[green-travel] Sustainable Tourism Marketing Guide

2008-09-01 Thread Valere Tjolle
Be amongst the first to read  the VISION/TOTEM Sustainable Tourism Marketing
Guide, get the 4th annual 2008 Sustainable Tourism Report and benefit from a
50% reduction!
To benefit from the review offer (50% off the usual price) you will need to
order and pay by 19 September and provide a one paragraph/50 word comment on
the marketing guide. First come first served ­ there are only 12 review
copies available.
Said author and report editor, Valere Tjolle " The VISION/TOTEM Sustainable
Tourism Marketing Guide and the Sustainable Tourism Report are intended to
provide informative, useful and stimulating resources for anyone wishing to
create and market a sustainable tourism initiatives effectively. Both guides
are intended to assist Outbound & Inbound Tour Operators, Travel Agents,
Destination Marketing Organisations, Hotels, Resorts, Spas & Tourist
The 42-page Marketing Guide Sections include ³How Sustainability Works for
Competitive Market Advantage², ³10 Sustainable Tourism Markets², ³20 Green
Social Networks² and ³Top Sustainable Tourism Brands². The guide also
includes 12 new innovative low cost marketing methods.
The 45 page Sustainable Tourism Report puts the current challenges - food
security, climate change, global economic situation, development & the MDGs,
terrorism & political instability ­ into perspective and offers
opportunities to understand and overcome them.
Said Valere ³there¹s a vast amount of information around today about both
sustainable tourism and marketing - both these publications are designed to
assist readers pick prosperous and effective paths through that information

"The travel and tourism industry has never faced such enormous challenges,
but then, there have never been such big opportunities either!
The VISION/TOTEM Sustainable Tourism Report and the VISION/TOTEM Sustainable
Tourism Marketing Report cost UK£100, US$200, Euro140 each.
To obtain the Review Special Offer (the guide and the report together for
UK£100, US$200, Euro140):
with "Review Special Offer" as the subject
First come first served ­ 12 copies available of each

All the best


[green-travel] Responsible Travel Itineraries in West Africa

2008-09-01 Thread H.E.L.P. - Responsible Travel
Good morning to all members of the Green Travel group at Yahoo;

The H.E.L.P. Organization, exclusive provider of unique Responsible  
Travel Itineraries in West Africa, proudly invites you to visit our  
new website at http://www.helptravel.org

All of our initiatives are conceived according to the highest  
standards of sustainable tourism:
. Increase the economic benefit to the local community
. Make a positive contribution to conservation of local culture, and  
of the biodiversity of the local area
. Minimize negative social and cultural influences, reducing the  
environmental impact.

H.E.L.P. Travel is currently featured on the September issue of  
National Geographic Adventure magazine.

We thank you for the attention, looking forward to your reply and feed backs.

Best regards,

Luca D'Ottavio

We need your Help to H.E.L.P. the Planet

(+221)775.16.06.53 (skype) helpassociation

[green-travel] Re: ecotourism WHO?

2008-09-01 Thread Hector Ceballos
Hello, everyone:

I have been following the interesting debate on the "ecotourism name".

Perhaps it is opportune to remember my definition of Ecotourism (officially 
adopted by IUCN - The World Conservation Union -, during its 1st World 
Conservation Congress held in Montreal in October 1996:  Resolution CGR 1.67 
'Ecotourism and Protected Area Conservation'):

"Ecotourism is environmentally responsible travel and visitation to
relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy, study and
appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features - both past and 
present), that promotes conservation, has low visitor negative impact, and 
provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local 
populations" (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996). In other words, ecotourism denotes 
nature tourism with a normative element.

If we  refer to "negative ecotourism", that means it is not ecotourism, since 
ecotourism by definition has to be an instrument for nature conservation as 
well as sustainable development.  I have seen very many positive results of 
ecotourism in countries of all the continents, and it is definitely a better 
option than other unsustainable options for land use and development (like 
mining, speculative real estate development and mass tourism development).

