[GreenYouth] Re: GAZA

2009-01-07 Thread salimtk
and the same soft state has violently been imposing AFSPA in its
north-eastern provinces for the last 50 years.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 10:58 AM, S sanjeev samva...@yahoo.com wrote:

   the alleged soft state is waging a similar dirty war in poonch right
 now;hilarious,isnt it!

 --- On *Wed, 7/1/09, damodar prasad damodar.pra...@gmail.com* wrote:

 From: damodar prasad damodar.pra...@gmail.com
 Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: GAZA
 To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, 7 January, 2009, 10:33 AM


 Nice question. I think you also read had fans of Israel here in this group
 mooting the idea of joint surveillance and military activity between RAW and

 I am sure, a year has not passed. That mail appeared in a 6-months time. I
 also read that Nationalist bouncer mail was also advising Aftab when he
 questioned the very premise of this joint military action. Then after the
 Mumbai attcak, bouncer mail did not fail to mention the Jewish house attack
 in a peculiarly Zionist way.

 I am also sure that the magnitude of tragedy at Gaza by the Israeli rogues
 would have only convinced this bouncer mailer on the prospects of this
 brutal collaboration.

 But its not about an individual or an virtual id.

 Listen to CNN-IBN or read Nationalist English dailies and their puny-little
 minded editorial writers advising that GoI should pursue the Israeli methods
 on Kashmir. And coalescing with this is the killinochi capture. Indian govt
 is then depicted as :soft.. too soft...


 On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Anil M toan...@gmail.com wrote:

 They may be busy in Bangalore training camps...HT reports Israeli
 commandos providing counter terrorist training for  IT company employees
 and others  in Banglore :)

 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:49 PM, bobby. kunhu bobby.ku...@gmail.comwrote:

 who are we expecting to respond?

 2009/1/6 salimtk sali...@gmail.com

 they may not agree with this brutal war on gaza by israel, but when it
 comes to the matter of security of mother-india, they agree to seek help
 even from satan. almost like some parties strongly support palestine
 resistance, but ignore the very right of tibetan resistance.

 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:40 PM, damodar prasad 
 damodar.pra...@gmail.com wrote:

 The bloody fans of Israel- the rogue state in this group.. where are
 I have seen these blood sucking enthusiasts advising the Govt. of India
 to take assistance from Israel on kashmir.

 After any bomb blasts in India and in keeping true to this in the
 aftermath of Mumbai attack, they appeared here in this group. Every one
 reading this group will be remembering.

 D. .Prasad

 Bobby Kunhu http://community.eldis.org/myshkin/Blog/


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[GreenYouth] Fwd: Update from Karnataka on High Vertic on reopening of 12 churches after four and half months

2009-01-07 Thread Rights Support Centre
-- Forwarded message --
From: All India Christian Council aiccde...@gmail.com

 aicc Update from Karnataka

Dear All,

With the effort of AICC, Pastor Rajshekar, group of pastors and the
believers from Davanagere have lodged the writ petition to the High court of
Karnataka in Bangalore. For last four and half moths about twelve churches
in Davanagere of central District of Karnataka have been locked for the
worship .This is due to the force by the communal forces. Groups like RSS
and Bhajarang Dal have beaten believers, pastors and even set fire to the
churches. They also have given false accusations upon pastors and registered
the cases. As a result there was no gathering for the church believers and
they lived under the fear. The High court judge was very hard on distinct
collector by saying 'In the democratic country no one has power to stop any
one worshiping according to the one's own faith. One's faith can be a church
or any other worship centre'.

With the Help of Advocate Shri.Ravi Varmakumar the case
was well presented and argued for the truthful verdict. Today AICC rejoices
with the believers in Davanagere and throughout Karnataka for the victory
that is there for the democracy that is in our state and country. Twelve
churches that have been closed are opened now and the churches that have
been burned Government may compensalate . And all the cases that have been
lodged falsely against pastors have been withdrawn with the immediate effect
of the court verdict. Before the court, the public prosecutor has agreed to
extend protection to the Christians and the minorities in Karnataka state.

Glory be to God,

Together with AICC,



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[GreenYouth] Fwd: Joint Signature Campaign by Citizens of India and Pakistan

2009-01-07 Thread Rights Support Centre
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jatin Desai desaija...@yahoo.co.uk

  Dear All!

