Hindu Rashtra in Delhi

(*Protest by Hindutva organisations against construction of a mosque in
Rohini Sector 16, Delhi…Prayer by the MUSLIMS not allowed by hindutva forces
on 26.6.2009 and those who were coming for the  NAMAZ were beaten up and
chased back. .. Hooligans marched in street to look out for muslims…Women
also participated in large numbers..Timely intervention by the police..19
arrested……Appeal to maintain communal harmony by citizens groups.*

*According to reliable sources, a piece of land was alloted by the DDA to
the ‘Dargah Islamiya Intezamiya Committee’ for a mosque in the area in
North-West Delhi to cater to the longtime demand of the minority community.
In fact people from Rohini have to either to go to Badli or Avantika, if
they have to offer Namaz on anyday..*

**- Based on newspaper reports appearing in Rashtriya Sahara, Rojnama Sahara
(27 th June 2009) and others)


Wahidbhai, who is nearing sixties, is feeling low since last few days.

A doctor by profession, he is suddenly contemplating shifting to his
paternal home in Jama Masjid area from his own flat in Rohini. In fact it
was only a few years ago that he had purchased this flat despite opposition
from his other relatives.

To be very frank the recent developments in his own neighbourhood have left
him completely devastated. He had not imagined in his wildest dreams that
many of his own neighbours – who were regular visitors to his house as well
as clinic – would have no qualms in raising slogans which stigmatised the
whole minority community.

It was true that in this part of Delhi, people owning allegiance to his
faith – who were not in significant numbers – had to travel a few kilometres
just to offer Namaz on special occasions. And during the time of Ramzan when
people fasted for the whole day, it became further difficult to do so.
Sometime back the government had agreed to the proposal put forward by a
local organisation for a mosque and had granted a piece of land in the area.
Many community members in the area had contributed wholeheartedly and a
token amount was deposited with the government in lieu of the piece of land.

Wahidbhai shivers to think if the police had not shown enough alertness what
could have happened on the day when people had gathered there to offer
Namaz.(Friday, 26 th June 2009).It was a mere coincidence that he was away
on that day and had gone to meet his relatives in the other part of the
city. Although he had noticed the manner in which Hindutva forces had become
hyperactive supposedly to stop the construction of the mosque, it was beyond
his comprehension that they would resort to violence. He was also told that
fanatic elements also attacked a man in his cutting saloon.And the most
tragic part of the whole episode was that many youth from a poor
neighbourhood which housed many victims of the tragic 1984 riots were also
to be seen in the melee. The only silver lining to the otherwise disturbing
situation was the manner in which few ordinary wo/men who stood the ground
and resisted the lumpens who were attacking innocents and talked of unity of
all religions.


As of now there is calm in the area but it seems deceptive.Police is
vigilant and is taking extra precaution but mischievous forces may again
become active to keep the tensions high. Nobody can deny that they are more
keen to keep the pot boiling. It was no coincidence that a temple ‘came up’
suddenly one night on a piece of government land, near the mosque itself.
And a ‘bhandara’ was also organised at this temple supposedly to mobilise
people. This temple was in addition to many other illegally constructed
temples which have come up in recent times in the area (Rohini Sector 15,
16, 17 and others) by encroaching public land.Few such temples have even
proved to be moneyspinners for their promoters

For outsiders the manner in which communal forces have become active in a
middle class dominated area of Delhi may sound incomprehensible. But close
watchers of the situation know the desperation in the ranks of the  pro
Hindutva forces when the results to the elections to the parliament were
out. To the surprise of all,  this area  which use to be a stronghold of the
saffrons, registred more votes to the Congress candidate vis-a-vis the
saffrons. And thus apart from the national context where the saffrons faced
humiliating defeat , the sense of vengeance among them had an added local

However can it be said that this is for the first time that Delhi has
witnessed such majoritarian attempts to deny  even the constitutionally
granted right to freedom of religion. It was only last year that a church in
Delhi was attacked by the Hindu Right (*Delhi church attacked 2 weeks ago,
cops mum,* Times of India, 4 th Oct 2008).

