Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-26 Thread mitch_TX

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 20:46 -0800, Hamish wrote:
ok so from the command line 'd.mon x0' should work to open a monitor,
 and you could try the steps first from the command line (keep it simple).
 If all works there you can move to trying launching it from a GUI.
 i.class will always want to run in an xmon + console though.
 this gets i.class working for me using the sample Spearfish imagery
 g.region rast=spot.comp
 d.mon x0

When I do that, I get the following warning using the wxPython GUI. dx0.png 

d.rast spot.comp

 # need to do following in this order to get the r,g,b bands in correct
 #  order in the group/$GROUP/REF file  (??) I'm not really sure.
 # create group gr=spotspear,,
 # create subgroup gr=spotspear subgr=spot.test,,


# add another map for fun gr=spotspear in=spot.comp
# run it
 i.class map=spot.comp group=spotspear1 subgroup=spot.test outsig=test.txt
 it doesn't seem to mind that I was running it from the user1 mapset and
 the images were stored in PERMANENT.
  and then work your way though the menus. the result is a signature
 file in $MAPSET/group/$GROUPNAME/subgroup/$SUBGRNAME/sig/sig.txt
 I'm not sure what good results are supposed to look like.

That's the point. Isn't supposed to be a monitor display?
..divided into three parts. In the upper right corner you see the image. In
the lower right corner, zoomed map portions will be displayed when using the
zoom function. In the left section of the monitor, histograms for the
selected training areas for all channels will be displayed. The training
areas can be digitized 
(Neteler, M., H. Mitasova 2008, pp. 320-321)

It's not happening to me.

  because I'm runnig this magic on Lenny ;-) (I actually
  got the 6.4 version from Sid repository).
 nice, I hadn't realized it has been uploaded there yet.
  is there any way in GRASS to link different map displays
 I am not sure what you mean by that.
 zoom in one moves both?


  and have a brushing (update while dragging)

No. They are general simple windows displaying info regarding coordinates
and Digital Number values like:

Diplay: #
R:# G:# B:#
Map: #, # meters
Lat Long: DD, DD

Moving the cursor on 2 linked displays you have the same geo-info
(you are supposed to link 2 linkable displays) but different RGB values
(generally 2 -- or more -- different bands or color composition are loaded
on different displays).
The meaning of this is allowing a visual inspection (in terms of either
different color composition or shades of gray) of the same area, supported
by a numerical info (DN -- therefore a precise representation of the
reflectance behavior of different surfaces).
I don't know if I made myself clear..I can show you a couple of screen-shots
as soon as I get to the department (it's going to be Envi and Erdas
though...I hope you guys don't mind commercial images on this forum :-))

 or even a static d.what.rast?
 I am not sure what you mean by that.
 maybe r.what does what you want?

In order to use r.what you are supposed to use a separate file containing
the points you are querying, right?
No, this is not exactly what I'm talking about...or better, the outcome is
but it's not the interaction that I'm looking for. I'm talking about a
pointer based like d.what.rast one.



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Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-26 Thread mitch_TX

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 21:28 -0800, Hamish wrote:
  i.class map=spot.comp group=spotspear subgroup=spot.test outsig=test.txt
 hmmm, if I try the same from gis.m in grass65 I get:
 required: NO
 Enter the name of an existing input file
 Hit RETURN to cancel request
 [$GISBASE]/etc/ line 29: 20596 Segmentation fault  $@
 ERROR: i.class exited abnormally. Press enter to continue.
 and the xterm closes.

Yes, this is what I was talking about in one of my previous post while using
the wxPython GUI I get this x0.png 

but we already said that was under development.

 Ok, it's a bug: the menu item wasn't opening an xmon for you, and wasn't
 disabling GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE for i.class.
 For the Tcl/Tk GIS.m GUI now fixed in svn, rev 36103.
 cd gui/tcltk/
 svn up

I'm sorry Hamish, could you be a bit more for dummies for me ? :-) I'm
still not so familiar with this. Do I have to go in the tcltk directory and
run svn up - make? Or do I have to download something somewhere. Again, I
got the 6.4 version from Sid but now I switched back on Lenny...would that
work the same?
Besides, are you suggesting to switch back to the tcltk GUI to make it
work?..I kind of liked the wxPython one.


