[gmx-users] Formatting of spacing in .top and .itp files

2018-04-12 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I am running Gromacs 4.5.5.  In that rather old version, there is a
binary called g_x2top -- I think it is now called something else -- to
generate "a primitive topology from a coordinate file."

When I use g_x2top with my (custom) force field, g_x2top generates a
nicely formatted topology file (either .top or .itp).  Here is a
snippet from the nicely formatted topology (assuming you display the
text in a fixed width font):

[ dihedrals ]
;  aiajakal functc0c1
   8197   113   129 1
  11297   113   114 1
  11297   113   129 1
   82989983 1
   829899   115 1

(Only atom indices and a function type are printed because I used the
option -noparam in g_x2top.)

But, what if I want to generate my own .top or .itp text file, using
for example Fortran, Perl, or Python?  Are .top and .itp fixed-spaced
file formats?  In other words, do I have to nicely align the columns
as g_x2top does?  Or can I just use any number of spaces to delimit
the columns, like in the following example?

[ dihedrals ]
81 97 113 129 1
112 97 113 114 1
112 97 113 129 1
82 98 99 83 1
82 98 99 115 1

I have tried this ugly formatting, and it seems to give the same
results as the nice formatting.  But can anyone confirm that .top and
.itp are NOT fixed-spaced file formats (unlike .pdb and .gro for

Thanks for your time,
Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University
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[gmx-users] What is Mnbf/s?

2015-10-14 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I feel like this has probably been asked and answered before, but I can't
seem to find it.  Even if I Google for Mnbf/s, I can't seem to find a

In the .log output, what is Mnbf/s?

Thanks so much for your time,
Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: [gmx-users] Pausing and resuming mdrun

2015-09-29 Thread Andrew DeYoung

Thanks for your time; it is really helpful.

Just in case people are reading this thread in the future, I want to point
out a mistake I made in my original message.  I said that using the signal
"-SIGSTP" was an alternative to -SIGSTOP.  It is actually "-SIGTSTP", not
"-SIGSTP".  -SIGTSTP is short for "_t_erminal stop," as this reference
page explains:


Thanks again,


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[gmx-users] How can I determine how Gromacs was compiled?

2015-04-15 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I'm running Gromacs 4.5.5.  Is there a way to determine how Gromacs was
compiled on my system?  I would like to know whether the person who
compiled Gromacs used gcc or icc (both compilers are available and were
presumably available when the compilation occurred) and, if possible, what
version of FFTW they used.  Is there a file or a command that has this

Thank you so much!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] Questions about 1-4 interactions in alkanes

2014-08-23 Thread Andrew DeYoung

Section 4.2 of the manual has a discussion of dihedrals.  The section
contains, in part, the following text:

With the periodic GROMOS potential a special 1-4 LJ-interaction
must be included; with the Ryckaert-Bellemans potential _for alkanes_ the
1-4 interactions must be excluded from the non-bonded list. Note:
Ryckaert-Bellemans potentials are also used in e.g. the OPLS force field in
combination with 1-4 interactions. You should therefore not modify
topologies generated by pdb2gmx in this case.

I would like to ask in particular about the statement that with the
Ryckaert-Bellemans potential _for alkanes_ the 1-4 interactions must be
excluded from the non-bonded list.  Here are two questions about that

(1) Does that statement apply ONLY to the GROMOS force field, or does it
apply to the OPLS-AA force field as well?

(2) What is the meaning of alkanes in that statement?  

- (2a) Does it refer ONLY to saturated hydrocarbons, which contain only
hydrogen and carbon and contain only single covalent bonds?  (Examples of
such molecules are butane, isobutane, pentane, isopentane, and hexane.) 
- (2b) Or, does it refer to ANY molecule which contains an alkyl group?
(An example of such a molecule is the amino acid isoleucine.  Isoleucine
contains an alkyl group -- isoleucine's side chain is an isopentyl group.
Does this mean that I need to EXCLUDE 1-4 interactions among hydrogens and
carbons of the isopentyl group from the non-bonded list?)  