*New Delhi: The fanatical Hindu mobs have struck in the Capital. And the
police has kept it under wraps. A good fortnight ago, a mob attacked a
handful of Christian families at the Peeragarhi Relief Camp and demolished
the frontal portion of the Christian prayer hall in the camp.*

 *This camp in west Delhi is barely 15 km from Parliament House. To this
day, this group of Christians is holding weekly mass with police protection.
The families say they are living in constant fear of local miscreants
allegedly owing allegiance to ‘’some religious organisations” who accuse
them of carrying out ”forced conversions” and threaten to ”take away” their
daughters unless they ”mended their ways.”*

 *The mob had struck on September 16. Despite repeated attempts, the
community has not managed to get a FIR registered for what they call
”vandalism” and police describe as ”regular land dispute”.*

 *Ezik Malik, the priest-in-charge of the prayer hall says that a day before
the actual demolition, he had got a call from an unidentified caller saying
that the roof of the hall had collapsed.*

 *”We promptly went to rebuild it when suddenly this mob of 500 reached the
place carrying saffron flags and sticks. They started pelting stones that
left six people injured. There were anti-Christian slogans and then they
demolished part of the hall. Policemen just looked on. On hindsight I
realised that they had damaged the roof to create a situation that could
later be used as an excuse for unrest.” He added that despite repeated
attempts the local police station refused to lodge a FIR but gave the
community protection.*

 *…DCP (west) Sharad Aggarwal denies any religious angle in the unrest. ”It
was entirely a land dispute,” he claimed. ”The Christians were trying to
extend the prayer hall beyond the boundary wall which is when locals
objected. There was an agitation but everything was under control because we
were right there when it happened. There was no demolition and we have given
them police protection.”*

 *The MCD, which is the sole body that can carry out demolitions, is not
aware of any unauthorised construction here. MCD commissioner K S Mehra said
he was unaware of the incident. A MCD spokesman, however, said that the
police or anyone else is not authorised to carry out demolitions. ”We carry
them out and ask for police protection,” he said.*

A similar piece of news was reported from Dilshad Garden, Delhi when thirty
Hindutva extremists had disrupted the prayer service of St. Sebastian Church
on February 23, 2008 in Dilshad Garden, Delhi. Fr. Antony William, the
priest of the church had told Christian Legal Association that they had
prior information that local goons might attack the church, and had
requested police protection for the Sunday worship service.However, the
attack came after the worship service concluded and the constable had left
the premises.The Hindutva extremists, who had been hiding in a nearby
temple, came to the church and started shouting anti Christian slogans and
disrupted the prayer service. The miscreants resorted to stone pelting at
the vehicles belonging to the congregation members.Nobody was injured in
this incident.The concerned police station was duly informed and a case was
registered under Section 427 of the Indian Penal Code.


It need be noted that the day after the incident in Rohini, many citizens
and political groups in the area organised a meeting to take stock of the
situation and decide an apporpriate response to the machinations of these
anti-human forces. They have already sent a memorandum to the higher
authorities – signed by many residents of the area as well as few resident
welfare associations – communicating to them that they do not approve of
such actions by the fanatic forces to vitiate the atmosphere. They have also
demanded that administration maintains extra vigilance so that these
mischievous forces are not allowed to raise their head again.

The said memorandum can also be said to be an open appeal to all
people/formations yearning for secularism and democracy..

Is not it high time to understand that political defeat of an idea like
Hindutva in an election does not necessarily mean its social defeat. And the
recent developments in Rohini suggest that such forces can utilise every
other opportunity to further polarise the situation and try to capitalise it

One still remembers the famous poem by the legendary poet Gorakh Pandey ‘ Is
saal Danga bahut hua, bahut hui hai khoon kee baarish, agale saal acchi hogi
fasal matdanki’ ( This year there were many riots, much blood got spilled,
next year it would reflect in voting).



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