Re: [gmx-users] PMF calculation by umbrella sampling simulations

2015-04-30 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 4/30/15 4:12 PM, MPI wrote:

Hi Justin,

Thanks for your explanation.
In the tutorial, then what is a good approximate value of free energy
?  if  one follows the protocol.   Is -37 or so kcal mol^-1  ?

That is what you should get from the tutorial.

Here, 26 windows of COM distances are used, each for 10 ns simulation.

In your original paper,  -50.5 kcal mol^-1 is the free energy for
dissociation of a single peptide from protofibril.
In this full preparation,  you used 31-window setup, each for 10 ns simulation.

I've been aware of the difference between 26 and 31 windows but  questions are

First,  if one obtains a reasonable histogram like

,how can one  tell whether if  the system needs more windows ?
because these overlap windows look appropriate.

Simply looking at histograms only tells you if you're in the ballpark.  g_wham 
has a very nice set of options for doing error analysis.  You'll note there is 
minimal overlap in a few of your windows; these would correspond to regions of 
the reaction coordinate with large error.  If you do the bootstrap analysis you 
will see this.

Second,   after full preparation, how did you know the free energy of
-50.5 or so  is a  GOOD value ?

I did error analysis :)  See details in the paper.

Third,  comparing  a coarse ( the tutorial) with a full preparation (
your original paper),  it is somehow unclear that the number of
windows can cause  a significant difference of 13 kcal mol^-1 since
it runs independently for 10 ns in each window.

Please see  PMF curve attached in a simulation of  26 windows, each for 10 ns.

The PMF curve looks reasonable except  when it converges to 37.5 kcal
mol^-1 or so.

There is no clear energy minimum there and you haven't done error analysis, so 
looks good doesn't really mean anything.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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Re: [gmx-users] PMF calculation by umbrella sampling simulations

2015-04-30 Thread MPI
Hi Justin,

   Thanks for your explanation.
In the tutorial, then what is a good approximate value of free energy
?  if  one follows the protocol.   Is -37 or so kcal mol^-1  ?

Here, 26 windows of COM distances are used, each for 10 ns simulation.

In your original paper,  -50.5 kcal mol^-1 is the free energy for
dissociation of a single peptide from protofibril.
In this full preparation,  you used 31-window setup, each for 10 ns simulation.

I've been aware of the difference between 26 and 31 windows but  questions are

First,  if one obtains a reasonable histogram like

,how can one  tell whether if  the system needs more windows ?
because these overlap windows look appropriate.

Second,   after full preparation, how did you know the free energy of
-50.5 or so  is a  GOOD value ?

Third,  comparing  a coarse ( the tutorial) with a full preparation (
your original paper),  it is somehow unclear that the number of
windows can cause  a significant difference of 13 kcal mol^-1 since
it runs independently for 10 ns in each window.

Please see  PMF curve attached in a simulation of  26 windows, each for 10 ns.

The PMF curve looks reasonable except  when it converges to 37.5 kcal
mol^-1 or so.



Justin Lemkul wrote:
 On 4/30/15 12:43 AM, MPI wrote:
Dear Users,
 With GMX 4.6.5, I tried to reproduce a system of the dissociation of
  a single peptide in an AB42 protofibril with PMF (potential of mean
  force) calculation in Justin's umbrella sampling tutorial.  He
  derived the binding energy from PMF from a series of umbrella sampling
  simulations and obtained a value of  free energy  close to  -50.5
  kcal mol-1.   But I got a value of -37.5 kcal mol-1 after PMF
  curve was converged.  The value difference is significant and this
  raises two questions.  What dose cause this difference of  ~13 kcal mol
  -1  ?  although I used  GPU for calculations, which is the only
  modification (cutoff-scheme = Verlet).  What is a reasonable range of
  binding free energy in this case of AB42 protofibril ?
 As I state in the tutorial and as I have said multiple times on the list (even
 just a few days ago!), you will not produce the PMF profile shown in the
 tutorial unless you follow the exact protocol in the paper (which is linked in
 the tutorial).  The value of -37 or so is what you will achieve if you do what
 the tutorial says, which is a quick and dirty approximation of the protocol.
 The full preparation (100 ns of MD on the protofibril, followed by a special
 window setup described in the paper to adequately sample small COM distances)
 will yield the quoted value.
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[gmx-users] PMF calculation by umbrella sampling simulations

2015-04-29 Thread MPI
 Dear Users,

  With GMX 4.6.5, I tried to reproduce a system of the dissociation of
a single peptide in an AB42 protofibril with PMF (potential of mean
force) calculation in Justin's umbrella sampling tutorial.  He
derived the binding energy from PMF from a series of umbrella sampling
simulations and obtained a value of  free energy  close to  -50.5
kcal mol-1.   But I got a value of -37.5 kcal mol-1 after PMF
curve was converged.  The value difference is significant and this
raises two questions.  What dose cause this difference of  ~13 kcal mol
-1  ?  although I used  GPU for calculations, which is the only
modification (cutoff-scheme = Verlet).  What is a reasonable range of
binding free energy in this case of AB42 protofibril ?

The umbrella histogram showing the overlap between window looks
reasonable. See attached here.

Suggestions or opinions are appreciated.

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