Re: [GRASS-user] error

2010-10-12 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Francesco Mirabella pisze:

more detailes are these,  I can not reproduce it on speafish,

Grass 6.4 rc6 compiled on debian testing
The dem is the srtm 90 m dem, cut on an area of 12064631712 Square 
meters (1206463 hectars).
The region was set to the dem raster, I provided a minimum flow 
accumulation of 100 to get a reasonable river network.

Hope this can help



It looks very strange:

if your 90 m srtm has 12064631712 m2 it means it has more or less 
1.500.000 number of cells (depending on latitude). It also means that it 
is more or less 1250x1250 cells DEM. If you have used 100 cells 
accumulation threshold you shouldn't receive such dense network with 
7500 streams. With DEM of such size and such threshold expected number 
of streams is about 1000-2000.

However if you created 7500 network on such small dem it shouldn't work 
indeed. is not prepared for calculation of direct basins (half 
basins) it it rather expanded version of r.water.outlet. If you however 
need direct basins for such dense network you can do it hacking source 

find this fragment of code:
(catchment.c, line 24)

int out_max = ncols + nrows;

and change it into this:

int out_max = (ncols + nrows)*10;

and recompile program again.

If this is the reason (however values you wrote are not consistent) I 
will not change the source code because as I wrote it is not prepared 
for that what you're try to do

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] : vetor of horton order

2010-06-22 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Milton Cezar Ribeiro pisze:

Dear all,

I extracted the drainage and direction from a DEM using --o elevation=aster_dem_wgs84_UTM threshold=50

How can I obtain a vector of Horton order?!



grass-user mailing list will create table with attributes, also with horton 
order. The table can be joined (v.db.join) to vector network of

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] New modules in svn add-on: r.area and r.convergence

2010-06-10 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz


I added new two modules to svn add-on.


Simple module available in almost every raster processing GIS 
application. Calculates area size of clumped areas and ascribe these 
values to these areas. Also allow remove small areas with size lower 
than treshold. All that functionality can be attempted with  few 
existing grass commands (, v.db.addcolumn,, 
r.mapcalc sequentially) but I spend less time programing this module 
than performing this set of operation (on rather huge map with over 
10 cluped areas)


specializing module reworked from SAGA. Calculate convergnece index for 
given area based on DEM. Good wor detecting geomorphological lineaments. 
It use different method for slope-aspect calculation than SAGA (but the 
same as in GRASS r.slope.aspect), also can work in lat-long projections.

As always any comments, tests, suggestions and critics are welcome

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: r.watershed: pretty flat areas

2010-05-13 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Markus Metz pisze:

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Hamish wrote:

before  after screenshots welcome :)



less straight flow, main flow is more centered in the lake. I can't
say if this is more accurate, but it looks nicer. It's not perfect,
see south-eastern part of the lake.
grass-user mailing list

As a way to proper drainage network topology it looks almost perfect.
In DEM there is no information (if lake is represented by flat area on 
DEM) about flow structure in the lake so that approach looks good for 
me, if real flow is unknown!

Good work Markus!

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Polish datum problem

2010-04-09 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Markus Neteler pisze:

2010/4/7 Jarek Jasiewicz


This is rather question for Polish GRASS users

Did anyone notice what had happed with PUWG 1965 within Proj4 EPSG

Since PROJ version 4.6 is :

2173 +proj=sterea +lat_0=53.583334 +lon_0=17.008333
+k=0.9998 +x_0=3501000 +y_0=5999000 +ellps=krass +units=m +no_defs  

but shoud be:
+proj=sterea +lat_0=53.583334 +lon_0=17.008333 +k=0.9998
+x_0=3501000 +y_0=5999000 +ellps=krass
+towgs84=33.4,-146.6,-76.3,-0.359,-0.053,0.844,-0.84 +units=m +no_defs;

Yes, I see that it disappeared.
EvenR told me in IRC right now, that it is back in proj-trunk.


and it causes error when zone 1-4 is choosed:

Datum Pulkowo_1942_58 not recognised by GRASS and no parametrs found

And what had happend with PUWG1942? Dissapeared???