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Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-22 Thread mitch_TX


let me start saying that I do like the wxpython's very nice and
usable. It really is!, thank you guys for all the work you've been
doing for the community!

As far as the classification:


Command: it works either @user or @permanent.
GUI: I got stuck at the i.cluster window. How do I set the sampling interval
values? I'm not allow to use any kind of character but do I
differentiate row and column value? sampling.png 

If I leave 1 value I get this error:
ERROR: option sample must be provided in multiples of 2 You provided 1
items:   50

I've notice that window has been changed: shouldn't “Name of imagery
sub-group” and “Name of the raster map(s) to include in group” be under the
Required tab rather than Optional? (don't get me wrong, I don't want to
criticize in a “bad” way, it's because maybe you receive a lot of feedbacks
about other parts and this module is not so usedI haven't seen so many
Remote Sensing questions lately...that's why).

-Supervised- I couldn't figure out how to make it work.
Command: group=l_sup sub=l_sup

Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to group
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup
Adding raster map lsat7_2002...@permanent to subgroup complete.

g.region -p rast=lsat7_2002_40

projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
zone:   0
datum:  nad83
ellipsoid:  a=6378137 es=0.006694380022900787
north:  228513
south:  214975.5
west:   629992.5
east:   645012
nsres:  28.5
ewres:  28.5
rows:   475
cols:   527
cells:  250325

Command finished (0 sec)

i.class group=l_sup sub=l_sup map=lsat7_2002_40 outsig=outsig

Command finished (0 sec)

...but nothing more than that. Shouldn't I be prompted to a display where I
can draw my region of interest? (I don't know, maybe I'm expecting something
that it's not supposed to be).

Imagery → Classify image → Interactive input for supervised classification
(requires Xterm)

a blank Monitor display and a new shell appear and nothing else.

Are all of the GUI issues due to this
(Status: development not started yet)

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Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-21 Thread mitch_TX


 it's in Raster - Manage map colors - Create RGB 
 there was a wish a while ago to build a menu tree for the commands, not 
 sure if it went anywhere. Maybe something could be built into 
 tools/ (add a line of text under each module descr with 
 italicized a-b-c menu location?)

todo. hmmm...

xml2  gui/wxpython/xml/menudata.xml | grep -B5000 $MODULE | \
   sed -e 's+^/menudata/menubar/menu/++' | tac | \
   grep '/label=\|^label=' | grep -B1000 '^label=' -m 1 | ... ?

may have to call in awk..

 ..thanks, Moritz told me where to find bad!

if you know it's there but can't find it, what hope does a new user have
of learning that it exists? It indicates a non-intuitive placement or
where the label could be improved. This sort of feedback is rather
valuable IMO.

I'm generally familiar with getting to know new GIS sw and new GUIs..that
was my bad (probably not too much attention). Commercial sw give you the
possibility to save your visualization once loaded (menu file-save
as...and stuff like that)...d.rast doesn't. Maybe I was expecting to find
composite as a key word in a first level menu rather that Create RGB in
a second level...but again, I wasn't paying too much attention. Once you
start understanding that in the GRASS GUI you have to look for a word
related to the module, you've got it (i.*it's got to be in that Imagery
menu somewhere, doesn't it?)
I have to be honest though, the amount of mickeys using GRASS is pretty
relevant but, giving its CL nature (virtually everything could be done just
typing), this comment doesn't really make sense (unless the direction is
really toward a usable GUI as I read in a paper somewhere).

  I would say mitigated not corrected. The imagery modules generally 
  still don't like to look at maps in @othermapsets, and generally don't
  like @currentmapset tacked on map names either. But hopefully it breaks
  less now and exits with an understandable error message.
  The imagery libs need some TLC.

 Are you saying that it's not a matter of version?
no. it should be better in 6.4. Just that even with the new fixes the
imagery modules (library) are still not as solid as the raster modules
in this regard.

