Re: [GRASS-user] issues with r.horizon incombination with multiprocessing

2017-05-03 Thread Anna Petrášová
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 10:09 AM, Tinsley Wolfs  wrote:
> Hi list,
> Based on a discussion in the list archive, I copied and edited a script that
> parallelizes the r.horizon module across multiple cores (link). I have
> updated this script to work with the current module parameter naming schemes
> where required. Additionally I added a for loop to the main() function, as I
> want it to do the r.horizon module for several areas sequentially (setting
> g.region, etc...).
> I have several issues:
> 1. Each time it creates the workers for the last r.horizon angles for a list
> item, it also creates the workers for the first angles of the next item in
> the list. But it should finish the first workers, copy the raster from the
> temporary mapsets to the current mapset and delete the temporary mapsets
> before creating new workers and starting the process again.
> 2. It doesn't calculate the last angles of the last area part of the list
> that it loops over. Though I think this is because of the first issue which
> is that the order of execution is off.
> Why doesn't it follow the correct order as per the script but move on to the
> next step before finishing the last? I run the script from the simple python
> editor in Grass 7.2.0.

Not sure if that's the problem but it seems this condition on line 232
(unless it messed up the line numbers):

 if(c < cores):

won't ensure all processes will be joined, for example with 4 cores
and 22 processes, you will process and join 5 chunks of 4 processes
and the 2 last ones won't be joined. That's at least what I guessed
from your code, might be something different too.


> ___
> grass-user mailing list
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] issues with r.horizon incombination with multiprocessing

2017-05-02 Thread Tinsley Wolfs
Hi list,

Based on a discussion in the list archive, I copied and edited a script that 
parallelizes the r.horizon module across multiple cores 
 I have updated this script to work with the current module parameter naming 
schemes where required. Additionally I added a for loop to the main() function, 
as I want it to do the r.horizon module for several areas sequentially (setting 
g.region, etc...).

I have several issues:

1. Each time it creates the workers for the last r.horizon angles for a list 
item, it also creates the workers for the first angles of the next item in the 
list. But it should finish the first workers, copy the raster from the 
temporary mapsets to the current mapset and delete the temporary mapsets before 
creating new workers and starting the process again.
2. It doesn't calculate the last angles of the last area part of the list that 
it loops over. Though I think this is because of the first issue which is that 
the order of execution is off.

Why doesn't it follow the correct order as per the script but move on to the 
next step before finishing the last? I run the script from the simple python 
editor in Grass 7.2.0.
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, os, shutil, re
import datetime as dt
import multiprocessing as mp
import subprocess
import atexit

gisbase = os.environ['GISBASE'] = r'C:\\Program Files\\GRASS GIS 7.2.0\\'
gisdbase = r'C:\data\grass'
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['GISBASE'], "etc", "python"))

import grass.script as grass
import grass.script.setup as gsetup

# code to create list with name of vectors to iterate over
className = "bykerne" + "Net"
mapName = className + '@Solar'  # counting layers (sample clusters)
result = grass.read_command('',   # in vector file
flags = 'e',
map = mapName)

result = str.split(result, '\n')
layerCount = result[12] # dblink_num = layers 
layerCount = str.split(layerCount, '=')
layerCount = layerCount[1]  # number of layers
layerCount = int(layerCount)

layerN = 1  # start layer count
outputName = className + '_' + str(layerN - 1)
vectorList = grass.read_command('g.list', type = 'vector', mapset = 'Solar')
vectorList = str.split(vectorList, '\n')
vectorList = ''.join(vectorList)
vectorList = str.split(vectorList, '\r')
vectorList.pop(-1) # final vector list

# parameters
location = 'Denmark'
mhorizon = 'Solar'  
maxDistance = '500' 
hstep = 15  
distance = '1.0'

# start of function definitions:

def worker_horizon(cpu,demh,azimuth, outputNameS):

# Setup Grass Environment, including temporary mapset

mtemp = 'temp'+str(cpu).zfill(2)

gsetup.init(gisbase, gisdbase, location, mtemp)

grass.run_command("g.region",vector = outputNameS +"@Solar")

# map names

prefhor = demh+'hor'

demh = demh+'@Solar'

# run r.horizon for one azimuth angle

azi = str(azimuth)

grass.run_command("r.horizon", elevation=demh, \

  direction=azi, maxdistance=maxDistance, \

  output=prefhor, dist=distance, overwrite = True)

# rename horizon map to proper azimuth name

az = str(azimuth).zfill(3)

tempmap = prefhor+'_0'

horizonmap = prefhor+'_'+az

cmd = tempmap+","+horizonmap

grass.run_command("g.rename",rast=cmd,overwrite = True)

def create_temp(cores):

gsetup.init(gisbase, gisdbase, location, 'PERMANENT')

for count in range(0,cores,1):

temp = 'temp'+str(count).zfill(2)

temp_path = gisdbase+'/'+location+'/'+temp

if(os.path.exists(temp_path) == False):

grass.run_command("g.mapset",flags="c", mapset=temp, 

print(temp+" mapset created.")


print(temp+" mapset already exists. skipping...")

def remove_temp(cores):

# setup is in the target mapset, not temp mapsets

gsetup.init(gisbase, gisdbase, location, mhorizon)

# Delete the temp mapset

for count in range(0,cores):

mapset_temp = 'temp'+str(count).zfill(2)

grass.run_command("g.mapsets", mapset=mapset_temp, operation = 

temp_path = gisdbase+'/'+location+'/'+mapset_temp


if os.path.exists(temp_path):

def copy_mapset(mapset_from,mapset_to,regfilter,overwrite):

# list contents of temp mapset

grass.run_command("g.mapset", mapset=mapset_from, quiet=1)

raster_list =