It temporarily disappeared  in PROJ-4.7. :(

- update the epsg file from trunk (but I dunno if that's compliant)
- we add the datums to lib/gis/datumtransform.table


Thanks for explanation Markus!
I simply use old epsg database (from proj 4.5) with actual proj 4.7 and 
it works for these datums I use


BTW: none one have noticed it for over the year???
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Weighted v.kernel calculation

2010-04-07 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Ted Rosenbaum pisze:
I have a dataset of manufacturing plants with employment levels at 
each one.  I am looking to generate a kernel density map to show 
changing geographic distribution of employment over time.  I am 
looking to generate a map similar to that generated by v.kernel, but 
just with weights on each point given by the employment of the plant.

Is there a way to do this is grass (or other software...).
Ted Rosenbaum

Graduate Student
Department of Economics
Yale University

grass-user mailing list
weighted kernel density you can do with R spatstat package and next put 
it back to the GRASS:

in R:

ppp_v=as(points[weight_attribute], ppp)
dens_ppp_v=density(ppp_v, sigma=500, weights=ppp_v$marks)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] New module for fuzzy calsification added to svn repository

2010-03-29 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hi list!

I added new module r.fuzzy.system to svn repository:

this is standalone classification module, to work require only sets and 
rules definition (see module description and small tutorial in 

what module do (internally):

- parse sets and rules text files before calculation
- creates fuzzy sets based on user's definition
- implicate fuzzy rules form antecedents to consequent based on user rules
- aggregate consequents
- defuzzify final set

additional features:
- output fuzzy maps for particular rules
- output consequents and aggregated fuzzy set for particular cells 
(without map calculation)

In spite that module has the same name as that created by Francois 
Declaux, it is completely new tools without any references to that 
except it was created for that same reasons. Module r.fuzzy system do 
not require r.fuzzy and r.fuzzy.logic to work, but these modules can be 
used to trace intermediate results (they use the same fuzzy algorithms)

It fact module do almost all what I assumed, but there are probably lot 
of bugs and errors. Because it was rather difficult coding (especially 
text file and expression parser) any help with testing will be 
appreciated. I will also appreciate if someone with better English than 
mine can help me write tutorial on fuzzy logic in GIS

Known issues:
If there are cells for which membership in all sets is 0 module returns 
null. It is probably difficult to solve without extensive graphical UI 
with additional correction and check-out tools so probably will remain 

Jarek Jasiewicz
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] New module for fuzzy calsification added to svn repository

2010-03-29 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz
I forgot: If there is someone who can help me adjust this analysis to 
analyze imagery data, please contact me. I know almost nothing on 
analysis of such data but it seems it could be useful for it.

Jarosław Jasiewicz pisze:

Hi list!

I added new module r.fuzzy.system to svn repository:

this is standalone classification module, to work require only sets 
and rules definition (see module description and small tutorial in 

what module do (internally):

- parse sets and rules text files before calculation
- creates fuzzy sets based on user's definition
- implicate fuzzy rules form antecedents to consequent based on user 

- aggregate consequents
- defuzzify final set

additional features:
- output fuzzy maps for particular rules
- output consequents and aggregated fuzzy set for particular cells 
(without map calculation)

In spite that module has the same name as that created by Francois 
Declaux, it is completely new tools without any references to that 
except it was created for that same reasons. Module r.fuzzy system do 
not require r.fuzzy and r.fuzzy.logic to work, but these modules can 
be used to trace intermediate results (they use the same fuzzy 

It fact module do almost all what I assumed, but there are probably 
lot of bugs and errors. Because it was rather difficult coding 
(especially text file and expression parser) any help with testing 
will be appreciated. I will also appreciate if someone with better 
English than mine can help me write tutorial on fuzzy logic in GIS

Known issues:
If there are cells for which membership in all sets is 0 module 
returns null. It is probably difficult to solve without extensive 
graphical UI with additional correction and check-out tools so 
probably will remain unsolved.

Jarek Jasiewicz
grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Fuzzy logic in GRASS

2010-03-03 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Rich Shepard pisze:

On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Jaros?aw Jasiewicz wrote:

There are at least however on problem:
r.fuzzy for GRASS exist and not exist (by Francois Delclaux). I tried 
to contact with author but it failed and  module is not available 
from add-on web page. For now I leave name r.fuzzy, but if it could 
be the problem I can change name or remove both module.