Indian and Pakistani civil society and peace loving citizens will commence
joint signature campaign on 9th January 2009 in both the countries. In
India, the campaign will begin in more than 40 cities and in Pakistan more
than 20 cities.
* *
*Joint Signature Campaign by Citizens
of India and Pakistan*

*Against Terrorism, War Posturing and To Promote Cooperation and Peace*

*From 9th January 2009 to 8th February 2009*

Website: http://www.indopakcampaignagainstwarnterror.org

For online signatures Please Visits:

(To be submitted to the Prime Minister of India and the President of
Pakistan with Copies to important political functionaries and media houses
of both countries.)

*We the Citizens of Pakistan and India demand that:*

·The Government of Pakistan and the Government of India should
practice zero tolerance for religious extremism and terrorism in the
interest of the very sustenance and prosperity of both the countries..

·Recognising that the problem of terrorism in both the countries are
qualitatively different,  we urge both the governments to take all
appropriate initiates to contain and root out the activities of all fanatic
and terrorist groups and catch and punish perpetrators of any acts of terror
in their respective countries to make the subcontinent safe and secure for

·Both the governments should immediately set up a Joint Action and
Investigative Agency for total cooperation and mutual assistance to address
and overcome the problem of terrorism effectively and without any further

·War can never be a solution but the beginning of insurmountable
problems for both the countries. Hence both the governments should desist
from war posturing and immediately engage in meaningful and effective
dialogue and actions to address the issue of terrorism and to resolve all
other outstanding problems.

·Both the Governments should follow in letter and spirit all the
Conventions and Resolutions of UN and SAARC against terrorism and for
cooperation to secure an atmosphere of mutual trust and holistic cooperation
that alone could ensure security of all citizens and prosperity of the
entire region.

·We appeal to the media of both India and Pakistan to play a
constructive role in this hour of crisis to propagate and strengthen
positive attitudes for the resolution of all the outstanding problems and
discourage escalation of conflict and adventurism that could jeopardize
peace and prosperity of both the countries.


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[GreenYouth] Unprecedented Numbers of Americans Question Israel's Actions in Gaza

2009-01-07 Thread Venugopalan K M
Unprecedented Numbers of Americans Question Israel's Actions in Gaza

* By Max Blumenthal http://www.alternet.org/authors/6621/,
Huffington Posthttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/.
Posted January 6,

 Could it be the rise of online progressive media telling the truth about
Israel, or that the public rejects the same pundits who sold us Iraq?

Almost as soon as the first Israeli missile struck the Gaza Strip, a veteran
cheering squad suited up to support the home team. Israel is so scrupulous
about civilian life, Charles Krauthammer
*Washington Post*. Echoing Krauthammer, Alan Dershowitz called the Israeli
attack on Gaza, Perfectly
in the
*New York Times*, Israeli historian Benny Morris
country's airstrikes as highly efficient.

While the cheerleaders testified to the superior moral fiber of their team,
the Palestinian civilian death toll mounted. Israeli missiles
least fifteen Palestinian police cadets to shreds at a graduation
ceremony, blew twelve worshipers to
six children) while they left evening prayers at a mosque,
flattened http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/1,7340,L-3649703,00.html the
elite American International School,
sisters while they slept in their beds, and
liquidated http://www.ynet.co.il/english/articles/0,7340,L-3648848,00.html9
women and children in order to kill a single Hamas leader. So far,
forces have killed http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28404637/ at least 500
Gazans and wounded some two thousand, including hundreds of children.
Yesterday, the IDF
of Gaza with white phosphorus, a chemical weapon Saddam Hussein once
Kurdish rebels.

It was Israel at its best, Yossi Klein Halevi
the New Republic.

By New Year's Day, Israel's cheering squad had turned the opinion pages of
major American newspapers into their own personal romper room. Of all the
editorial contributions published by the *Washington Post*, the *Wall Street
Journal*, and the *New York Times* since the Israel's war on Gaza began, to
my knowledge only one offered a skeptical view of the assault. But that
by Israeli novelist David Grossman, contained not a single word about the
Palestinian casualties of IDF attacks. Even while calling for a cease fire,
Grossman promised, We can always start shooting again.