(3) In the OPLS-AA force field, nexcl is usually set to 3, which _initially_
excludes 1-4 interactions.  However, in OPLS-AA, 1-4 interactions are
explicitly specified in the [ pairs ] section; they are taken at
half-strength by setting fudgeQQ = 0.5 and fudgeLJ = 0.5 in the topology.
(See, for example, this helpful explanation:
77005.html .)  If the statement applies to OPLS-AA in addition to GROMOS,
and if the statement applies to the alkyl atoms in, e.g. isoleucine, then do
I need to EXCLUDE 1-4 interactions among isoleucine's hydrogens and carbons
from the [ pairs ] section?

Thank you for your time!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] Embedded view of the users list

2014-05-10 Thread Andrew DeYoung

For the past several years and until a few weeks ago, the GMX-Users List
webpage here ( http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List )
had an embedded live/interactive view of the list.  Messages were
organized in threads such that when I clicked on a thread, I could see all
posts in the thread on one page.  It also had a nice way to search old
messages and sort them by date, etc. 

Could someone please confirm that the embedded live/interactive view of
the list has been taken down from
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List ?

It is fine if it has been taken down, since I can still browse through the
archives here (
https://mailman-1.sys.kth.se/pipermail/gromacs.org_gmx-users/ ) and I can
search the archives by using google with site:https://mailman-1.sys.kth.se
as Mark suggested.  But I just wanted to make sure that it is not just me
and my browser that no longer sees the embedded live/interactive view of
the list.

Thank you very much! 

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] Specifying the number of OpenMP threads that g_hbond uses

2014-04-19 Thread Andrew DeYoung

From the web page

http://www.gromacs.org/About_Gromacs/Release_Notes/Versions_4.6.x ,

it looks like parallelization for g_hbond (via OpenMP) was added in version

What is a typical command to run g_hbond in parallel?  Since I mostly have
experience with Gromacs 4.5.5 (which for mdrun has auto MPI threading as the
default parallelization, which means I only have to specify the number of
threads with -nt), I am not sure how to launch OpenMP for g_hbond in 4.6.x.

When I just run g_hbond in 4.6.1 with no extra flags, the output says,
Frame loop parallelized with OpenMP using 8 threads.  Is there any way to
change the number of OpenMP threads that g_hbond uses?

Thanks so much!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] Saving velocities of one atom at every timestep

2014-03-30 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I have a rather large system (~10,000 atoms) -- at least, I consider it
rather large since I'm using a cluster, not a supercomputer.  

I want to save the velocities of a single atom of interest at every
timestep, so that I can use g_velacc to calculate the velocity
autocorrelation function.  I only care about the single atom of interest;
I'm not interested in the coordinates, velocities, and forces of the other
many thousands of atoms in my system.

In other words, I have enough disk space to save the velocities of the atom
of interest for every timestep for, say, several millions of steps.  But I
don't have enough space to save the velocities of all 10,000 atoms for every
timestep for several millions of steps.

I'm running Gromacs version 4.5.5.  Setting nstxtcout = 1 allows one to save
the coordinates of the groups specified in xtc-grps to the xtc trajectory.
Is there any built-in way to save velocities -- rather than coordinates --
for only a specified group (a single atom, in this situation)?

Or would it be possible to use the xtc to save the coordinates of the atom
of interest at every timestep, and then somehow convert these coordinates to
velocities so that I can use g_velacc?  I'm using the leapfrog integrator
(integrator = md).

Thanks so much for your time!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] How can I concatenate multiple g96 configurations into a single trajectory?

2014-03-17 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I have been creating several .g96 configuration files by hand (actually,
using a scripting language). 

I like .g96 as a configuration file format because it provides 9 decimal
places of precision for the x, y, and z coordinates of the position and
velocity of atoms in my system -- whereas .gro and .pdb configuration file
formats offer much lower precision.  My system is crystalline, and I found
many months ago that the lower precision offered by .gro and .pdb is not
quite enough to achieve the exact bond lengths that I want in my crystal.
Many months ago, Professor van der Spoel suggested on this list that I
switch to .g96 for my configurations.

So for many months I have been successfully using .g96 configurations as
input to grompp to make the .tpr files necessary for simulation.  

Today, however, I am trying to do something somewhat unusual, and I run into
an unusual problem.  Suppose I have made three .g96 configurations by
hand: conf1.g96, conf2.g96, and conf3.g96.  I want to compute the
single-point energy of all three configurations.

