Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-02-02 Thread Michel Bouissou
Hi Thomas,

Le 02/02/2018 à 09:15, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> So the next experiment would be to remove it, i.e. zeroize its slot in
> the MBR.
Well, my son left this morning for the week-end with the machine, and I
will fly to India myself before I get a chance to do any further testing.

So I'm afraid we'll have to wait for season 2 by early march to see the
continuation of the story ;-)

Kind regards and thanks again for all your help and suggestions.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-02-01 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 01/02/2018 à 01:02, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> Michel - on his way to India - could zeroize 512-byte block 1 of the
> Debian Live ISO and then try to boot it from USB stick
>   dd if=/dev/zero conv=notrunc bs=512 seek=1 count=1 of=...image.or.stick...
> where "...image.or.stick..." mabe either something like debian-live-*.iso
> or /dev/sdc.
> This would further deface the GPT and possibly de-confuse the firmware.

I made it (with latest debian-gnome 9.3 live), and tested it OK on
*another* machine.

But on the machine where the problem is, it does *NOT* boot.

It does display the key brand/model (instead of "Windows boot manager")
but when selecting it, the punishment is as usual : black screen with
cursor, game over.

No grub message or output of any kind.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-31 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 31/01/2018 à 22:37, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> In this case a run with will not make much sense.
> First one will have to configure GRUB to enable at least one of the EFI
> variants. I dimly remember that the machine was 64 bit, i.e. should run
> bootx64.efi.

I'm happy to report that the USB stick I made today with does boot alright on tested machines.

As a side note, the machine on wich I made it is a Manjaro that boots in
UEFI 64 mode, so for sure it's grub is UEFI-capable.

The HP tested machine has, AFAIK, no CSM "legacy" boot mode at all and I
believe it doesn't boot anything but UEFI.

That said, I don't have the machine on which I made the stick at hand
and I made the ISO image in a tmpfs, so...

But directly analyzing the USB stick I made, on another (Arch) machine
now gives :

root@zafu:/# xorriso -indev stdio:/dev/sdb -report_el_torito plain
-report_system_area plain
xorriso 1.4.8 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

xorriso : NOTE : Loading ISO image tree from LBA 0
xorriso : UPDATE : 632 nodes read in 1 seconds
libisofs: WARNING : Found hidden El-Torito image. Its size could not be
figured out, so image modify or boot image patching may lead to bad results.
xorriso : NOTE : Detected El-Torito boot information which currently is
set to be discarded
Drive current: -indev 'stdio:/dev/sdb'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is written , is appendable
Boot record  : El Torito , MBR grub2-mbr cyl-align-off
Media summary: 1 session, 8594 data blocks, 16.8m data, 14.8g free
Volume id: 'ISOIMAGE'
El Torito catalog  : 141  1
El Torito cat path : /boot.catalog
El Torito images   :   N  Pltf  B   Emul  Ld_seg  Hdpt  Ldsiz LBA
El Torito boot img :   1  BIOS  y   none  0x  0x00  41487
El Torito boot img :   2  UEFI  y   none  0x  0x00   57607154
El Torito img path :   1  /boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img
El Torito img opts :   1  boot-info-table grub2-boot-info
El Torito img blks :   2  1440
System area options: 0x4a00
System area summary: MBR grub2-mbr cyl-align-off
ISO image size/512 : 34376
Partition offset   : 16
MBR heads per cyl  : 64
MBR secs per head  : 32
MBR partition table:   N Status  TypeStart   Blocks
MBR partition  :   1   0x80  0x00   6428552
MBR partition  :   2   0x00  0xef28616 5760

Hope this helps (although I don't get much out of this myself ;-)


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-31 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 31/01/2018 à 13:20, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> This run too ?
>   grub-mkrescue -o output.iso minimal \
> --xorriso=...path.../ \
> -partition_offset 16  
I would assume that I need to create a "minimal" directory with a
"dummy" file inside like previously ?

However, I don't have any "" file on the system on
which I would try to build the USB key...

[root@tiru ~]# pacman -Ql grub | grep rescue
grub /usr/bin/grub-mkrescue
grub /usr/share/man/man1/grub-mkrescue.1.gz

Kind regards.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-31 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 30/01/2018 à 20:15, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> It also does not work when booting the ISO images which shall install
> the systems.
> E.g. debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso :
Yes. AFAIR I had tested all the latest (in december) standard
installation media for at least :
- Manjaro Cinnamon x64 (created either with dd or unetbootin)
- Mint Cinnamon x64 (created either with dd or unetbootin)
- Ubuntu 17.10
- Debian live
- Parted Magic (created with dd)
(and maybe a few more, see my first mails...)

- Manjaro Cinnamon after it being "normally" installed on a USB key
instead of an HD on another machine - and tested working.

None of them booted, all showed the same behaviour :
- The machine's UEFI BIOS displays the USB Key as « Windows bootloader »
(and the true on-HD Windows bootloader bears the same label)
- Selecting is causes the screen to go black with a cursor on the top
left and nothing else ever happens.