Israeli public relations agents fanned out to broadcast studios from the US
to Europe, fulfilling an aggressive
after the country's catastrophic 2006 attack on Lebanon. An
analysis by Israel's foreign ministry of eight hours of coverage across
international broadcast media concluded that Israeli representatives
received a whopping 58 minutes of airtime compared to only 19 minutes for
Palestinians. Quite a few outlets are very favorable to Israel, namely by
showing [its] suffering. I am sure it is a result of the new co-ordination,
said Major Avital Leibovich, an IDF spokesperson who has become a fixture on
cable news in the past weeks.

But while Israel's PR machine cranked its Mighty Wurlitzer to full blast,
drowning out all opposing voices with its droning sound, a surprisingly
substantial portion of the American public decided to dance to its own tune.
According to a December 31 Rasmussen
far the only measure of US opinion on the Gaza assault), while
remained overwhelmingly supportive of Israel, they were split almost evenly
on the question of whether Israel should attack Gaza -- 44% in favor of the
assault and 41% against it. The internals are even more remarkable.

While Republicans supported the assault on Gaza by a large margin, a
predictable finding, only 31% of Democrats did. Members of the Democratic
base thus stood in sharp contrast to most of their elected 

[GreenYouth] Israeli Barbarism In Gaza By Avshalom In Israel

2009-01-07 Thread Venugopalan K M
Israeli barbarism in Gaza  [image:
Dekel Avshalom in Israel  http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php
Tuesday, 06 January 2009

In a surprise attack last week, Israel's air force infiltrated the Gaza
Strip and started blasting away. On Saturday, the air force was accompanied
by blasting from the navy and infiltration of tanks and foot soldiers into
the Strip causing death and destruction in horrifying dimensions. Up to this
time, the death toll for Palestinians stands at 526 people, with 2500
injured. Israeli officials, in particular Defense Minister Ehud Barak, keep
reminding us that this is just the beginning. Israeli media is overjoyed
in stressing the claim that the majority of the victims are Hamas
soldiers. We do not exactly know how they define a Hamas soldier, but the
fact that 107 of the murdered victims were children, makes it very hard for
us to believe such claims. This attack is overwhelming in nature. It has
been reported that since the 1967 war Israel had never used such a massive
air attack.
 [image: Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip]
 *After an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip*

This attack was preceded by a series of deceptive manoeuvres on the part of
Israel in order to keep Hamas off guard. Israel kept up the pretence of
negotiations on the ceasefire and even allowed goods to enter the Strip.
This deception should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows Ehud
Barak's tactical mind. Just a short while ago, Barak used the same deceptive
tactics in order to lull some entrenched Rightist Jewish settlers in Hebron
before evacuating them by force.

A statesman in such a high position does not normally use such tactics
unless he is desperate. And Barak's desperation is what lies behind such an
unprecedented attack. Barak apparently saved the attack for a special moment
in which he could improve his position in the polls for the upcoming
national elections. These polls consistently show that the party under his
leadership will receive its lowest number of votes to date.

For a long time Barak postponed the attack so it would not seem that he was
working under the pressure of his opponents. He wanted the credit all for
himself. Now, the Israeli masses, worked up by the media, got what the media
told them they wanted: revenge. Barak plans to surf on a wave of Palestinian
blood into a position of larger number of seats in parliament.

In many ways, this attack has similarities with the Lebanese fiasco in 2006.
It also is a staggering failure for Israel from the very moment it was
concocted in the twisted minds of Barak and the army generals. Just as in
Lebanon, also here the army has failed to stop the rocket launching into
Israel. Hamas launched hundreds of them uninterruptedly, killing 3 Israelis
in one day and wounding several others. It would also not be surprising if
it comes out that the army wanted this result in order to incite Israelis
against the Palestinians and to maintain support for the current operation.
Just as in Lebanon, also here the operation has no concrete purpose. It is
obvious that it cannot destroy Hamas, which will surely rearm itself within
a few months of the operation ending. So it all seems just like an
unleashing of random violence by the army for no obvious reason other than
crude revenge. The difference between the current operation and the Lebanese
one is that now the media is full of praises for the Defense Minister and
the army on the exact level of performance that was shown in Lebanon.
Collaborating democracy with imperialism

How do we explain a situation where the Israeli masses have been whipped up
into such a state of mind of a vengeful and shortsighted focus of their
political worldview on getting back at the Palestinians? What should not
be underestimated here is the psychological warfare the Israeli ruling elite
has been waging against the Israeli masses. The media, the military and the
politicians have been collaborating to create the impression that the rocket
launching from the Gaza Strip has made the surrounding Israeli settlements
look like a war zone. In actual fact, since 2004 to just before the recent
operation began, the number of Israelis killed by such rockets is less than
15. To put things in perspective, the number of Israeli workers that died
because of accidents in their workplaces during this period, was over 10
times that number. This number also resembles the number of Israelis that
die in traffic accidents in less than two weeks. So if Barak is really so
eager to protect Israeli lives through military means, he should be
mobilising the air force against the Israeli bourgeoisie and the state
bureaucrats responsible for transport safety rather than against the
Palestinian masses!