(Why would I want to do this?  I have written code in a scripting language
to generate frames in which a particular angle is scanned from one extreme
to the other; I want to use Gromacs to simply compute the single-point
energy at each frame in the scan, without taking any MD moves.) 

One way to do this might be to run three different zero-step MD simulations,
by passing the three configurations separately to grompp, obtaining three
separate .tpr files, and passing those three .tpr files to mdrun.  But this
documentation page


warns that zero-step MD simulations have complications related to catering
to possible restarts and is not recommended.  Doing it that way is also a
little inconvenient because eventually I will have dozens or hundreds of
separate handmade .g96 configurations for which to calculate the
single-point energy, and running hundreds of zero-step simulations would
probably require some sort of bash script.

So, my thought is to concatenate the three (or more) .g96 configurations
into a single trajectory, and then feed that trajectory to the -rerun switch
of mdrun to compute the energy of each frame.  

My question is, how can I concatenate three (or more) .g96 configurations
into a single trajectory of any type?

I have tried:

trjcat -f conf1.g96 conf2.g96 conf3.g96 -o output.trr

But I get this error message:

Program trjcat, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: trxio.c, line: 693

Fatal error:
Reading trajectories in .g96 format is broken. Please use
a different file format.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

Reading trajectories in .g96 format may be broken, but reading
CONFIGURATIONS in .g96 is not broken, as far as I know (I routinely pass g96
configurations to the -c switch of grompp).  

Is there any other way I can concatenate three (or more) .g96 configurations
into a single trajectory of any type (.trr, .xtc, etc) -- WITHOUT going
through .gro or .pdb (e.g., by converting from .g96 using editconf), which
have lower precision?

Thanks so much for your time!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: [gmx-users] How can I concatenate multiple g96 configurations into a single trajectory?

2014-03-17 Thread Andrew DeYoung
Hi Tsjerk,

Thanks so much for your time.  Unfortunately, when I tried to convert a .g96
configuration to a .trr trajectory, with this command:

trjconv -f conf1.g96 -o conf1.trr

I get this error message:

Program trjconv_d, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: trxio.c, line: 693

Fatal error:
Reading trajectories in .g96 format is broken. Please use
a different file format.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

I am running Gromacs 4.5.5.  Do you know if there is another way to convert
a .g96 configuration to a .trr trajectory, without using trjconv?  

Or do you know if a different version of Gromacs would not have this

Thanks for your time.

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: [gmx-users] electrical potential using Gromacs

2014-01-05 Thread Andrew DeYoung
Hi Fereshte,

I used PME.


-Original Message-
From: Fereshte Taherian [mailto:tab...@csi.tu-darmstadt.de] 
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 5:29 PM
To: Andrew DeYoung
Subject: RE: electrical potential using Gromacs

Hi Andrew,

Many Thanks for your reply. I am checking my system based on your
just one additional question, could you please let me know how did you  
calculate the coulombic interaction in your system, with PME or the  
other methods?

Thanks again,

Quoting Andrew DeYoung adeyo...@andrew.cmu.edu:


 I was able to fix the drift in the electric potential by using particle
 decomposition parallelization instead of domain decomposition when running
 the simulations using mdrun (although I still do not know why this fixes
 the problem).  Domain decomposition is the default parallelization in
 Gromacs, but particle decomposition can be used with the -pd switch of
 mdrun.  However, I think that particle decomposition is slated to be
 in future versions of Gromacs.

 (I also did not use the -correct switch of g_potential, but that alone did
 not fix the problem.)

 Happy New Year.


 -Original Message-
 From: Fereshte Taherian [mailto:tab...@csi.tu-darmstadt.de]
 Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 8:04 PM
 To: adeyo...@andrew.cmu.edu
 Subject: electrical potential using Gromacs

 Dear Andrew,

 I am Fereshte Taherian, and doing my Phd in Technische Universität
 Darmstadt, Germany. Sorry to bother you. Currently I am using Gromacs
 to calculate the electrical potential of a ionic liquid confined
 between two charged surfaces (ewald_geometry = 3dc).