  I've been in contact with Francois after downloading the most recent
version (2000) of the code. At my request he sent me a thesis written 
by his

student who did most of the work. It's all in French, and my ability to
read, write, and speak that language has deteriorated over the decades to
the point that it's virtually useless. I'll be happy to share what I 

Nice, If you can

- for r.fuzzy shape parameter use nonstandard solution which is not 
applied in any software known for me. What you think about it? Or 
shall I change it into standard dilatation/concentration parameter 

  Hedges come in a range of degrees of strength. 'Slightly' is a 

hedge from 'very', for example.
This is not hedge, it is value which I replace 2 in formula sin^2 *x for 
standard sigmoid boundary. If parameter  is 0 the exponent is 2 on the 
other hand it changes the exponent to create more dilatation or more 
concentrate boundaries. It is non-standard solution but is described in 

- i plan to add custom fuzzy set definition but it require manual 
typing of sets of points or some more complex membership function 
definition which may be difficult without visual assistance, so I'd 
like to know if it would be really useful

  In my opinion, what is needed first is a comprehensive description 
of what

such a set of modules is intended to do.
Fuzzy set in geology of Demico, Klir (2004) could be good starting 
point. I rather do not want to add fuzzy logic tutorial in geosciences 
to GRASS or at least not now.

That is, in what situations should
it be used and what insights should come from the results. This 
then guides how it should work with raster and vector (lines, areas, 

No idea on fuzzy logic on vector. But R package sets could be good 
tool to work on vector attributes.

  I see two immediate applications. First, for areas traditionally 

by crisp boundaries (e.g., soils, geology, wetlands) we should have a
mechanism to define fuzzy boundaries. 

it is included

Second, we should have a mechanism to
query maps with terms such as 'near,' 'far,' 'large,' and 'steep.'
It will be included in third module which is much difficult to write 
because it require parser of  expressions. But I work on it. So if you 
have software of Francois, send me it.


P.S still ban on my e-mails on your server.


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Fuzzy logic in GRASS

2010-03-03 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Thanks Rich!
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Univariate Statistics

2010-03-02 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Luis Lisboa pisze:


I need to do some univariate statitstics that goes beyond the 
max/min/median/average/standard deviation. I need to do some outliers 
detection, distribution analysis and some more basic statistics.
Since GRASS doesn't perform this I would like to know what are people 
using? Some statistical Python module (e.g. Statpy) or other software?


Best regards,

grass-user mailing list

The easiest way is grass + R + spgrass6,
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] major update of*

2010-02-24 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hi list!

I announce major update of*:

new nodule to calculate stream direction and 
inter-stream relation. That module use experimental algorithm to divide 
streams int shorter but near-straight line segments, and next calculate 
its direction (0-360 downstream). It may also divide line into segments 
along ordered lines of the same Strahler, Horton or Main stream order, 
depending on user choice. More in the description.

I didn't know any GIS software which do such or similar segmentation. If 
someone knows  (open or proprietary) I will be grateful for pointing it.

major update now it can calculate distance to 
streams/junction/outlet downstream (default, it was previously available 
as thje whole module) and new option to calculate distance to the local 
or farthest maximum/divides upstream. See more details in the description.

Jarek Jasiewicz

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user]

2010-01-28 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

stephen sefick pisze:

Thanks for the response - I moved the values to the closest synthetic
stream, and it worked without a hitch.  Thank you again for your time.
kindest regards,


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:37 PM, MS wrote:

The points need to coincide with a nearby high value accumulation cell.

r.astream.basins allow to make a 'trick' for such situation:

create  buffer around GPS points, rasterise it and next use it raster as 
stream map. Note that every point shall have its own category

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Problem with r.watershed in Spearfish

2010-01-25 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Margherita Di Leo pisze:

Hi list!

I often used r.watershed without problems, but today i had a very 
strange one. Please can anyone verify that?

I used Spearfish mapset, map: elevation.10m:

g.region res=100
r.watershed elevation=elevation@permanent threshold=100 
accumulation=acc_10 drainage=dir_10 stream=str_10 convergence=5 

The stream map has many streams with 0 value.
The problem is only with res=100.
Does r.watershed fail?