 Would I have the same problem with the 6.4?
I don't know. Hopefully it is fixed, but it might not be. (feedback
from users is really the only way to know)

 I'm sure it doesn't work when I copy the images in the user mapset...
 would that work working in PERMANENT?
try with the imagery maps in the same mapset. perhaps with the maps
in PERMANENT you don't need @mapset (it's in the search path), so
it would be ok. shrug.

 I did try to include the images in the group using the
 graphic way but deleting (in the box) luck.
you can look in the $MAPSET/groups/ files too, they are just plain text.

for all of the above --
I installed 6.4 0rc3 and the I realized that for a couple of times
unsupervised was working entering @user and using permanent as a pool. Then,
same thing (unable to find the signature file...when all the files are there
in the group!). So I entered @permanent and worked there...fine (I still
don't understand the inconsistency). I entered  @user, copied the images and
it worked. BTW I used only the GUI (I was testing it) so, a bunch of double
clicks generating a bunch of @here and @there in the file naming...that
wasn't the problem (at least in my case).

 But still, how about the Supervised? Wouldn't that work
 and tell me that THERE IS a sub-group
 since I used it (the one created via command) for the
 Usupervised? (I tried to create another group -- via command --
 and run the i.class but when I have to define the
 subgroup...nothing! doesn't find it.

I don't work with any of the classification stuff, so am not really
familiar with them, but if you can recreate the problem(s) from the
command line, using the North Carolina or Spearfish sample datasets,
please post the commands to trigger it to the bug tracker and we can
try and reproduce it at our end.

supervised...oh man, my black ship :-)
from GUI it seemed to be working the first time:

OPTION:   Name of raster map to be displayed
 key: map
  format: name
required: YES

Enter the name of an existing raster file
Enter 'list' for a list of existing raster files
Hit RETURN to cancel request

OPTION:   Name of input imagery group
 key: group
  format: name
required: YES

Enter the name of an existing group file
Enter 'list' for a list of existing group files
Hit RETURN to cancel request

OPTION:   Name of input imagery subgroup
 key: subgroup
  format: name
required: YES
enter option  landsuper

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] 

OPTION:   File to contain result signatures
 key: outsig
  format: name
required: YES

Enter a new output file name
Hit RETURN to cancel request

Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-21 Thread mitch_TX

Oh guys have to excuse me...I've just started the wxpython GUI and
it looks pretty cool =), forget all I posted before and let me try it.
I'll maybe solve my problems...thanks.

Sorry again,

Glynn Clements wrote:
 Hamish wrote:
 [finding r.composite]
 mitch_TX wrote:
  it's in Raster - Manage map colors - Create RGB 
  there was a wish a while ago to build a menu tree for the commands, not 
  sure if it went anywhere. Maybe something could be built into 
  tools/ (add a line of text under each module descr
  italicized a-b-c menu location?)
 todo. hmmm...
 xml2  gui/wxpython/xml/menudata.xml | grep -B5000 $MODULE | \
sed -e 's+^/menudata/menubar/menu/++' | tac | \
grep '/label=\|^label=' | grep -B1000 '^label=' -m 1 | ... ?
 may have to call in awk..
 I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm 95% certain that it
 would be easier to do it in Python, probably by cannibalising
 Glynn Clements
 grass-user mailing list

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Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-19 Thread mitch_TX

Hi Hamish,

GRASS cd $GISBASE/etc/gm/ 
GRASS less gmmenu.tcl 
/composite  [Enter] 
up up up 

it's in Raster - Manage map colors - Create RGB 

there was a wish a while ago to build a menu tree for the commands, not 
sure if it went anywhere. Maybe something could be built into 
tools/ (add a line of text under each module descr with 
italicized a-b-c menu location?) 

[note to self: update the synopsis PDF for 6.4.0] 

..thanks, Moritz told me where to find bad!

perhaps the computational region is different than the map's? 

config - region - change region - set region to match this raster map 

I did that but I'll try it again (I'm not completely sure that I checked the 
while I was trying to do it via GUI -- I'm sure I did it via fact 
good output).