 Using g_potential I tried to calculate the potential as following:

 g_potential -correct

 Looking at the electrical potential, I found a drift in the potential
 as you mentioned in the Gromacs users forum


 I really appreciate, if you could let me know how did you fix this

 Thank you very much.

 I wish you a happy new year.

 Best regards,

 Fereshte Taherin Tabasi
 PhD student of Computational Physical Chemistry
 Center of Smart Interfaces
 Technische Universität Darmstadt
 Petersenstraße 32
 64287 Darmstadt
 Tel:(+49)6151-1675040 (Office)

 Email: tab...@csi.tu-darmstadt.de

Fereshte Taherin Tabasi
PhD student of Computational Physical Chemistry
Center of Smart Interfaces
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Petersenstraße 32
64287 Darmstadt
Tel:(+49)6151-1675040 (Office)

Email: tab...@csi.tu-darmstadt.de

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[gmx-users] What does it mean that particle decomposition does not support checkpointing?

2013-12-07 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I am a Gromacs user (I'm running version 4.5.5).  I am not _at all_ an
experienced programmer, but I was looking through this redmine page about
mdrun features to deprecate for 5.0:


Near the top of that page (for issue #1292), it mentions particle
decomposition as a feature to deprecate for 5.0:

1) Particle decomposition
Doesn't support checkpointing. Doesn't scale because it does not balance
load. Removing it will simplify a lot of conditionally executed code paths.
The main caveat is whether there are important algorithms whose
implementations still require it (see below).

What does it mean that particle decomposition doesn't support checkpointing?

I use particle decomposition for my Gromacs simulations (in version 4.5.5),
and I also save checkpoints from mdrun every 15 minutes using the -cpo flag.
The resulting .cpt files seem to work fine -- at least on the surface; I
have not checked this in detail -- for doing a restart whenever my system

As a test, I took the final checkpoint file of a run.  Then, using the -t
flag in mdrun, I started a new simulation using that final checkpoint file.
After that new simulation finished, I used trjconv -dump 0 to dump the first
frame into a configuration file (in my case, a .g96 file).  I compared this
to the coordinates in the checkpoint file (as read by gmxdump -cp
checkpoint.cpt), and the coordinates in the dumped configuration and in the
checkpoint were the same up to the 0.1 nm decimal place (since .g96
files and gmxdump output have different precision).  

So it seems that, at least in some ways, checkpointing is working even when
particle decomposition is used.  If so, then what does it mean in the above
redmine post that particle decomposition doesn't support checkpointing?
If not, why does my very quick, superficial check described in the previous
paragraph appear to be successful?

Thanks so very much for your time! 

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: [gmx-users] About g_potential

2013-11-26 Thread Andrew DeYoung
Hi Guangwei,

The simulation box is binned, or sliced, along z in planes parallel to the
xy plane.  A greater number of slices means the box is sliced finer -- the
bins or slices are smaller.  The charges are binned (like making a
histogram) into those slices, and the potential is calculated by integrating
the charge density.

So using more slices means more resolution, but using too many slices can
lead to irregularities if you haven't saved configurations very often in
your trajectory.

Andrew DeYoung

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[gmx-users] Mailing list archive

2013-11-26 Thread Andrew DeYoung

Does anyone know if the gmx-users Archive has been moved or is temporarily
down?  When I do to:


it redirects me to:


but that page says, The requested URL /pipermail/gmx-users/ was not found
on this server.


Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

Gromacs Users mailing list

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] Mailing list archive

2013-11-26 Thread Andrew DeYoung
Hi again, 

I just realized that Mark sent out an email earlier today announcing a power
outage for most of the Gromacs infrastructure, starting at midnight.  I
think it is almost midnight in Stockholm right now, so probably the outage
has started and that's why I'm not able to access
http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/ .  Sorry for not noticing this
earlier.  I will try accessing the archive in a couple of days and will be
in touch if I still have trouble.  


Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

-Original Message-
From: Andrew DeYoung 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:08 PM
To: gmx-us...@gromacs.org
Subject: Mailing list archive


Does anyone know if the gmx-users Archive has been moved or is temporarily
down?  When I do to:


it redirects me to:


but that page says, The requested URL /pipermail/gmx-users/ was not found
on this server.


Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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