[image: Drawing by Latuff]The military is making the 

[GreenYouth] Article By Alamwoods, appeared in In Defence of Marxism 02-01-2009

2009-01-07 Thread Venugopalan K M
At the dawn of a new year  [image:
Alan Woods  http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php   Friday, 02 January

With the exception of New Year, the most important festivals in the western
world are associated with events in the Christian calendar. However, it is
well known that these festivals have their real roots in the old pagan
religions and were generally linked with the different solstices and their
relation to agriculture.

Christmas was the old pagan winter festival derived from the Roman
Saturnalia with other pagan admixtures of Germanic and Scandinavian origin.
There is no mention of the date of Christ's birth in the Bible. The early
Christians celebrated the birth of Christ on the sixth or seventh of January
(a tradition still maintained in the Orthodox Church). With their customary
opportunism, the leaders of the Church changed the date to the 25th December
to take advantage of the old pagan tradition.

Easter was the festival of the Spring Equinox, with its associations with
ancient fertility rites (the English word Easter is derived from the pagan
goddess Eostre or Ostara). Haloween has roots in the Celtic festival of
Samhain, when people communed with the spirits of the dead and thereby
averted their anger. There are countless other examples that bear witness to
the stubbornness with which humanity clings to the past.

The persistence whereby men and women preserve ideas and beliefs rooted in a
remote and primitive past is proof of the profoundly conservative nature of
human thought in general. Tradition, habit and routine weigh heavily on
human consciousness. As a rule people do not like change, particularly
sudden change that upsets their preconceived notions and beliefs.

But at decisive moments a series of small, imperceptible changes reach a
critical point where quantity becomes transformed into quality. Then all the
old ideas and prejudices are thrown into confusion. Men and women are forced
in spite of themselves to question their old ideas, and also the kind of
society they live in, its morality and justice.

Such a critical point was reached in 2008, when, after a long period of
economic growth, the world economy entered into a sharp decline, which has
not yet run its course. This fact has profoundly impacted on the
consciousness of all classes in society, from the ruling class, the bankers,
politicians and bureaucrats, through the middle class, small businesspeople
and intellectuals, to the majority of humankind: the workers, peasants and
poor people.

After a long period of relative prosperity, in which the values of free
market economics were accepted without question and the impressive firework
display of globalization dazzled the vision and befuddled the brains of the
so-called intelligentsia (including the Left), it is no wonder that the
first reaction to the economic crisis is one of shock and disbelief.
Consciousness, with its innate conservatism, is still lagging far behind
events, which are moving at breathtaking speed throughout the planet.

This state of affairs can only be surprising for minds that have been
atrophied by formalistic thinking. For anyone with the slightest knowledge
of dialectics, it is no surprise at all. Formalism rejects contradictions
and cannot cope with them, whereas dialectics embraces contradictions and
explains their logic and necessity.

It will take some time for the consciousness of the masses to catch up with
events. This consciousness still lives in the past and is hoping against
hope that the present crisis will be only a temporary interruption of
normality which, if we are patient, will surely return. The alleged
backwardness of the masses is only apparent and is destined to change into
its opposite.

The real backwardness is in the psychology of the leaders of the mass
organizations: the leaders of the trade unions, the socialist and communist
parties, who have long ago abandoned all idea of socialism and adapted
themselves to capitalism. Their only aspiration is that capitalism will, for
some reason unknown to science, shed its ugly and oppressive features and
acquire a humane and progressive character.

But the economic crisis has placed on the order of the day not a peaceful
and democratic capitalism, but mass unemployment, savage cuts in wages and
conditions, the abolition of social reforms and a general worsening of
living standards. This is a recipe for class war on a massive scale. That is
the reality of capitalism in 2009 and not the sugary illusions of the
reformists who understand nothing and are only capable of seeing the
backside of history.

