[gmx-users] phosphotyrosine peptide

2018-04-23 Thread farial tavakoli
Dear GMX users
I performed a simulation on the complex composed of a protein and a peptide 
which has 2 residues phosphotyrosines using charmm36 force field in GROMACS. 
After that I used g_mmpbsa to calculate the binding energy and energy 
contribution per residue , but the binding energy was calculated + 426 kj/mol. 
I sent an email to gmmbsa mailing list and informed them , but they replied :"  
we have not tested the g_mmpbsa with charmm36 so we can't say about the 
validity. Other members of g_mmpbsa tool, also previously reported about the 
positive binding energy when using charmm36 force field." in fact they couldnt 
help me. as they noticed , it is because of using charmm36 ff. Is there anyone 
can help me which force field I should use in gromacs till I wont have any 
problem when I am going to use g-mmpbsa ? 
best regardsFarial
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[gmx-users] phosphotyrosine

2018-01-01 Thread farial tavakoli
Dear gmx users
I used CHARMM36 ff to generate topology for my complex which has 2 
phosphotyrosines. when I issed gmx pdb2gmx command , I faced to this error:
Fatal error:
Residue 1 named PRO of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom N used in
an interaction of type improper in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be
I couldnt understand what it meant . my protein residue 1 is Gly and peptide 
residue 1 is Thr. there is no residue Pro in position 1 in both molecules. In 
addition, I checked merged.rtp file of CHARMM36 ff to compare pro residue in it 
with the input file , but everything sound be ok.  I dont know , what should I 
do. I would really appreciate it if anybody helps me
best Farial
Gromacs Users mailing list

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