Re: [GRASS-user] regular wingrass builds

2010-01-26 Thread Colin (Nielsen) Wren
Wow that is amazing, thanks so much Martin.


2010/1/19 Martin Landa

 I have set up regular WinGRASS builds, currently for 6.4.svn and
 6.5.svn (built daily). Servers kindly provided by CTU in Prague.

 Enjoy! Martin

 Martin Landa landa.martin *
 grass-user mailing list

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Re: [GRASS-user] Multiple attribute tables in winGRASS 6.4

2009-09-05 Thread Colin Nielsen
I've just uploaded a new version (r38959) with ODBC support enabled.
Please test it out and let us know if it is working properly. I hope
this solves your issue Sharon. (Please remember that it can take up to
24 hours before the new updates make it to all the web mirrors).


On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:54 AM, Sharon wrote:

 I'm hoping the general GRASS mailing list community can help me.

 I'm using winGRASS 6.4 (r38875) on windows XP and using DBF files
 (oracle and ODBC is not currently supported in winGRASS).

 I'm able to connect an additional attribute table containing
 alternative names to a vector map. The cat columns in layer 1 and
 layer 2 are the same (numbers 1-25). e.g.

 v.db.connect map=locn layer=2 key=cat table=locn_tbl2

 If I bring up the attribute window manager, I can see the new table is
 in layer 2.    reports that there are 2 db links. -c map=locn layer=2   reports list of columns in layer 2

 However, commands such as v.label, d.vect.thematic, d.vect, v.extract,
 etc are unable to access layer 2. Also, if using the windows which
 pop-up (instead of the command line) for any of these commands, you
 cannot change the layer option from 1 to 2 (or any other layer

 example output...
 v.label labels=alt_nme map=locn col=othnme layer=2
 gives error...  Sorry, col= is ambiguous

 Does anyone have any ideas as to whether multiple layers works in winGRASS?

 Thanks in advance,

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[GRASS-user] New Native WinGrass Release (6.4.x)

2009-08-29 Thread Colin Nielsen
A new version of the native WinGrass installer (not OSGeo4W or Cygwin)
has been posted on the GRASS download page.

This release is based on GRASS 6.4.0svn (r38875) and fixes an
important bug in r.proj and some problems for installs in paths with
spaces (eg c:\Program Files). Also there's a new fish icon included!

Download here:

For known issues check:

Please test and report any other problems.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] New Native WinGrass Release (6.4.x)

2009-07-30 Thread Colin Nielsen
A new version of the native WinGrass installer (not OSGeo4W or Cygwin)
has been posted on the GRASS download page.

This release is based on GRASS 6.4.0svn (r38537) and fixes some
problems with the Location Wizard among other things.

Download here:

For known issues check:

Please test and report any other problems.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] g.manual tries to run C:\Program Files\Internet Exporer\iexplore (the 'L' is missing from 'Explorer')

2009-07-28 Thread Colin Nielsen
The variable's value should point to a browser's exe, not the
index.html of the docs folder.

Given that, more odd behaviour of g.manual re the variable. When
running wingrass through an msys terminal (r37101)

The following all worked
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\Programs\Firefox\firefox.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Programs/Firefox/firefox.exe

Except that it didn't release my terminal until iexplore.exe was
closed. This was not true when firefox was used instead, the terminal
was released without closing the program. (nb. on my system firefox is
in a directory without spaces but this shouldn't be the problem).

These failed:
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\Program Files\Internet
Explorer\iexplore.exe (no quotes)
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\Programs\Firefox\firefox.exe
(c:ProgramsFirefoxfirefox.exe: command not found)
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=file:///c/Program Files/Internet
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:/Program\ Files/Internet\
Explorer/iexplore.exe (c:/Program\ Files/Internet\
Explorer/iexplore.exe: No such file or directory)
export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=\c\Program Files\Internet
Explorer\iexplore.exe (not surprisingly)

This all seems very inconsistent, but in summary for msys:
1) URLs don't work
2) Regular windows paths are fine as long as they are in quotes
3) Unix paths are fine as long as they're not in quotes (unless there
are no spaces, then its ok) and use backslash on spaces.

However, for osgeo4w (non-msys) by putting the following in the
This worked (though it didn't work above):
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe

These did not work:
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=c:/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe

In sum, only a unix path with no quotes or space escapes will work.
This path format does not work in msys. There is no path format that I
found that works in both, clearly a problem.

 AFAICT, the right way to open files on Windows is to simply run them
 via the shell, e.g. pointing GRASS_HTML_BROWSER at a batch file

       �...@echo off
        cmd /c %1

If you use cmd /k instead of cmd /c it should return the terminal
without having to terminate the command.

 For opening URLs:

       �...@echo off
        rundll32 url.dll,OpenURL %1

 This also appears to work with filenames, with both forward and
 backward slashes. However, it returns immediately, while cmd /c ...
 waits for the command to terminate.

I put the above into a batch file and it worked with the URL format,
unix and windows, but g.manual wouldn't run with this batch file with
it set as the value for GRASS_HTML_BROWSER

 When the command terminates depends upon the command. For Notepad, it
 means exiting Notepad. Firefox returns once it has displayed the page
 if it uses an existing instance, but waits until you exit it if it has
 to start a new instance.

