What’s in a caption? <http://blog.insightyv.com/?p=473>

By *Ashokan Nambiar*

*Carrying forward the debate on the politics of photo-captions initiated by
Anoop, I am posting my piece that I wrote in January 2007.

 By writing a caption which only the progeny of Golwalkar could have
written/write, The New Indian Express has showed where its ideological
sympathies lie.  But they are not alone, many so called progressive and
secular media publications also suffer from the same vice.

The print media is careful nowadays about its visual presentation to attract
readers who are sometimes described as `scanners’. So the news papers and
magazines give much importance to photographs and their organisation. The
caption, being an inevitable part of photograph has also undergone certain
changes in its presentation style which will be dealt briefly in the later
part of this essay.

However, this article is not about the changing pattern of the style of
presentation of caption or photograph but seeks to unravel certain
ideological underpinnings of some of the captions that appeared recently in
some of the news papers and a news magazine published in India.
[image: muslim_girls_vandematarm_pe_20070115]

Photo published by Outlook weekly with the caption 'We're Indian Too'

Captions are used in news papers and magazines primarily to provide the
reader with necessary information such as naming/identifying persons and
objects and the context of the photo etc. But there has also been an
increasing tendency to follow the title-sub-title style with a colon while
writing caption. News papers like The Hindu and The Times of India follow
this style as a norm but The New Indian Express and Deccan Herald use this
style while writing caption for lead photos and other `important’ photos.

For the purpose of this article I will be analysing some of the `title
captions’ (which appear before the caption or on the top of the photo) which
appeared in the January 9th edition (Bangalore) of newspapers such as The
Hindu, The New Indian Express, Deccan Herald and also the Outlook year-end
bumper issue.

Read more… » http://blog.insightyv.com/?p=473

"Rosa sat so Martin could walk; Martin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran
so your children can fly"


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