Thank you

confirmed for resolution between 90 to 110. With less than 90 and over 
110 everythink is OK

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] forcing raster accept only integer 0

2010-01-21 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Milton Cezar Ribeiro pisze:

Hi Glynn,
Thanks for the reply. By the way, where I can have access to

the list of datatypes for a raster map? I ran on my raster map
and got datatype=CELL. I was expecting to get byte,float,integer...
2010/1/22 Glynn Clements

Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:

 I am trying to work around with a problem of map size under
Vista (2G).
 I was wondering if I use the command below I will get a raster
 map with values integer and =0.

That will produce an integer map with no negative values.

 As my original map have values positive and negative, as well as
 it is fload, my question is if are there a way of I force my output
 map accept only integers=0. By the way, is there a way
 of I know if a map is float or integer?, or -t if you
only want the type.

Glynn Clements

grass-user mailing list

DCELL= double precison

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Major update of and New module:

2010-01-05 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hi all!

A have made major update with and new functionality:

- it can now create table to store drainage network topology. This table 
can be added to vector file. For more details see 
description.html new functionality:

- much easier stream selection: now we can type only stream categories 
to create basins. No map algebra is necessary
- r.water.outlet functionality added to (define outlet 
by coordinates)

- definition of outlets by vector point file

this is a helper module for linear geostatistics and local stream 
properties analysis. Nothing exciting


I have a problems with svn repository. If there are some problems with 
downloading or compiling please let me know, I will try to update as 
soon as possible.


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] grass-7.0.svn with gdal installation problem on ubuntu9.10

2009-12-09 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Pankaj Kr Sharma pisze:

Hello group,
I have run it with grass-6.5.svn but the same gdal and gdal-grass 
plugin are not working with grass-7.0.svn.

Any suggestions!

grass-user mailing list
This is because different library version for grass65 and 7. This will 
also repeated if you using R. If you will try run spgrass on R from 
grass7 you will se following error:

Incompatible library version for module. You need to rebuild GRASS
or untangle multiple installations.
GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ 


import data and run R in grass65 which is fairy stable, use 7 only for 


create new user and install locally both gdal and grass7 locally for 
that user


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] accumulation map from directions map

2009-11-19 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Achim Kisseler pisze:

Hello again,

I am still searching a method to generate a flow accumulation map from a
flow direction map.

I got the direction map from an arcgis user. In arcgis the module
FLOWACCUMULATION(FLOW_DIR) would do this, but I want to use an open
source solution.

If anyone could give me a hint, where I could find a tool like this
(inside GRASS it does not seem to be possible), I would be very grateful.

Best regards,
grass-user mailing list

there shoud be no problem if you have oryginal DEM
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] - stream dir map output

2009-11-16 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

M S pisze:

As an output from r.streams.extract, I'm getting a stream direction
map that is only along the stream network, and null everywhere else.
From the manual, it seems the direction map needs to be for the entire
study area.  I am looking to feed the streams and direction map into
the module.
Since I'm on GRASS 6.4RC5, I dont have MFD option in my r.watershed,

so I rely upon extract to output the stream network and the
direction map.  I had seen a portion in the notes stating Nowadays f
direction map comes from must be patched by direction
map from r.watershed. (with r.patch).

I wouldnt think I could patch the SFD direction output from
r.watershed with the MFD stream direction map to create a direction
map for the entire study area.  Is there another solution to use MFD?
if grass64 really do not have MFD (i'm suprised!) the only solution is 
to compile grass 65 from source


grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] New version of

2009-11-09 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hi all!

I updated order to the new version.
In new version Horton and Hack do not require accum map. It use the 
longest stream length (calculated internally) to determine both Hack and 
Horton. But accum it is still leave as an option. So now Hack stream 
order indicate the longest (previously most accumulated) stream in the 
catchment. Due to the module do not require to read huge accum maps for 
horton and hack orders it works almost twice faster than previously.

I also added (see more in description) but its 
functionality  is now integrated with so I add it only 
as an option for r.watershed. It will be probably depreciated  in the 

Jarek Jasiewicz
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.basins.fill usage

2009-10-16 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

try from grass add-ons it has options (-c and -l flags) 
to generate subbasin without any manual work. Look also into tutorial on 
grass wiki about it (wiki - dokuments*

Achim Kisseler pisze:

Based on this excerpt from the manual, it seems the main
external/perimeter watershed boundary, as well as the internal ridges
need inputted?  The raster map layer depicting ridges should include
the ridge which defines the perimeter of the watershed. The coded
stream network can be generated as part of the r.watershed program,
but the map layer of ridges will need to be created by hand

My question is really about the need to manually digitize ridges
inside the watershed boundary delineated by r.watershed.  As opposed
to running r.watershed with a smaller threshold to get these smaller
basin delineations within a given study area.