Ahh this clears up the firefox exception above. However, when tested
on iexplore, it opens a new instance instead of adding it as a tab and
so won't return until that instance is closed.

 If we can confirm that the OpenURL approach works on most versions of
 Windows, we should use that for GRASS_HTML_BROWSER rather than
 iexplore.exe (particularly as init.bat currently uses a hard-coded
 pathname which will typically be wrong on non-English versions of
 Windows; hint: use %ProgramFiles% to get the Program Files

I agree with Glynn, this is definitely the way to go if it can be
figured out since it would be better to use the user's preference,
already set in windows, for opening URLs. It worked on Vista, but only
by calling the batch file myself, not when it was set as the value of
GRASS_HTML_BROWSER. Perhaps because the g.manual script looks for an
exe specifically...

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] New WinGrass Release (6.4.0RC5)

2009-06-16 Thread Colin Nielsen
A new version of the native WinGrass installer (not OSGeo4W or Cygwin)
has been posted on the GRASS download page.

This release is based on GRASS-6.4.0RC5 (and comes with shiny new
icons) but the wxpython GUI still does not include vector digitizing
(wxvdigit) or 3d visualization (wxnviz).

Download here:

Please test and report any problems.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] errors in r.drain (develbranch)

2009-04-06 Thread Colin Nielsen
This might be an error with my updates
( I'm not sure why there
wasn't any error reported for me or others, but I see that there is an
inconsistency in the code (my addition at 387 compared to lines 373
and 374).

387 dir_fd = open(tempfile3, O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
Should be:
387 dir_fd = open(tempfile3, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);

Trying making that change and recompile. Markus, I can submit a diff
for this line if needed.


2009/4/6 Carlos Guâno Grohmann
 Errors in:

 (that's indeed grass7_devel/raster/r.drain/, right?)

 It's develbranch 6 (GRASS 6.5)

 svn checkout

 guano[grass6_devel]$ cd raster/r.drain/
 guano[r.drain]$ make
 une=nocona -minline-all-stringops -O2 -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
 -pc-linux-gnu/include -o OBJ.i686-pc-linux-gnu/main.o -c main.c
 main.c: In function ‘main’:
 main.c:174: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments

 that line reads
                G_warning(_(Starting point %d is outside the current 
 in GRASS 7.
 I assume that you lost somehow --with-nls as configure parameter so that
 the gettext macro isn't recognised completely.

 --with-nls is there (from ./configure):

 checking whether to use NLS... yes
 checking for gettext... yes

 I suggest a make distclean and new configure.

 This is a fresh download..


 Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Geologist D.Sc.
 a.k.a. Guano - Linux User #89721
 ResearcherID: A-9030-2008
 carlos dot grohmann at gmail dot com
 Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows
 95 from my hard drive.
 --The winning entry in a What were HAL's first words contest judged
 by 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY creator Arthur C. Clarke

 Can’t stop the signal.
 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] v.dissolve and r.cost problems

2009-04-01 Thread Colin Nielsen
 Furthermore, I launched r.cost on a  295 rows, 378 cols matrix, and it's
 taking  1h, whereas I did the same previously and it ran in tens of

The speed of r.cost depends not just on the number of cells but also
the complexity of the surface. Smoother surfaces seem to take longer
than rough ones, I think because there are more possibilities for the
algorithm to explore.

However, if you're getting into the hours, I would think it's more
likely that your region settings changed. Check g.region -p to be

Lastly, there seems to be a bug in r.cost that causes it to get
confused on surfaces with lots of negative values (try running r.cost
on a surface made by to see this). In these cases, I
think it never finishes.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] call for volunteers - urgent need for Windows Vista binaries

2009-03-31 Thread Colin Nielsen
I'm working on the installer, I think I've almost got it. I'll post an
update in the next couple of days. I'm working on Vista, so that's
what I'll be packaging, but as long as the vista version doesn't cause
problems in xp (and as far as i know it doesn't) we shouldn't need two
windows packages.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:58 AM, Martin Landa wrote:

 2009/3/31 Michael Barton
 Native, stand alone installer for GRASS should be a high priority. I guess
 we need both an XP and Vista version.

 personally I have no problem with osgeo4w installer. Ideally should be
 mentained both - standalone and osgeo4w - if we have enough manpower.
 If no, I would incline to osgeo4w.



 Martin Landa landa.martin *

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] call for volunteers - urgent need for Windows Vista binaries

2009-03-30 Thread Colin Nielsen
I have just tried r.patch, v.patch and v.what.rast on the new
grass-6.4.svn release in osgeo4w (built on XP I assume), and haven't
had any problems with any of them. So perhaps these issues have been

Maybe I'm missing it somewhere in the many wiki pages, but is there a
complete list of vista related issues for me/others to test? seems not to
have been updated recently.

My two cents: I agree that an standalone installer is vastly
preferable to the osgeo4w format for the majority of windows users. I
have heard that Marco is not able to continue to supply these
installers, but did he document the steps required to create
installers somewhere? With the osgeo4w installer allowing for quick
compiles of new grass versions, there should be no reason why these
can't be continued.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
 Thanks Markus,

 This will make the information more accessible.


