriCORN CDRN to 
discuss ADAPTABLE trial challenges and successes. Additionally, we have an 
upcoming GPC Internal ADAPTABLE Call for this Thursday (5/26) 3-3:30PM and will 
give a brief IRB update, and hold a round table of ADAPTABLE work at your site 
(invite to follow shortly, sent through the gpc-adaptable listerv).

I am requesting GPC dev team needs and questions regarding any of the 
computable phenotype work, or other logistics you think need kinks worked out. 
Please sent me your comments, questions, or concerns ASAP.

If you are not on the gpc-adaptable listserv and would like to be, please email 
with your contact information

Thank you,

Lena Swander

Project Coordinator | Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
University of Iowa
Office Phone: 319-384-9936

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