Re: [gmx-users] atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

2014-08-07 Thread Nidhi Katyal
gmxcheck of my index file gives:

Contents of index file index.ndx
Nr.   Group   #Entries   FirstLast
   0  System  2230   12230
   1  Protein 2226   12226
   2  Protein-H   2226   12226
   3  C-alpha  308   32218
   4  Backbone 922   12219
   5  MainChain   1232   12226
   6  MainChain+Cb1488   12226
   7  MainChain+H 1232   12226
   8  SideChain994   82225
   9  SideChain-H  994   82225
  10  Prot-Masses 2226   12226
  11  non-Protein422272230
  12  Ion422272230
  13  CU 222272229
  14  ZN 222282230
  15  r_131__chA8 956 963
  16  r_131__chB820692076
  17  r_132 1112071217
  18  r_286 1126112621
  19  CA_chA_r131112091209
  20  CA_chB_r131126132613

and following are the contents of my .mdp file:

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
define  = -DPOSRES_CA_chA_r131
; Run parameters
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 25; 500 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 500
nstxtcout   = 500   ; every 1 ps
nstenergy   = 500
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm= lincs
constraints = all-bonds
continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 1.4
rcoulomb= 1.4
rvdw= 1.4
; PME electrostatics parameters
coulombtype = PME
fourierspacing  = 0.12
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
pme_order   = 4
ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
optimize_fft= yes
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  = Nose-Hoover
tc_grps = Protein  Non-Protein
tau_t   = 0.5   0.5
ref_t   = 310   310
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0
refcoord_scaling = com
; Generate velocities is off
gen_vel = no
; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
pbc = xyz
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres
; Pull code
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= Y N N
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = CA_chA_r131
pull_group1 = CA_chB_r131
pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 4200  ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2

Thanks in advance.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:

 On 8/6/14, 3:46 AM, Nidhi Katyal wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am working on protein with two chains. I would like to restrain one atom
 of one chain while doing steered MD. For the same reason, I have created
 index file that includes that atom, then created its posre.itp file and
 finally included following lines at the end of topol_Protein_chainA.itp:

 ; Include Position restraint file
 #ifdef POSRES_CA_chA_r131
 #include posre.itp

 I am also pasting a small section of my file:

 ; Include forcefield parameters
 #include gromos53a6.ff/forcefield.itp

 ; Include chain topologies
 #include topol_Protein_chain_A.itp
 #include topol_Protein_chain_B.itp
 #include topol_Ion_chain_A2.itp
 #include topol_Ion_chain_B2.itp

 ; Include water topology
 #include gromos53a6.ff/spc.itp

 ; Position restraint for each water oxygen
 [ position_restraints ]
 ;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
 11   1000   1000   1000

 After carrying out NPT equilibration, when I run following command:

 grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt
 -o pull.tpr

 as given in tutorial:

 I am getting following error:
 215400 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

 Since my pull.mdp file as the same as given in tutorial, my coupling
 groups are Protein and Non-Protein.
 I suspect there is something wrong while adding restraints using
 include file mechanism. Please help me resolve the problem.

 The error is not a result of the #include mechanism; it's a problem in the
 group definitions, either in the .mdp file or in the index file.  Without
 the full text of the .mdp and the gmxcheck output of the index.ndx file,
 there's little to suggest.



Re: [gmx-users] atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

2014-08-07 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 8/7/14, 12:16 AM, Nidhi Katyal wrote:

gmxcheck of my index file gives:

It looks like you have created the index file before adding any solvent.  Hence 
you have 215000+ atoms that are not accounted for.  You need to generate index 
files after the system is complete.  You can, of course, re-use your custom 
groups, but they need to be used in addition to sensible groups for everything else.


