Re: [gmx-users] How does x2top recognize between alkane C and alkene C

2015-07-16 Thread sridhar dwadasi
Hi Dr. Justin Lemkul,
  Thank you for responding again. I'm still not understanding it :(.
 I'll try to be more clear. Taking the example of OPLS UA, we have
different atom types for united alkene atoms (-CH= and CH2=) and alkanes
(-CH2-). When I represent the connections in n2t file, the -CH2- and -CH=
will have two connections each. and the distances with other united carbons
are 0.154nm and 0.140 nm as I have mentioned before. I have been giving the
same information in the .n2t file. Based on the order in which they appear
in the .n2t file, the atom appearing first is being taken by x2top to
create the topology. I hope I made my problem clear. I'm unable to post my
.n2t file now as I do not have it with me at the moment. If required I can
post it tomorrow.

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[gmx-users] How does x2top recognize between alkane C and alkene C

2015-07-15 Thread sridhar dwadasi
Thank you for the response.
In case of an all atom representation, the connections are different. What
about a united atom representation? The g_x2top supports Gromacs 53a5
forcefield right?
Can we get a topology with x2top only for an all atom representation? Or is
there anyway to get it for gromos or opls ua ?

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[gmx-users] How does x2top recognize between alkane C and alkene C

2015-07-12 Thread sridhar dwadasi
Dear gromac users,
I'm using g_x2top (4.6.7 version), to generate a topology. The compound
contains double bonds. I have a problem in setting correct topology.
The C1 in both the cases -C1H=C2H2 and -C1H2- is being assigned the same
type, though I'm mentioning different distances in the n2t file. This may
be due to the small difference in distance (0.140 nm and 0.154 nm).
Can anyone suggest a way to go about this?

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Re: [gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains

2015-03-27 Thread sridhar dwadasi
Hi Justin Lemkul,
 Thank you very much for the reply. I have tried using
x2top for generating topology. I copied contents of opls ff to poly ff and
added some atoms and ran the command. The output was as follows:

GROMACS is written by:
Emile Apol Rossen Apostolov   Herman J.C. Berendsen Par
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Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
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GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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GROMACS:  gmx x2top, VERSION 5.0.2
Executable:   /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
Library dir:  /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top
Command line:
  gmx x2top -f polyngta_nm.pdb -ff poly -o check.rtp -v -param

Opening force field file ./poly.ff/atomname2type.n2t
There are 9 name to type translations in file ./poly.ff
Generating bonds from distances...
atom 162
There are 7 different atom types in your sample
Generating angles and dihedrals from bonds...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

It returned an error. I have seen posts earlier regarding an error in the
code in version 5. Is it related to that?
Also in many posts I have seen that even if it generates topology, the
generated topology must be carefully checked. Is it system dependent?

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[gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains

2015-03-25 Thread sridhar dwadasi
Dear Gromacs Users,
   I have started to use Gromacs recently to
simulate certain properties of polymer hydrogels. I have taken Poly Vinyl
Alcohol cross linked with Glutaraldehyde as my system. In this system, I
have taken two long chains of polymers and cross linked them using
glutaraldehyde and obtained coordinate file (from Materials Studio) for the
 Currently I am trying to create rtp entries, to create
topology using pdb2gmx. As the polymer chains are cross linked, I am trying
to use special bonds file. For this I am defining the cross link structures
between the two polymer chains as a separate residue and am trying to add
the bonds between the polymer chains and cross linkers as special bonds (As
I understood from the manual).
  It would be really helpful for me to if anyone can share
their thoughts/experience on creating topology for crosslinked polymer
networks. Is the approach mentioned above correct?
  Is there any better way to generate topology for such
systems ?

Thank You
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