If one has to manually digitize the internal ridges in a watershed, I
wondered what the point of the module was.  It obviously has
application, but it seems I am missing something obvious.

Hope that is more clear.

Now its much clearer to me. Thanks.

In my opinion the description ao r.basins.fill is now very detailed. I
don't really understand it. So maybe someone else can help and maybe we
could find out and enhance the description:

I think this one:
r.basins.fill generates a raster map layer depicting subbasins, based
on input raster map layers for the coded stream network (where each
channel segment has been coded with a unique category value)..
is clear.
Input is: raster map X from r.watershed stream=X

Not clear to me is:
...and for the ridges within a given watershed.
which is explained as:
The raster map layer depicting ridges should include the ridge which
defines the perimeter of the watershed.
What should the parameter mean? How should that be stored in a raster-map?
So try out:
- take the stream-network and run r.mapcalc:
 r.mapcalc perimeter=if(X,5,null)
Resulting map is a rastermap with value 5, where stream-network is not
null. The five is raster-cells or map units or what else?
- run r.basins.fill with that and see what happens.

I guess: from each network-segment the subbasin is created which has a
minimum distance of 5 (cells?) to the stream. So its something like a
buffer. contrast to:
...but the map layer of ridges will need to be created by hand (for
example, through digitizing done in v.digit)
= the ridges-map here is a vector-file!


r.basins.fill generates a raster map layer depicting subbasins, based on
input raster map layers for the coded stream network (where each channel
segment has been coded with a unique category value) and for the
ridges within a given watershed. The raster map layer depicting ridges
should include the ridge which defines the perimeter of the watershed.
The coded stream network can be generated as part of the r.watershed
program, but the map layer of ridges will need to be created by hand
(for example, through digitizing done in v.digit).

The resulting output raster map layer will code the subbasins with
category values matching those of the channel segments passing through
them. A user-supplied number of passes through the data is made in an
attempt to fill in these subbasins. If the resulting map layer from this
program appears to have holes within a subbasin, the program should be
rerun with a higher number of passes.
grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Questions about GRASS license and other more restrictive licenses

2009-10-14 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

rabotin pisze:

Hello all,
I've got a question concerning the license of GRASS.
I'm working for a public french research center (INRA : French 
National Institute for Agricultural Research) ; we have developped a 
series of scripts in shell and perl languages for GRASS.
These procedures are made for an informatic platform which is able to 
download under a license more restrictive than GPL license .
And these procedures for GRASS will be accessible for download under 
this license too.
So my question is : is this kind of license (a license more 
restrictive than GPL license) compatible with developing shell scripts 
for GRASS (as GRASS license is GPL license) or not ?

Thanks for any informations you can provide

Here you can read the following lines in the license provided with the 
informatic platform (and this license will be the same for these GRASS 
scripts) :

2) License of the software
a) INRA grants to You by this agreement a non-exclusive, world-wide and
royalty-free license to use the software to the end described hereunder
in the domain of the license, as long as You will comply with the terms
and conditions of this agreement.
b) You are authorised to download, install, execute the software on your
computer within the limit of one license for one computer (one hard
c) Except specific and written agreement of INRA, You are not allowed
to download, install or execute the software on a server.
d) You are not authorised to rent, sell, sublease, distribute, assign,
transfer, license, sublicense or otherwise share the software or one of
INRA’s rights on the software.
e) You are authorised to make a back-up copy of the software provided
You will not use it on any else computer. You are responsible of the
physical security of this copy and of the software.
f) You may personalize the set up of the software or extend its
functions. As well, You may translate, adapt, fix, modify the software
when theses acts are necessary for the use of the software in accordance
with this agreement.
g) INRA reserves the right to correct errors and to determine the
specific forms to which the following acts will be submitted:
The copy of the source code of the software or the translation of this
code are allowed when they are essential for the good working order of
the software with other softwares and when they are essential for the
use of the software in the domain of the license.
Furthermore, You are not authorized to reverse engineer, disassemble or
decompile the software.
Necessary information for good working order with other softwares is
available by INRA, without implying as regard to INRA any undertaking
to supply any assistance or services associated with the software.
h) You are not authorised to extract (that is transfer permanently or
temporarily) whole or a part of the content of the software (data) onto
an other medium, by any mean and in any form. Moreover, you are neither
authorised to re-use (that is to put at the public’s disposal) whole or
a part of the content of the software (data) whatever the form may be.
i) Your are allowed to produce supplementary modules for the software,
to improve or adapt the software provided however that the use of these
modules, supplementary versions, improvements, additions or upgrades
will be used in accordance with this agreement and strictly in the
domain of the licence.
In particular, You undertake to communicate these improvements or
modules to INRA and to allow INRA to use them for its own research
If the improvements or modules are dependant upon the software
(according to code de la propriété intellectuelle), You may not disclose
or transfer them to third parties without the prior and written consent
of INRA on the forms of this distribution.
If the improvement or modules are not dependant upon the software
(according to code de la propriété intellectuelle), You may disclose
and transfer them to third parties, provided You indemnify and hold
harmless INRA with respect to any suit, claim or proceeding brought by
a third party.