Now what works :
- rEFInd USB key (made with dd)
- Knoppix USB key (made with dd from DVD image)
- Tails USB key (both made with dd or from the Tails installer)
- Manjaro install key created with unetbootin THEN manually doctored to
remove grub and install syslinux instead.

- Plus the grub test keys you asked me to create and test in your
previous mails.

Interestingly, for "working" keys, the machines UEFI  displays the USB
key brand / model instead of « Windows bootloader »

Even more interesting, keys that do NOT work do not work either when
chained to from rEFInd (inserting both keys, booting on rEFInd then
chaining to the other key), with the same symptoms - where keys that
work, also work when performing the same test.

As I side note I'm currently packing for a trip to India and will be
unable to perform any further tests from next week to the end of
february (and will have very little time left for doing so before leaving)

Have a nice day :)


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-30 Thread Michel Bouissou
Hi there,

Le 29/01/2018 à 19:53, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> Does this mean that the decisive trick is to use GPT with EFI partition
> instead of a MBR partition of type 0xEF ?
> Or is there something missing in the FAT filesystem images of e.g.
> Debian installation ISOs like
> ?
It's probably not related to any specific images, as I could boot no
standard Linux USB install stick made from an ISO image on this machine,
besides Knoppix or Tails.

I have installed a Manjaro with grub onto a blank USB stick, in EFI
mode, and it would boot perfectly on other machines, but not on affected

But AFAIR the USB partition table was DOS, not GPT.

So might this machine boot only from GPT disks ? Well, then it would'tn
boot a Knoppix ISO image stick. But it does...
> Michel: Does a simple ISO "output.iso" work, when made by
>   mkdir ./minimal
>   echo dummy >./minimal/dummy
>   grub-mkrescue -o output.iso ./minimal
> and then copied onto the plain USB stick device (e.g. /dev/sdc) ?
> grub-mkrescue produces valid GPT in ISO 9660.
I've produced an USB stick per your instructions above and tested it OK
on another machine. I will try to test it tonight on the affected
machine and let you know.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-29 Thread Michel Bouissou
Hi again,

Le 29/01/2018 à 16:29, Michel Bouissou a écrit :
> I created the USB stick per your instructions. I will try to give it a
> shot tonight on my son's machine.

I tested the USB stick on my son's machine, and I do get a grub prompt.

From there, if I type "help", I get a list of grub shell commands.

And if I type "reboot", the machine reboots.

So tha'ts a progress.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-29 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 29/01/2018 à 13:49, Daniel Kiper a écrit :
> OK, I have looked through the email exchange. I have not seen any info
> about the UEFI/firmware update. Have you done that? If you have not
> please do.
I have installed the latest HP UEFI/firmware from HP on this machine the
day I got it (last december)

Version is 01.11 (Machine came with 01.09 AFAIR)

>  If it does not help please create bootable USB stick in
> following way.

I created the USB stick per your instructions. I will try to give it a
shot tonight on my son's machine.

For your reference, the machine from which I created the stick is a
Manjaro and grub package version is 2.02.0-4.

After the grub-mkstandalone phase, the /mnt/efi/boot contains :
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12068352 29 janv. 16:19 bootx64.efi

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards.



Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list

Re: A thread on grub-bug could need attention

2018-01-08 Thread Michel Bouissou

Le 08/01/2018 à 13:48, Daniel Kiper a écrit :
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 12:35:20PM +0100, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am unhappy about the state of the thread
>>   "HP ProBook x360 11 G1 EE incompatible with grub"
>> which is about an EFI implementation which SYSLINUX for EFI can operate
>> from USB stick whereas GRUB from USB stick ends up with black screen.
>> An allergy of the firmware towards ISO 9660 hybrid images on USB stick
>> can surely be ruled out by
And I believe it has been. I have made a complete Linux install on an
USB stick of the latest Manjaro, so the stick is « setup like a hard
disk ». It will boot on other UEFI machines but will not boot on the
ProBook x360 11 G1 EE.

>> The bug reporter, Michel Bouissou, seems well apt enough to do experiments.
>> But i am not apt enough to propose any beyond ISO 9660.
>> Could people from this list please give Michel some hints about how to
>> retrieve more information about the problem between GRUB and this
>> peculiar EFI ?
As a side note, this is my son's student machine, he needs it daily in
college and also often needs it at home, so I don't have it available
all day and I cannot do experiments that would break the installed
Windows (alas).

I have also been on travel between XMas and january 1st, my son at
another place with his machine, and I will be in travel again all february.

So I volunteer to perform all necessary tests to understand this issue
better, however for the reasons above it may take some time before I can
both have the machine at hand and time to work on the issue. But I will
try my best to perform all proposed tests - and already did quite a
number of them...

So far my understanding of the issue is : as soon as the computer loads
grub, it freezes, independantly of the distro, used, whether be it from
an ISO image or a "normally" installed distro, and whether grub was
directly loaded from UEFI, or chained from rEFINd.

rEFInd works, Syslinux loads and boots ; grub hangs.

Best regards.


Michel Bouissou <> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C

Grub-devel mailing list