I would say mitigated not corrected. The imagery modules generally 
still don't like to look at maps in @othermapsets, and generally don't 
like @currentmapset tacked on map names either. But hopefully it breaks 
less now and exits with an understandable error message. The imagery libs 
need some TLC.
Are you saying that it's not a matter of version? Would I have the same problem
with the 6.4?
I'm sure it doesn't work when I copy the images in the user mapset...would that 
working in PERMANENT?
I did try to include the images in the group using the graphic way but deleting 
(in the box) luck.

But still, how about the Supervised? Wouldn't that work and tell me that THERE 
IS a sub-group
since I used it (the one created via command) for the Usupervised? (I tried to 
create another group -- via command --
and run the i.class but when I have to define the subgroup...nothing! 
doesn't find it.



Da: Hamish (via Nabble)
A: mitch_TX
Inviato: Mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009, 20:25:52
Oggetto: Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

mitch wrote: 
 How do I actually save a color composite image as a raster? 
 I couldn't find r.composite :working:..too much work. 

GRASS cd $GISBASE/etc/gm/ 
GRASS less gmmenu.tcl 
/composite  [Enter] 
up up up 

it's in Raster - Manage map colors - Create RGB 

there was a wish a while ago to build a menu tree for the commands, not 
sure if it went anywhere. Maybe something could be built into 
tools/ (add a line of text under each module descr with 
italicized a-b-c menu location?) 

[note to self: update the synopsis PDF for 6.4.0] 

 The other question is something that has been getting me 
 crazy for a couple of days: classifications. 
 (GUI: Imagery → Classify Image → Clustering input for 
 unsupervised classification) 
 Reading image ... 
 Iteration 1: % Convergence: 80.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left) 
 Iteration 2: % Convergence: 100.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left) 
 (Pretty short output, innit?) 

perhaps the computational region is different than the map's? 

config - region - change region - set region to match this raster map 


 There were issues in 6.3 with the GUI appending @MAPSET to names 
 whereas the i.* commands couldn't deal with such names. This was 
 corrected since (but probably after 6.3 came out). 

I would say mitigated not corrected. The imagery modules generally 
still don't like to look at maps in @othermapsets, and generally don't 
like @currentmapset tacked on map names either. But hopefully it breaks 
less now and exits with an understandable error message. The imagery libs 
need some TLC. 


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[GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-18 Thread mitch_TX

Hi community,

This semester I'm teaching an Intro Remote Sensing course using commercial
softwares. Since I'm a free spirit, my goal at the end of the semester is to
show the students that everything could be done using GRASS rather than
Envi,Erdas or Idrisi.
Given the fact that they are familiar with GUIs, I'd like to use “graphical”
commands as much as possible (I don't want to scare them)

I have a few questions:

How do I actually save a color composite image as a raster? I know how to
create it and visualize it
(GUI: Add RGB or HIS layer → I choose the bands → Display active layer on
the Map Display)
(Command: d.rgb red=lsat5_1987...@landsat green=lsat5_1987...@landsat
blue=lsat5_1987...@landsat -o)
...but I don't know how to save it, say, to use it as a base image to draw
ground truth for a supervised classification.

The other question is something that has been getting me crazy for a couple
of days: classifications.

(GUI: Imagery → Develop images and groups → Create/edit group. In the window I type the name of the group, sub-group and I include rasters
in the group)
(Command: group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try
and the output is:

group [lsat_try] - does not yet exist. Creating...

Adding files to group [lsat_try]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]

Writing group REF


Adding files to subgroup [lsat_try]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]

Writing subgroup REF


So far so good..right?

(GUI: Imagery → Classify Image → Clustering input for unsupervised

In the i.cluster window I type lsat_try for the group, lsat_try for the
sub-group, lsat_sign for the signature file, say 15 classes, 50,50 for the
sampling, lsat_rep for the report.txt (the rest is by default)
(Command: i.cluster group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try sigfile=lsat_sign
classes=15 sample=50,50 iterations=30 convergence=98.0 separation=0.0
min_size=17 reportfile=lsat_rep.txt)


Reading image ... 