Michael Rabotin

I read the licence and I cannot understand it idea. I also afraid it is 
dangerous. If it concerns shell and pearl script it concerns open-code 
software (I mean software where code is fully accessible, not 
open-source sensu stricto) can be partially rewritten or solution used 
in especially shell scripts may be used in similar way in others 
completely independent scripts. I do not know what is area if interest 
of that shell and pearl scripts but publication of it may potentially 
restrict any activity of others who want to use or develop similar 

(i) Your are allowed to produce supplementary modules for the software,
to improve or adapt the software provided however that the use of these
modules, supplementary versions, improvements, additions or upgrades
will be used in accordance with this agreement and strictly in the
domain of the licence.

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: problem making on mac os x

2009-09-28 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

I identified the error, it will be fixed in next few hours
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] stream network extraction

2009-09-23 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Markus Metz pisze:

Hi all,

in grass-addons is a new module for clean stream network extraction 
from flow accumulation. It can extract streams from accumulation maps 
generated with any method (D8, FD8, D-Inf, DEMON, etc) and any 
software, granted that exactly the same elevation map is provided that 
was used to calculate flow accumulation. In case of r.terraflow, that 
would be the flooded (filled) output elevation map, not the elevation 
map used as input for r.terraflow. For e.g. TAS flow accumulation as 
input, it must be the elevation map used within TAS to calculate flow 
accumulation. output is available as raster and vector with unique 
stream IDs. The vector is a complete network with stream segments and 
points for stream heads, confluences and outlets. The raster output 
can be used as input for the* modules of Jarek, also in 


Markus M
grass-user mailing list

Hi Markus, Hi all.

rest of* modules including new for Hortonian 
statistics are now available by grass addons page and by grass add-ons 
svn repository. I actually move tutorial on* to grass wiki page.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] stream network extraction

2009-09-23 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Markus Metz pisze:

Jarosław Jasiewicz wrote:

rest of* modules including new for Hortonian 
statistics are now available by grass addons page and by grass 
add-ons svn repository. I actually move tutorial on* to 
grass wiki page.
Great, IMHO the tutorials on your website are very helpful and show 
nicely all the various results the new* modules can produce. 
Maybe a link to the wiki page can be added to the manuals?

Markus M

Will be,
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] wxpython 3D view

2009-09-21 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

I have one question about 3D view in wxpython
Tcltk version had (still has) one good advantage: it respect current 
region settings - both res and boundaries. It will give us good 
oportunity to review and watch even very huge map with full resolution 
piece by piece (set computational resolution from current view - nviz). 
In wxpython 3D do not respect current regions and will always use the 
whole map.

Or maybe I do something wrong?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] row() and col() problem

2009-06-23 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz


I try to generate map where every cell will have unique value
I do that with following mapcalc formula:


where 451 is the total number of columns + 1

I expected following solution;


But I recived:


Where is the error in formula (or it is rounding problem)?

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] row() and col() problem

2009-06-23 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hamish pisze:

Jarosław Jasiewicz wrote:

I try to generate map where every cell will have unique value
I do that with following mapcalc formula:


where 451 is the total number of columns + 1

I expected following solution;


But I recived:


Where is the error in formula (or it is rounding problem)?

did you change the g.region resolution after creating the map?

if you do  'g.region rast=map' before output is it ok?