Contents of index file index.ndx
Nr.   Group   #Entries   FirstLast
0  System  2230   12230
1  Protein 2226   12226
2  Protein-H   2226   12226
3  C-alpha  308   32218
4  Backbone 922   12219
5  MainChain   1232   12226
6  MainChain+Cb1488   12226
7  MainChain+H 1232   12226
8  SideChain994   82225
9  SideChain-H  994   82225
   10  Prot-Masses 2226   12226
   11  non-Protein422272230
   12  Ion422272230
   13  CU 222272229
   14  ZN 222282230
   15  r_131__chA8 956 963
   16  r_131__chB820692076
   17  r_132 1112071217
   18  r_286 1126112621
   19  CA_chA_r131112091209
   20  CA_chB_r131126132613

and following are the contents of my .mdp file:

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
define  = -DPOSRES_CA_chA_r131
; Run parameters
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 25; 500 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 500
nstxtcout   = 500   ; every 1 ps
nstenergy   = 500
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm= lincs
constraints = all-bonds
continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 1.4
rcoulomb= 1.4
rvdw= 1.4
; PME electrostatics parameters
coulombtype = PME
fourierspacing  = 0.12
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
pme_order   = 4
ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
optimize_fft= yes
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  = Nose-Hoover
tc_grps = Protein  Non-Protein
tau_t   = 0.5   0.5
ref_t   = 310   310
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0
refcoord_scaling = com
; Generate velocities is off
gen_vel = no
; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
pbc = xyz
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres
; Pull code
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= Y N N
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = CA_chA_r131
pull_group1 = CA_chB_r131
pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 4200  ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2

Thanks in advance.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:

On 8/6/14, 3:46 AM, Nidhi Katyal wrote:

Hello all,

I am working on protein with two chains. I would like to restrain one atom
of one chain while doing steered MD. For the same reason, I have created
index file that includes that atom, then created its posre.itp file and
finally included following lines at the end of topol_Protein_chainA.itp:

; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES_CA_chA_r131
#include posre.itp

I am also pasting a small section of my file:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include gromos53a6.ff/forcefield.itp

; Include chain topologies
#include topol_Protein_chain_A.itp
#include topol_Protein_chain_B.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_A2.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_B2.itp

; Include water topology
#include gromos53a6.ff/spc.itp

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
 11   1000   1000   1000

After carrying out NPT equilibration, when I run following command:

grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt
-o pull.tpr

as given in tutorial:

I am getting following error:
215400 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

Since my pull.mdp file as the same as given in tutorial, my coupling
groups are Protein and Non-Protein.
I suspect there is something wrong while adding restraints using

[gmx-users] atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

2014-08-06 Thread Nidhi Katyal
Hello all,

I am working on protein with two chains. I would like to restrain one atom
of one chain while doing steered MD. For the same reason, I have created an
index file that includes that atom, then created its posre.itp file and
finally included following lines at the end of topol_Protein_chainA.itp:

; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES_CA_chA_r131
#include posre.itp

I am also pasting a small section of my file:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include gromos53a6.ff/forcefield.itp

; Include chain topologies
#include topol_Protein_chain_A.itp
#include topol_Protein_chain_B.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_A2.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_B2.itp

; Include water topology
#include gromos53a6.ff/spc.itp

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
   11   1000   1000   1000

After carrying out NPT equilibration, when I run following command:

grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt
-o pull.tpr

as given in tutorial:

I am getting following error:
215400 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

Since my pull.mdp file as the same as given in tutorial, my coupling
groups are Protein and Non-Protein.
I suspect there is something wrong while adding restraints using
include file mechanism. Please help me resolve the problem.

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Re: [gmx-users] atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

2014-08-06 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 8/6/14, 3:46 AM, Nidhi Katyal wrote:

Hello all,

I am working on protein with two chains. I would like to restrain one atom
of one chain while doing steered MD. For the same reason, I have created an
index file that includes that atom, then created its posre.itp file and
finally included following lines at the end of topol_Protein_chainA.itp:

; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES_CA_chA_r131
#include posre.itp

I am also pasting a small section of my file:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include gromos53a6.ff/forcefield.itp

; Include chain topologies
#include topol_Protein_chain_A.itp
#include topol_Protein_chain_B.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_A2.itp
#include topol_Ion_chain_B2.itp

; Include water topology
#include gromos53a6.ff/spc.itp

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct   fcxfcyfcz
11   1000   1000   1000

After carrying out NPT equilibration, when I run following command:

grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt
-o pull.tpr

as given in tutorial:

I am getting following error:
215400 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

Since my pull.mdp file as the same as given in tutorial, my coupling
groups are Protein and Non-Protein.
I suspect there is something wrong while adding restraints using
include file mechanism. Please help me resolve the problem.

The error is not a result of the #include mechanism; it's a problem in the group 
definitions, either in the .mdp file or in the index file.  Without the full 
text of the .mdp and the gmxcheck output of the index.ndx file, there's little 
to suggest.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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