Iteration 1: % Convergence: 80.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 2: % Convergence: 100.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

(Pretty short output, innit?)

(GUI: Imagery → Classify Image →Maximum likelyhood classification)

I fill the boxes with the required info
(Command: i.maxlik group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try sigfile=lsat_sign
class=class_try reject=class_try_rej)

but my output is the following:

Can't read signature file [lsat_sign].

The thing that is literally driving me crazy is that sometimes it works (few
times) others it doesn't (I generally I get error messages saying that the
sub-group doesn't exist in the mapset).

I delete everything and I start over using only the command line: group=lsat_try sub=lsat_try


group [lsat_try] - does not yet exist. Creating...

Adding files to group [lsat_try]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]

Writing group REF


Adding files to subgroup [lsat_try]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]

Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]

Writing subgroup REF


i.cluster group=lsat_try sub=lsat_try sig=lsat_sign classes=15

Reading image ... 

Iteration 1: % Convergence: 65.36 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 2: % Convergence: 71.92 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 3: % Convergence: 86.67 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 4: % Convergence: 90.74 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 5: % Convergence: 93.32 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 6: % Convergence: 95.15 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 7: % Convergence: 96.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 8: % Convergence: 96.29 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 9: % Convergence: 96.70 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 10: % Convergence: 96.31 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 11: % Convergence: 96.70 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 12: % Convergence: 96.68 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 13: % Convergence: 96.75 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 14: % Convergence: 96.84 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 15: % Convergence: 96.98 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 16: % Convergence: 97.27 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 17: % Convergence: 97.54 (0s elapsed, 0s left)

Iteration 18: % 

Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-18 Thread mitch_TX

I forgot:

Debian Lenny fresh installation
GRASS 6.3 fresh installation


mitch_TX wrote:
 Hi community,
 This semester I'm teaching an Intro Remote Sensing course using commercial
 softwares. Since I'm a free spirit, my goal at the end of the semester is
 to show the students that everything could be done using GRASS rather than
 Envi,Erdas or Idrisi.
 Given the fact that they are familiar with GUIs, I'd like to use
 “graphical” commands as much as possible (I don't want to scare them)
 I have a few questions:
 How do I actually save a color composite image as a raster? I know how to
 create it and visualize it
 (GUI: Add RGB or HIS layer → I choose the bands → Display active layer on
 the Map Display)
 (Command: d.rgb red=lsat5_1987...@landsat green=lsat5_1987...@landsat
 blue=lsat5_1987...@landsat -o)
 ...but I don't know how to save it, say, to use it as a base image to draw
 ground truth for a supervised classification.
 The other question is something that has been getting me crazy for a
 couple of days: classifications.
 (GUI: Imagery → Develop images and groups → Create/edit group. In the window I type the name of the group, sub-group and I include
 rasters in the group)
 (Command: group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try
 and the output is:
 group [lsat_try] - does not yet exist. Creating...
 Adding files to group [lsat_try]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]
 Writing group REF
 Adding files to subgroup [lsat_try]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]
 Writing subgroup REF
 So far so good..right?
 (GUI: Imagery → Classify Image → Clustering input for unsupervised
 In the i.cluster window I type lsat_try for the group, lsat_try for the
 sub-group, lsat_sign for the signature file, say 15 classes, 50,50 for the
 sampling, lsat_rep for the report.txt (the rest is by default)
 (Command: i.cluster group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try sigfile=lsat_sign
 classes=15 sample=50,50 iterations=30 convergence=98.0 separation=0.0
 min_size=17 reportfile=lsat_rep.txt)
 Reading image ... 
 Iteration 1: % Convergence: 80.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 2: % Convergence: 100.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 (Pretty short output, innit?)
 (GUI: Imagery → Classify Image →Maximum likelyhood classification)
 I fill the boxes with the required info
 (Command: i.maxlik group=lsat_try subgroup=lsat_try sigfile=lsat_sign
 class=class_try reject=class_try_rej)
 but my output is the following:
 Can't read signature file [lsat_sign].
 The thing that is literally driving me crazy is that sometimes it works
 (few times) others it doesn't (I generally I get error messages saying
 that the sub-group doesn't exist in the mapset).
 I delete everything and I start over using only the command line: group=lsat_try sub=lsat_try
 group [lsat_try] - does not yet exist. Creating...
 Adding files to group [lsat_try]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]
 Writing group REF
 Adding files to subgroup [lsat_try]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_10]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_20]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_30]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_40]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_50]
 Adding raster map [lsat5_1987_70]
 Writing subgroup REF
 i.cluster group=lsat_try sub=lsat_try sig=lsat_sign classes=15
 Reading image ... 
 Iteration 1: % Convergence: 65.36 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 2: % Convergence: 71.92 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 3: % Convergence: 86.67 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 4: % Convergence: 90.74 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 5: % Convergence: 93.32 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 6: % Convergence: 95.15 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 7: % Convergence: 96.00 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 8: % Convergence: 96.29 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 9: % Convergence: 96.70 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 10: % Convergence: 96.31 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 11: % Convergence: 96.70 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 12: % Convergence: 96.68 (0s elapsed, 0s left)
 Iteration 13

