Dear all gromacs users,I'm new to gromacs, and I have some questions about bond 
constraints.Now I have a system with methane, hydrogen, and TIP4P/Ew water. In 
special, topology of hydrogen molecule is including [ constraints ], for 
constructing a virtual site in the center of hydrogen molecule.By including 
"constraint-algorithm = lincs" and "constraints = h-bonds", I found that all 
bonds including H were constrained.So I changed *.mdp file with 
"constraint-algorithm = lincs" and "constraints = none", and I found that LINCS 
are applied to hydrogen, but it seemed that SETTLE is applied to water instead 
of LINCS.If I want to apply LINCS both on hydrogen molecules and waters, and 
not on methane or other hydrocarbons including hydrogen atoms, how can I do 
that?Any advices will be very helpful.Dong Woo Kang
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