Yes, but not



well, the problem may lays elsewhere

r.stats -1 input=map shows expected result, but when I use display cell 
values layer form gis.m it shows wrong results. It change default 
region as I know.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] r.statistics depreciated?

2008-09-30 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

1.) is that module depreciated?
2.) i'd like to rework it to handle floating points numbers. Could be 
there some possible problems with that?

That module seems be faster to calculate statistics for polygons (after 
conversion to raster) than v.rast.stats

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.statistics depreciated?

2008-09-30 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Moritz Lennert pisze:

On 30/09/08 12:28, Jarosław Jasiewicz wrote:

1.) is that module depreciated?

No, what makes you think this ?

I red somewhere...nevermind

2.) i'd like to rework it to handle floating points numbers. Could be 
there some possible problems with that?

AFAICT, one difficulty lies in the fact that the current code calls 
r.reclass which only works with integers. But there might be other 

but it looks it is only for cover map. Base map could be floating?

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] mask in PERMANENT affect on other mapsets during reprojection

2008-06-30 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Hamish pisze:


side-suggestion: before running r.proj run
in the source location then v.proj from the taget location.

Jarekj wrote:

I always do as you suggest (in general other methods (with
cs2cs)  in grass are to complicated),

sorry, I don't understand. is that to say that GRASS is easier or harder
than other methods? (ie, if harder, what areas need improving and what is
a clearer (proj4/gdal) method to use?)

In general in grass help is also suggrested method with manual 
recalculating extension of grass region with cs2cs (and there is also 
wrapper for that program), the method you suggested is also in help, 
both method are grass method

Many Thanks for information you added below, It will help me to finish 
my work faster


Script must additionally check if no mask is present in PERMANENT or
it is a bug and will be removed in the feature


So as I understand the problem will heppen when I have mask in mapset in
source which is named as my target mapset in target location: ussually
it will concern PERMANENT?

* Maps are searched for in the current mapset search path. (g.mapsets)

* PERMANENT is, by default, in the map search path. (hence the name)

* If you like you can use g.mapsets to remove PERMANENT from the (source
  mapset's) search path, then later re-add it, but that may leave you
  with a damaged mapset if the script exits before the path is restored.

* You can switch between mapsets/locations within your script using the
  g.mapset (without an s at the end) module.

* When raster maps are read, the mapset search path is searched for a map
  called MASK. If a map by that name is found in the search path then it
  is applied as the map of interest is read from the disk.

* As Glynn noted, the module internally switches the current mapset, and
  so the for the time when the source mapset becomes the current mapset
  if there is a MASK map in the (source) search path, it will be used.

work arounds include -

o temporarily switching into the source mapset with g.mapset (no s),
  removing everything but the current mapset from the source mapset's
  search path with g.mapsets (with an s), then switching back to the
  target mapset before running r.proj, then after r.proj is done going
  back and adding PERMANENT+any others removed back into the search path.
  As hinted above I think this solution to be rather poor.

o temporarily switching into the source mapset with g.mapset (no s),
  and then run g.findfile element=cell file=MASK. The result (and exit
  code) will tell you if there is a map called MASK in the search path.
  What you do then is up to you. Maybe switch back to the original
  mapset/location and exit with an error or proceed with a warning.

o change the method used by the r.proj code. (as suggested by Glynn)

hope that makes the why a bit clearer.



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Strange error

2008-06-12 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Martin Landa pisze:


2008/6/12 Jarosław Jasiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

GRASS 6.3.svn (polska):~ -n input=mrog_vector output=zb_point
type=point,line, llayer=1 dmax=100
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot select:
select * from mrog_5 where 0 = 1
ERROR:  relation mrog_5 does not exist

Warning:Cannot open select cursor: 'select * from mrog_5 where 0 = 1'
ERROR:Cannot copy table

the input is mrog_vector
error concerns completly different table, which realy don't exist


v.db.connect mrog_vector -p


Probably you have accidently linked not existing table 'mrog_5' to the
vector map.

v.db.connect -p says that no table is connected, in general I know 
nothing about mrog_5 I have never create it.