 On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Michael Barton

 Thanks Moritz,

 I'm glad to see that this is possible at least, though it is by no means
 obvious. I will try to find a place to archive this information as I will
 again doing a lab course later this spring. The fact that critical
 information for creating a stand-alone package is buried in a blog is
 problematic--though I know that all are very pressed for time.

 easy to solve: I have added it here:
 - Lab Installation as offline set of packages

 It would not harm of course to move the relevant into to that trac
 page rather thank linking around.


 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] call for volunteers - urgent need for Windows Vista binaries

2009-03-30 Thread Colin Nielsen
I should have looked harder before I hit Send, I just found Marco's
instructions on creating the standalone installer.

If modified to the osgeo4w tree, new native installers should be
relatively easy to create. The wingrass team seems to be a little
divided right now (native, mingw/msys, osgeo4w, cygwin, not to mention
lots of different user  developer wiki pages saying different
things), is there a consensus on where to take wingrass? (I should
note that I'm relatively new to the scene and therefore may be missing
longer-term trends and discussions.)


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Colin Nielsen wrote:
 I have just tried r.patch, v.patch and v.what.rast on the new
 grass-6.4.svn release in osgeo4w (built on XP I assume), and haven't
 had any problems with any of them. So perhaps these issues have been

 Maybe I'm missing it somewhere in the many wiki pages, but is there a
 complete list of vista related issues for me/others to test? seems not to
 have been updated recently.

 My two cents: I agree that an standalone installer is vastly
 preferable to the osgeo4w format for the majority of windows users. I
 have heard that Marco is not able to continue to supply these
 installers, but did he document the steps required to create
 installers somewhere? With the osgeo4w installer allowing for quick
 compiles of new grass versions, there should be no reason why these
 can't be continued.


 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Michael Barton 
 Thanks Markus,

 This will make the information more accessible.


 On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Michael Barton

 Thanks Moritz,

 I'm glad to see that this is possible at least, though it is by no means
 obvious. I will try to find a place to archive this information as I will
 again doing a lab course later this spring. The fact that critical
 information for creating a stand-alone package is buried in a blog is
 problematic--though I know that all are very pressed for time.

 easy to solve: I have added it here:
 - Lab Installation as offline set of packages

 It would not harm of course to move the relevant into to that trac
 page rather thank linking around.


 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] cost surface

2009-03-26 Thread Colin Nielsen
Hi Ricardo,
It is hard to tell what is going from without looking at your input
file, but you do seem to using r.cost correctly. My guess would be
that the differences between cells are not great enough to cause the
cost surface to deviate from a linear trajectory. To test this, try
using r.mapcalc to amplify the pattern on the r_vias surface, ie.
r_vias_x100=r_vias*100 (100 might be too much), then re-run r.cost
with the r_vias_x100 as the input.

r.cost does take a relatively long time to run, especially on surfaces
which are relatively smooth (I think that's true). The result should
be relatively identical to arc's cost weighted function.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Ricardo Almendra wrote:

 I'm trying to built a cost surface. I've already built a raster with the
 pixel cost,  but i can´t get the cost that is required to arrive to point A.
 I'm trying - r.cost input=r_v...@12_03 output=exp start_rast=h_r...@12_03
 max_cost=0 percent_memory=100 but it takes a lot of time and the result
 it's linear, it do not  reflect the differences in the original raster.

 I' trying to do something similar to the cost weighted function in arcgis.


 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Building GRASS on Windows

2009-03-19 Thread Colin Nielsen
A MinGW package was missing on the wiki page, my fault not yours. I've
added it, get mingw-runtime and get bin-utils too while you're at
it. Both are now on the wiki. Sorry for the error.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Darren Cope wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm following along with the instructions here:
 and am getting stuck at Step 5 under PDCurses.  When running:

 make -f mingwin32.mak DLL=Y all

 The following error occurs:

 $ make -f mingwin32.mak DLL=Y all
 gcc -c -O2 -Wall -I.. -DPDC_DLL_BUILD ../pdcurses/addch.c
 In file included from ../curspriv.h:25,
  from ../pdcurses/addch.c:14:
 ../curses.h:50:57: stdio.h: No such file or directory
 In file included from ../curspriv.h:25,
  from ../pdcurses/addch.c:14:
 ../curses.h:928: error: syntax error before '*' token
 ../curses.h:1010: error: syntax error before FILE
 ../curses.h:1027: error: syntax error before FILE
 make: *** [addch.o] Error 1

 Any thoughts?  I'd really like to get a new version built so I can play with improvements, but am struggling!

 Darren Cope

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Re: [GRASS-user] Building GRASS on Windows

2009-03-19 Thread Colin Nielsen
Hi Markus,
 A related suggestion: some libraries need manual modifications
 (zlib etc). Would you be willing to package all those precompiled libs
 into a convenient ZIP file which we could host on

I had that in my mind as I was going through all of this. Once I'm
sure everything is working I'll be sure to do that. Would it be better
to put them all into one zip, or separate zips?

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