What else for today? I haven't spent much time looking for things that changed 
in the last week...


From: Dan Connolly
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 3:39 PM
To: gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu <gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu>
Subject: gpc-dev Aug 25 agenda and meeting notes

What else for tomorrow?

Intermountain is scheduled to scribe.

agenda snapshot:

  1.  Convene, take roll, review records and plan the next meeting(s).

     *   11:00 a.m. Central Time.
​Meeting ID and access code: 
817-393-381<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381>; call +1 
(571) 317-3131

     *   Roll; Reminder - put site after your name in 
GoToMeeting<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381> preferences
GPC DevTeams<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/wiki/DevTeams> 
represented? KUMC (chair), UIOWA, MCW, MCRI, UNMC, UTHSCSA, UTSW, MU, IndianaU, 
Utah, Allina, Intermountain  (scribe), UTH

     *   Comments on the agenda? (ref 
 On last week’s 
Recent tickets 
opened/closed<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/timeline> - FYI 
(i.e. not intended for discussion)

        *   #762 (Peer review of Houston’s PCORNet CDM) 

     *   Next meeting(s): Sep 1; scribe: UIOWA? MCRI?

        *   Note scribe 

        *   FW: Sentinel next steps in PCORnet 
<http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2020q3/011005.html>   Russ Waitman 
Jul 1
Dan/KUMC to get more info about volume / quality issues where the line was 
divided (not immediately)

 - license / justification
DC: UIOWA asked Dec 
2019<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/688#comment:18> - 
answer was private communication from RW.
DC to follow up with Deandra - in progress

  2.  2020 Data Curation Queries from ​DRNOC Forum July 

     *   Lab characterization v1 - debrief
10 Aug query distribution; 24 Aug results due

     *   Cycle 8, Third Refresh DC v5.13?
5 Oct distribution; 26 Oct results due


     *   #759<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/759> 
covid19 PCORNet datamarts
<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/759>funding is via CDC 
directly to individual sites; Aug 5 to PMs; 6 GPC sites; not KUMC, MU, UTSW 
unless additional funding. - News?

 aiming for Jul 10

     *   #749<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/749> 
PCORNet style TUMOR 
table<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/749> - 
 duplicates in tumor table: collect data from 
sites<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/760> - DROC 
 - SAS code for DROC 

        *   Brad to follow up with Brian / Maren re Where to submit

        *   Brad/Brian: Is September 1 to have a TUMOR table, run SAS code and 
return results realistic?

           *   UIOWA - done

           *   UTHSCSA - All set to submit

           *   KUMC - 1 Sep looks feasible

           *   MCRF - 1 Sep seems feasible, yes.

           *   MCW - 1 Sep is possible but risky

           *   Indiana - Jeff will spend ~1hr trying 

           *   UTSW - still testing code.  July 14th is the latest JAR file.

              *   DC to look into patient_mapping using item 2300 MRN

           *   MU -  1 Sep at risk, at best

           *   (UNMC - maybe in the future.)

           *   (Utah - Not currently able to participate. Access to tumor 
registry still in progress.)

           *   Allina - Need more time than 1 Sep

           *   (Intermountain - still working thru organizational issues to get 
access to the tumor registry data.)

     *   #739<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/739> HERON 
NAACCR ETL outdated by 

        *   DC to look into patient_mapping using item 2300 MRN

wash your hands 
…<https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html> wear a 
mask and social distance


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