Re: [GRASS-user] How to plot a vector field?

2013-06-27 Thread david adam

Many Thanks!  Guessing would not have worked here...

On 06/27/2013 05:07 PM, Hamish wrote:

David wrote:

I would like to plot data which consist of a number of points, each of
which has a latitude, a longitude, an x-velocity, and a y-velocity.  I
want to plot an arrow for each point that starts at the proper latitude
and longitude, and has a length and direction that show the velocity.  I
used to think of these as vector values, but in GRASS a vector is
something else.  What is the proper GRASS terminology for this kind of
data?  What modules do this kind of plot?


use the d.barb module from GRASS 6 addons.

x and y components of velocity are given using attribute column names
in the u= and v= parameters when a GRASS vector (i.e. sparse points)
input= map is given.

"vector maps" mean defined by coordinates, so points, lines, and areas.
"raster maps" mean defined by 2D or 3D array, so constant grids and pixels.

d.barb will work with both GRASS raster and vector points maps,
the meaning of the u=, v= parameters changes according to the context.

  d.barb [-r] [direction=name] [magnitude=name] [u=name] [v=name]
[input=name] [layer=value] [style=string] [color=name] [skip=value]
[scale=value] [peak=value] [aspect_type=string]
[legend_at=x,y[,x,y,...]] [legend_velo=value[,value,...]]
[legend_fontsize=value] [--verbose] [--quiet]

   -r   Rotate direction 180 degrees
 Useful for switching between atmospheric and oceanographic conventions
  --v   Verbose module output
  --q   Quiet module output

 direction   Raster map (or attribute column) containing velocity 
 magnitude   Raster map (or attribute column) containing velocity 
 u   Raster map (or attribute column) containing u-component of 
 v   Raster map (or attribute column) containing v-component of 
 input   Name of input vector map
 layer   Layer number
  A single vector map can be connected to multiple database 
tables. This number determines which table to use.
 default: 1
 style   Style
 options: arrow,barb,small_barb,straw
 default: arrow
 color   Color
  Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
 default: black
  skip   Draw arrow every Nth grid cell
 default: 10
 scale   Scale factor for arrow rendering
 default: 1.0
  peak   Maximum value for scaling (overrides map's maximum)
   aspect_type   Direction map aspect type
 options: cartesian,compass
 default: cartesian
 legend_at   Screen percentage for legend barb ([0,0] is bottom-left)
  Draws a single barb and exits
 options: 0-100
 default: 10.0,10.0
   legend_velo   Velocity for legend key arrow
   legend_fontsize   Font size used in legend
 default: 14

it's still a work in progress, but ~90% of the features are working.


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] How to plot a vector field?

2013-06-27 Thread Hamish
David wrote:

> I would like to plot data which consist of a number of points, each of 
> which has a latitude, a longitude, an x-velocity, and a y-velocity.  I 
> want to plot an arrow for each point that starts at the proper latitude 
> and longitude, and has a length and direction that show the velocity.  I 
> used to think of these as vector values, but in GRASS a vector is 
> something else.  What is the proper GRASS terminology for this kind of 
> data?  What modules do this kind of plot?


use the d.barb module from GRASS 6 addons.

x and y components of velocity are given using attribute column names
in the u= and v= parameters when a GRASS vector (i.e. sparse points)
input= map is given.

"vector maps" mean defined by coordinates, so points, lines, and areas.
"raster maps" mean defined by 2D or 3D array, so constant grids and pixels.

d.barb will work with both GRASS raster and vector points maps,
the meaning of the u=, v= parameters changes according to the context.

 d.barb [-r] [direction=name] [magnitude=name] [u=name] [v=name]
   [input=name] [layer=value] [style=string] [color=name] [skip=value]
   [scale=value] [peak=value] [aspect_type=string]
   [legend_at=x,y[,x,y,...]] [legend_velo=value[,value,...]]
   [legend_fontsize=value] [--verbose] [--quiet]

  -r   Rotate direction 180 degrees
    Useful for switching between atmospheric and oceanographic conventions
 --v   Verbose module output
 --q   Quiet module output

    direction   Raster map (or attribute column) containing velocity 
    magnitude   Raster map (or attribute column) containing velocity 
    u   Raster map (or attribute column) containing u-component of 
    v   Raster map (or attribute column) containing v-component of 
    input   Name of input vector map
    layer   Layer number
 A single vector map can be connected to multiple database 
tables. This number determines which table to use.
    default: 1
    style   Style
    options: arrow,barb,small_barb,straw
    default: arrow
    color   Color
 Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
    default: black
 skip   Draw arrow every Nth grid cell
    default: 10
    scale   Scale factor for arrow rendering
    default: 1.0
 peak   Maximum value for scaling (overrides map's maximum)
  aspect_type   Direction map aspect type
    options: cartesian,compass
    default: cartesian
    legend_at   Screen percentage for legend barb ([0,0] is bottom-left)
 Draws a single barb and exits
    options: 0-100
    default: 10.0,10.0
  legend_velo   Velocity for legend key arrow
  legend_fontsize   Font size used in legend
    default: 14

it's still a work in progress, but ~90% of the features are working.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] How to plot a vector field?

2013-06-27 Thread david adam
I would like to plot data which consist of a number of points, each of 
which has a latitude, a longitude, an x-velocity, and a y-velocity.  I 
want to plot an arrow for each point that starts at the proper latitude 
and longitude, and has a length and direction that show the velocity.  I 
used to think of these as vector values, but in GRASS a vector is 
something else.  What is the proper GRASS terminology for this kind of 
data?  What modules do this kind of plot?

david adam
grass-user mailing list