Arq. Hector Ceballos-Lascurain
International Consultant in Environmental Architecture,
Ecotourism and Regional Planning
Consultor Internacional en Arquitectura Ambiental,
Ecoturismo y Planeacion Regional
Director General PICE
Camino Real al Ajusco 551
Col. Xolalpa (Tepepan), Tlalpan
14649 Mexico DF, MEXICO
Tel: (52) (55) 5676 8734; Fax: (52) (55) 5676 5285
Web site:  http://www.ceballos-lascurain.com

[green-travel] File - green-travel posting guidelines

2008-09-01 Thread green-travel

What is sustainability?
=> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability

What is sustainable tourism?
=> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_tourism

green-travel posting guidelines

As of August 2008, there were over 2,100 subscribed member addresses on the 
green-travel group.  Keep in mind though, the green-travel archives are 
publicly available on the web, so virtually anyone may read them as well as 
pick-up posted messages via major search engines.  Additionally, green-travel 
is freely available via RSS web feed, commonly used with personal RSS feed 
readers such as Google Reader (http://reader.google.com/).

=> http://rss.groups.yahoo.com/group/green-travel/rss 

Just because the green-travel owner (Marcus L Endicott) uses the group in a 
certain way does not mean that the group should only be used in that way.  For 
example, new members may wish to post brief introductory messages.  In fact, 
old members may also wish to post updated introductory messages about 
themselves and their work at least once per year.

Basically, subscribed members may do anything they want -- until the 
green-travel owner doesn't like it.  The only thing Marcus Endicott has a low 
tolerance for is boring; in other words, if anyone is too boring for too long, 
he will begin to lean on them behind the scenes.  (Of course, the group owner 
claims moderator's prerogative in exception to this rule of thumb about being 
boring himself! ;^))

The general feeling of the group owner is that green-travel is a highly 
underutilized resource; since, there are many if not most of the well known 
experts in the field of sustainable tourism subscribed to green-travel, who 
could potentially answer any question or solve any problem

Although discussion is appropriate, experience has shown that traditional news 
release format is the most efficient way to disseminate announcements.

- Messages must be in simple, plain text format, either without line returns or 
narrowly formatted.  Attachments of any kind are automatically removed for your 
protection, including HTML message formatting
- Please add "http://"; to all web addresses or URLs in order for them to become 
active or "hot" links in non-MS applications, such as the green-travel archives 
on the web.
- Please do not quote or include entire digests or unnecessarily long messages 
in replies.
- Also please include descriptive subject lines, including country whenever 

Messages may be posted in languages other than English; however, non-European 
languages should be accompanied by a translation or summary in English or other 
European language.

Only members may post to the group by sending to: 

Non-members may send messages for the group to the group owner at:

Group members with Yahoo! accounts may post from the web form at:

Multiple email addresses may be associated with a Yahoo! account by using:

What makes a good post for the green-travel group?

- Good messages are on-topic, in this case at least about travel or tourism, 
even if only by inference. More specifically, the topic is culturally and 
environmentally responsible, or green, travel and tourism.
- Original messages make good posts for the green-travel group. Tell us 
something. If its not worth your time and effort writing about something, even 
briefly, then its probably not worth ours reading about it.
- Short messages are better than long ones, think one or two screens, one half 
to one page.
- Good messages have good, clear subject lines, preferably including country 
name. (Where in the world are you?)
- Good messages include "hot" links for more details; web addresses must 
include "http://"; to become "live" in the green-travel archives online.
- Timely news releases make good messages for the green-travel group. 

What makes a bad post for the green-travel group?

- Forwarded messages are less desirable than original ones.
- One-line retorts are generally a waste of bandwidth, something like 
information pollution; if you need to say something like that to someone, then 
its better to send it directly to them privately, and not to the whole group.
- Excessively long messages are generally not good. If you quote previous 
messages, please do so selectively; the worst is to regurgitate entire digests.
- Please do not post survey forms or detailed itineraries directly to the 
group; in these cases, post instead to a web page (for example 
http://googlepages.com/) and just send a link with summary. 

Is the green-travel group moderated?

There seems to be some confusion over whether or not the green-travel group is 
moderated.  The answer is... sort of, semi-moderated.  Over the years since the 
green-travel group was founded at igc.apc.org in 1991, the group has been 
variously completely unmoderated, completely moderat