Am 18.01.22 um 17:01 schrieb
Hi everyone!

I've written an open-source package for interactive graph visualization with 
Python and HTML/CSS/JS called gravis.
It supports graph-tool by accepting its Graph object as input for the provided 
plotting functions. The output is a Figure object that can be displayed in a 
web browser (separate window or inline in Jupyter notebook) and exported to a 
standalone HTML file or a static image (JPG, PNG, SVG). In the browser you can 
drag around nodes, play with layout algorithms and their parameters, see 
additional information when hovering over or clicking on an element, and more.

The package and its documenation can be found here:

The examples in the documentation contain a (preliminary) notebook that 
demonstrates the combined use of graph-tool and gravis:

I hope you find it useful for inspecting your graphs and networks! Feedback of 
any sorts is always welcome. Please keep in mind that the package is in its 
beta version, so things may still change slightly in future releases, but 
you'll always be able to download any version from PyPI.

This is very interesting! Thanks for sharing.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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