It frequently happens that the intelligent representatives of Capital come
to the same conclusions as the Marxists. At the time when the reality of the
financial collapse finally made 


2009-01-07 Thread Venugopalan K M
New York Times,  page A1 of the New York edition. January 2, 2009


by Dexter Filkins

Kabul, Afghanistan ? When it comes to governing this violent,
fractious land, everything, it seems, has its price.

[Photo] Danfung Dennis for The New York Times
[Caption] A man pulls a cart loaded with fire wood past a mansion
owned by high-ranking government officials in the Sherpur
neighborhood of Kabul.

[Photo] Danfung Dennis for The New York Times
[Caption] The mansions of Afghan officials in the Sherpur
neighborhood of Kabul are a curiosity not only for their size, but
also because government salaries are not very big.

Want to be a provincial police chief? It will cost you $100,000.

Want to drive a convoy of trucks loaded with fuel across the country?
Be prepared to pay $6,000 per truck, so the police will not tip off
the Taliban.
Need to settle a lawsuit over the ownership of your house? About
$25,000, depending on the judge.
?It is very shameful, but probably I will pay the bribe,? Mohammed
Naim, a young English teacher, said as he stood in front of the
Secondary Courthouse in Kabul. His brother had been arrested a week
before, and the police were demanding $4,000 for his release.
?Everything is possible in this country now. Everything.?

Kept afloat by billions of dollars in American and other foreign aid,
the government of Afghanistan is shot through with corruption and
graft. From the lowliest traffic policeman to the family of President
Hamid Karzai himself, the state built on the ruins of the Taliban
government seven years ago now often seems to exist for little more
than the enrichment of those who run it.

A raft of investigations has concluded that people at the highest
levels of the Karzai administration, including President Karzai?s own
brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, are cooperating in the country?s opium
trade, now the world?s largest. In the streets and government
offices, hardly a public transaction seems to unfold here that does
not carry with it the requirement of a bribe, a gift, or, in case you
are a beggar, ?harchee? ? whatever you have in your pocket.

The corruption, publicly acknowledged by President Karzai, is
contributing to the collapse of public confidence in his government
and to the resurgence of the Taliban, whose fighters have moved to
the outskirts of Kabul, the capital.

?All the politicians in this country have acquired everything ?
money, lots of money,? President Karzai said in a speech at a rural
development conference here in November. ?God knows, it is beyond the
limit. The banks of the world are full of the money of our statesmen.?
The decay of the Afghan government presents President-elect Barack
Obama with perhaps his most underappreciated challenge as he tries to
reverse the course of the war here. Mr. Obama may be required to save
the Afghan government not only from the Taliban insurgency ?
committing thousands of additional American soldiers to do so ? but
also from itself.
?This government has lost the capacity to govern because a shadow
government has taken over,? said Ashraf Ghani, a former Afghan
finance minister. He quit that job in 2004, he said, because the
state had been taken over by drug traffickers. ?The narco-mafia state
is now completely consolidated,? he said.
On the streets here, tales of corruption are as easy to find as kebab
stands. Everything seems to be for sale: public offices, access to
government services, even a person?s freedom. The examples mentioned
above ? $25,000 to settle a lawsuit, $6,000 to bribe the police,
$100,000 to secure a job as a provincial police chief ? were offered
by people who experienced them directly or witnessed the transaction.

People pay bribes for large things, and for small things, too: to get
electricity for their homes, to get out of jail, even to enter the

Governments in developing countries are often riddled with
corruption. But Afghans say the corruption they see now has no
precedent, in either its brazenness or in its scale. Transparency
International, a German organization that gauges honesty in
government, ranked Afghanistan 117 out of 180 countries in 2005. This
year, it fell to 176.
?Every man in the government is his own king,? said Abdul Ghafar, a
truck driver. Mr. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police
who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several
in a day.

Nowhere is the scent of corruption so strong as in the Kabul
neighborhood of Sherpur. Before 2001, it was a vacant patch of
hillside that overlooked the stately neighborhood of Wazir Akbar
Khan. Today it is the wealthiest enclave in the country, with gaudy,
grandiose mansions that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Afghans refer to them as ?poppy houses.? Sherpur itself is often
jokingly referred to as ?Char-pur,? which literally means ?City of
Yet what is perhaps most remarkable about Sherpur is that many of the
homeowners are