[GRASS-user] Snap distance to clean imported map?

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

Importing a large (4.4G) vector map of wetlands takes a long time even on my
8-core/16-thread, 32G desktop. When it finally completed grass recommended
re-importing with an additional 'snap' distance specified:

Command line: > v.in.ogr in=OR_geodatabase_wetlands.gdb out=more_wetlands 

WARNING: Number of incorrect boundaries: 88544
WARNING: The output contains topological errors:
 Unable to calculate a centroid for 329691 areas
 Number of incorrect boundaries: 88544
The input could be cleaned by snapping vertices to each other.
Estimated range of snapping threshold: [1e-09, 1]
Try to import again, snapping with 1e-05: 'snap=1e-05'

In the past 1e-05 produced similar warnings.

I'd like advice on two issues:

1) Is 1e-05 the most reasonable starting snap distance? (I assume it is a
generic value but perhaps not for all maps.) If not, what would be a snap
distance to use?

2) What would be a reasonable snap distance to stop re-importing when
warnings continue to be displayed?



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Organizing data over extensive areas [RESOLVED]

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:

Is there a way to put a collection of locations in a single subdirectory,
e.g., /data/grassdata/fishes/ and have grass know how to find them?

Never mind, I figured it out.

I wrote a script to reproject the map from each individual location's
PERMANENT mapset to an existing location's biota mapset. When I have
projects in other locations I can reproject from this core one to that of
each individual project.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Organizing data over extensive areas

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

I imported an OpenFileGDB containing the distributions of 14 species and
runs of fish in the Columbia River Basin. Because one species has a
different CRS than the others each layer needed to be separately imported
into separate locations. This is inefficient and I would like to gather them
in a directory, perhaps named 'fishes.'

The issue is that collectively, the distributions cover most of Washington
and Oregon along with bits of Canada, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, and California
(drainage basin extents). So a projection covering all these areas will be
different from the standard projections used by each state and British

Is there a way to put a collection of locations in a single subdirectory,
e.g., /data/grassdata/fishes/ and have grass know how to find them?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Explain v.in.ogr error

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

Trying to import an ESRI FileGDB with 10m DEM for Oregon. I don't understand
what I've done incorrectly and would appreciate learning from the grass
command error message.

Input file is OR_DEM_10M.gdb

$ ogrinfo -al -so
Geometry: Multi Polygon
Feature Count: 1
Extent: (-106508955.00, -85400955.00) - (109133655.00, 
Layer SRS WKT:
FID Column = OID
Geometry Column = FOOTPRINT
RASTER: Binary (0.0)
FOOTPRINT_Length: Real (0.0)
FOOTPRINT_Area: Real (0.0)

Run error:
v.in.ogr input=/data/grassdata/OR_DEM_10M.gdb output=dem10m 
Check if OGR layer  contains polygons...

Creating attribute table for layer ...
WARNING: Column type (Ogr_ftype: 8) not supported (Ogr_fieldname: RASTER)
Importing 1 features (OGR layer )...
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
table dem10m has 4 columns but 3 values were supplied
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
table dem10m has 4 columns but 3 values were supplied
ERROR: Cannot insert new row for input layer : insert into 
dem10m values ( 1, 862570440, 4.65017352476121e+16 )
(Wed Sep 11 08:48:30 2019) Command finished (0 sec)

Is the .gdb download corrupted?



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] tiling and 'cliping' DEMs

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, Nikos Alexandris wrote:

If there is no need for a GDAL VRT, then, alternatively, link all tiles as
pseudo-raster maps in GRASS GIS' data base, of course using `r.external`.
Then, build a GRASS GIS virtual raster data set using `r.buildvrt`.
Clipping or "extracting" parts of this VRT will expectedly work.


I've insufficient experience to know whether there is need for GDAL VRT. But
I'll look closely at what you and Helmut advise and gain some experience.

Many thanks,

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] tiling and 'cliping' DEMs

2019-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Sep 2019, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

To save diskspace,, build a virtual raster with your tiles outside GRASS
by GDAL's buildvrt, do r.external yourvirtual.vrt.

No import is needed for raster calculations, r.external to link the virtual
raster works nicely..

regarding to clip a raster to  vector extent, there a several ways. One may
be: g.region  -a raster=yourraster vector=yourvector followed by a r.mask
vector=yourvector then r.mapcal clippedraster=yourraster


This is exceptionally useful information. I've not looked closely at gdal
and don't know all its capabilities. Perhaps this could be added to the Wiki
as it's likely to be useful to others.

I greatly appreciate the lesson.

Best regards,

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] tiling and 'cliping' DEMs

2019-09-11 Thread Nikos Alexandris

* Helmut Kudrnovsky  [2019-09-10 20:12:09 -0700]:

Rich Shepard wrote

I am downloading and importing 1m LiDAR DEMs for a 667 mi^2 (1727.5 km^2)
drainage basin. These are all in 7.5' topographic quad sections. The files
take up a lot of disk space and memory when working with them.

I assume that by careful setting of the region I can display the
maps as a single map, and I can set a computational mask using the vector
basin watershed (boundary). Is there way to 'clip' the DEM using the
watershed map in the way that v.clip works with two vector maps? While the
workstation has 32G RAM and 2T of disk space I would like to limit the DEM
to the drainage basin itself and exclude all areas outside it.

Looking at all the r.* modules in core and extensions none strikes me as
appropriate tool.

I'm open to advice on working with huge raster files.


grass-user mailing list



To save diskspace,, build a virtual raster with your tiles outside GRASS  by
GDAL's  buildvrt, do r.external yourvirtual.vrt.

No import is needed for raster calculations, r.external to link the virtual
raster works nicely..

If there is no need for a GDAL VRT, then, alternatively, link all tiles
as pseudo-raster maps in GRASS GIS' data base, of course using
`r.external`. Then, build a GRASS GIS virtual raster data set using
`r.buildvrt`. Clipping or "extracting" parts of this VRT will expectedly


regarding to clip a raster to  vector extent, there a several ways. One may
be: g.region  -a raster=yourraster vector=yourvector followed by a r.mask
vector=yourvector then r.mapcal clippedraster=yourraster

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