
I just downloaded Gromacs 5.1-rc1 and want to compile it using the GNU 
compilers and a self compiled FFTW*. I configured Gromacs with:

$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/reuti/local/gromacs-5.1-rc1 
-DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=fftw3 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/reuti/local/fftw-3.3.4

As there was now shared version of FFTW it complains about it, and hence I 
compiled FFTW again - this time with shared library flag and the configure step 
of Gromacs succeeded. But after `make` and `make install` I faced the result, 
that the binary `gmx` like the library in "lib64" were linked against Intel 
MKL. Well, there is an old version of the Intel MKL on the system and hence in 
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Once I cleared the LD_LIBRARY_PATH I got the result I 

Question: is this the intended behavior? IMO the GMX_FFT_LIBRARY=fftw3 flag 
should be honored first and any set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ignored.

-- Reuti

*) The automatic download (like outlined in the INSTALL: 
regression tests points to the Gromacs site, but AFAICS they were moved to 
box.com, hence the automatic download fails.
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