Re: [GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

2009-02-18 Thread mitch_TX

Thanks Moritz,
I couldn't find r.composite :working:..too much work.

As far as the 6.4, I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.

Thanks again,

Moritz Lennert wrote:
 On 18/02/09 17:17, mitch_TX wrote:
 Hi community,
 This semester I'm teaching an Intro Remote Sensing course using
 softwares. Since I'm a free spirit, my goal at the end of the semester is
 show the students that everything could be done using GRASS rather than
 Envi,Erdas or Idrisi.
 Given the fact that they are familiar with GUIs, I'd like to use
 commands as much as possible (I don't want to scare them)
 I have a few questions:
 How do I actually save a color composite image as a raster? I know how to
 create it and visualize it
 (GUI: Add RGB or HIS layer → I choose the bands → Display active layer on
 the Map Display)
 (Command: d.rgb red=lsat5_1987...@landsat green=lsat5_1987...@landsat
 blue=lsat5_1987...@landsat -o)
 ...but I don't know how to save it, say, to use it as a base image to
 ground truth for a supervised classification.
 (Raster-Manage map colors-Create RGB)
 The other question is something that has been getting me crazy for a
 of days: classifications.
 Is this  a bug or am I “the bug” :-) ??
 I know that if the command line works, you all may not “see what the
 is”? But as I said I'd like to use the GUI.
 There were issues in 6.3 with the GUI appending @MAPSET to names whereas 
 the i.* commands couldn't deal with such names. This was corrected since 
 (but probably after 6.3 came out). You might want to try with 6.4 (IIUC, 
 there should be a Lenny package available in the repository
 Let's try with the Supervised using the group and sub-group that worked
 (GUI: Imagery → Classify image → Interactive input for supervised
 i.class window, say I want to use the NIR band to draw my truths:
 lsat_try (the group that worked before)
 sub (if I type list to see the available sub-groups I get: no subgruop
 available in the current mapset)
 the same happens if I create a group and sub in the user mapset using the
 copied images.
 What am I doing wrong? :,(
 Can't help you on this one, but maybe same issue of file naming ?
 grass-user mailing list

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Re: [GRASS-user] Frozen GRASS -- SOLVED

2009-02-04 Thread mitch_TX

I just lunched GRASS from shell and everything worked fine.


mitch_TX wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've just installed QGIS and GRASS on Debian Lenny.
 I'd like to know if it possible to use GRASS by itself when on the machine
 is installed QGIS (I'd like to get familiar with its interface and
 commands without using QGIS)
 I try to start GRASS, Enter GRASS (I already created my location and
 mapset) but when I do that, it gets stuck as shown in the screenshot (I
 can move the GIS.m window but not interact with it). If I roll the pointer
 over the tab I get a tooltip saying errorright click - Resize (the
 only command that works) and I get the another window in the screenshot
 and everything goes of! Screenshot.png 
 What am I doing wrong?
 GRASS 6.3.0
 QGIS 1.0.0 (Kore)

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