Hello everyone,
My colleague Tatiana have been trying to install and use GRASS GIS 7.2 (and 
7.4) on Mac OS El Capitán but she had no success, even when turning off her 
protection system. We tried googling some solutions for that, as well as 
looking at intructions, but nothing worked (I am not a Mac user, so the extent 
of my help is limited). Can anyone help us with that?

Below you may find her last e-mail describing the problem.


   ----- Mensagem encaminhada ----- De: Tatiana Motta-Tavares 
<notificati...@github.com>Para: LEEClab/LS_METRICS 
<ls_metr...@noreply.github.com>Cc: Bernardo Niebuhr 
<bernardo_brand...@yahoo.com.br>; Author <aut...@noreply.github.com>Enviado: 
terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2018 10:23:01 BRSTAssunto: Re: 
[LEEClab/LS_METRICS] Testing LSMetrics on Mac OS (#4)
Hi everyone! Tatiana here.

Yes, I have a Macbook pro (it's kind old, I have it since 2012) with OS X El 
I first tried to install the GRASS 7.4, and what's happen is the vault from 
Apple security system don't let it open. But it didn't show any warning or 
message, just don't open. The computes freezes and I must restart the computer 
to proceed. Then I tried to turning off all the system security but nothing 

When I explore the Activity Monitor to figure out what is happening, I was 
running out of RAM because of a "CoreServicesUIAgent" application. By google 
it, it is related to frameworks.

Next step I'm going to try GRASS 7.2 with all the frameworks previously 
installed. Let's see what happens now.

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