adationally when I tried to add empty table the same message appear
I remove the vector and import it again, I thing it was accident error 
due to some unknown circumstances, but why became crazy?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] break lines in intersection (rather category problem)

2008-05-16 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Problems may seems simple but isn't

In a simple way (this is only one step there are lots of steps in the 
loop): I have two lines with same category in separate file. I patch 
them and make v.clean to braak them in the crossing point. Now I have 
four lines with same category. I need to load lenghts of every lines to 
database, ( but:

- if I add table and load its length I have sumarrised length of 4 lines
- if I add new categories on another layer I have no way to join 
information about its previous category
So I need new category for every new line to have records in database to 
read its length. And I need the old category as atrribute (something 
like second layer in result)

Any help???
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Dbf driver error during compilation (fresh svn)

2008-04-16 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

During compilation of actual svn I recived error in dbf driver
after make in its directory, there are nothing more messages than exit 
with error code 1

what can be the reason for?
I do not install it so I cannot say if error really exist
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] How to find intersection of two lines

2008-03-20 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz
Hi I have lots of raster, thinned lines and second raster with with one 
line. I must find all points where second line intersect with lines on 
first raster

it is very simple:

r.mapcalc points=if(raster_two==1raster_one==1,1,null())

but there is one exception:


when lines intersect with 45 grades. There is intersection but without 
common point. Naither buffor nor grow is not a solution because I need 
exactly one point lying exactly on line from raster one

Any Ideas
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Issue with atribute column names

2008-03-07 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz


In PG sql table I have columns etykietaPL, etykietaEN while I try to 
update atribute in v.digit module I recive error:

DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
update przekroje set etykieta = 'Dolina Nysy - Wał Brody Drewitz - 
Dolina Lubszy', symbol = 'D', etykietaEN = null, kat = null where cat = 5

ERROR:  column etykietaen of relation przekroje does not exist
LINE 1: ...Wał Brody Drewitz - Dolina Lubszy', symbol = 'D', etykieta_E

It is simple: Capial leters in columns name are not allowed, but why?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] simple shell problem

2008-03-03 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz



g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'

works, but:

bufdist=`g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'`
bufdist=`eval g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'`

not work, while, wery similar structure:

n=`g.region -g | awk -F= '/^n=/ {print $2+2000}'`


i.e what is wrong in bufdist calculation??

thanks if somebody ansfer
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] simple shell problem

2008-03-03 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Manuel Francisco Maestre Páez pisze:

Because of the * you must escape the multiplier operator \* (without
the quotes)

Manuel Francisco Maestre Páez

[EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: -

De: Jaros#322;aw Jasiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: 03/03/2008 09:51
Asunto: [GRASS-user] simple shell problem



g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'

works, but:

bufdist=`g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'`
bufdist=`eval g.region -g | awk -F= '/^nsres=/ {print $2 * 1.45}'`

not work, while, wery similar structure:

n=`g.region -g | awk -F= '/^n=/ {print $2+2000}'`


i.e what is wrong in bufdist calculation??

thanks if somebody ansfer
grass-user mailing list

escape  (  /*  )   is needed in 'expr' command, here is in awk, generaly 
command work but I cannot add the result to variable

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] a few suggestions and questions

2008-03-03 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Nikos Alexandris pisze:

On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 22:52 -0300, Carlos Guâno Grohmann wrote:

Hello all


is plan curvature in r.param.scale broken? I can't get a map of it.
profc works fine. Also is it possible to make r.param.scale work in
latlong regions? (please?)

it is imposible due to polinominal fitting when window is more than 3

Probably not! Just tested... and it says: Lat/Long location is not

Maybe check the PhD thesis:

grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.patch and topology

2008-02-29 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

I found small issue with v.patch
If set of lines are patched to one file, v.bulid is necesarry to rebulid 
topology. On the other way categories cannot be uploaded to database 
(OUT OF MEMORY error mesage!). After all works OK.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Problems with actual grass6.3.cvs

2007-12-18 Thread Jarosław Jasiewicz

Dr. Manuel Seeger pisze:

Hello all,

I have compiled the actual grass6.3.cvs
When I start it, it hangs up at the start screen of the gis.m gui.
Working on Ubuntu 7.10
sun 64 bit

Best regards and wishes


looks like well-known problem of make distclean

grass-user mailing list