Re: [gt-user] Renewing /tmp/x509up_u$UID

2018-05-30 Thread Steven C Timm
It is possible to use myproxy-get-delegation a.k.a myproxy-retrieve to get a 
proxy from inside your job.

If you use the -d (dn_as_username) option both to store and to retrieve the 
proxy then  you don't need a passphase,

the myproxy server will see the short lived proxy you already have and give you 
another one based on that.

It can be tricky to figure out the right combination of options to store and 
retrieve but it can be done.

At Fermilab what we do is set up a cron job behind the scenes to do this on 
behalf of the user.. the job submit

does a myproxy-logon under the covers to store a proxy, and then there is a 
cron that runs to do myproxy-retrieve

on a daily basis to put the actual short-lived proxy that the job will use.


From: gt-user  on behalf of Koschmieder, 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 5:56:15 AM
Subject: [gt-user] Renewing /tmp/x509up_u$UID


In the GSI 
delegation process is briefly described where an existing proxy_n can be used 
to sign an subsequent proxy_n+1.

Assuming that I've used myproxy-logon to created a local proxy_n 
/tmp/x509up_u$UID. How would I create a proxy_n+1? Am I supposed to use 
openssl? Or is there a globus command for that? My goal is to renew 
/tmp/x509up_u$UID without reentering the passphrase.

Best regards,

Lukas Koschmieder
Steel Institute IEHK
RWTH Aachen University
Intzestraße 1
52072 Aachen

Re: [gt-user] Globus ³strict mode² coming March 2016 - Action Required

2016-05-04 Thread Steven C Timm
What has not been clear to me is the following:
Stuart Martin's  E-mail says that new clients will be released but it does not 
say what Globus
version that those new clients correspond to.  How do we tell via the client 
versions which ones
are enforcing strict mode and which ones are not?  Furthermore those of us who 
get the globus clients through other distributions, how do we tell when our 
distribution is starting to use them?

Steve Timm

From:  on 
behalf of Basney, Jim 
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 9:00:54 AM
To: GT User
Subject: Re: [gt-user] Globus ³strict mode² coming March 2016 - Action Required


Did this change happen as planned? Is the transition going OK for everyone?

In my role as CA operator, I know we've been issuing a lot of host certs
with multiple subjectAltNames in preparation for this transition, so
hopefully everyone has the certs they need.


On 2/4/16, 5:21 PM, Stuart Martin wrote:
>Hi All,
>Here is a reminder about this deadline and upcoming change.
>Admins should check their host certificates and update them if necessary.
> Replace any incompatible certificates by Mar 1, 2016.
>To allow a bit of a buffer between the service-side certificate update
>deadline and clients beginning to use strict mode, updates will be made
>to the Globus Toolkit to default the client-side algorithm to strict mode
>on Tuesday, April 5, 2016.
>- The Globus Team
>> On Dec 1, 2015, at 2:50 PM, Stuart Martin  wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Globus is planning to change the default client-side algorithm for
>>checking the server¹s identity used by GridFTP, MyProxy, GSI-OpenSSH,
>>and GRAM.  The new algorithm performs identity matching as described in
>>section 3.1 of RFC 2818
>>(, the standard
>>describing TLS use with HTTP.   This involves a change in the
>>globus-gssapi-gsi library, and will apply to any application that uses
>>the updated library.
>> The new ³strict mode² algorithm will be more strict in its enforcement,
>>checking that the server¹s certificate identity matches the hostname
>>that the client uses to contact the service.  Once clients are
>>configured for strict mode, client authentication (of any Globus
>>service) would fail if the service is using a certificate that does not
>>match the hostname that the client used to contact the service.
>> This change will bring our identity checking algorithm in line with RFC
>>2818, and will also close the door to reverse DNS lookup related attack
>>vectors. As an example of why relying on reverse DNS for making security
>>related decisions is not recommended, see this link:
>> The Globus team has checked the host certificates used for a number of
>>GridFTP endpoints and found that many are _not_ RFC 2818 compatible.
>>These incompatible certificates will need to be replaced prior to
>>clients defaulting to the new strict mode algorithm.
>> We are reaching out to request that Globus service admins check their
>>host certificates and update them if necessary.  We are asking admins to
>>replace any incompatible certificates by Mar 1, 2016.  After March 1, we
>>will release updated Globus Toolkit components that will change the
>>default client authorization algorithm to strict mode.  At that time,
>>the transfer service will also update its identity checking
>>algorithm.  This should ensure no service disruptions for the Globus
>> Note: Globus Connect Server installations that use the Globus provided
>>certificate are not affected and do not have to make any changes to
>>their Globus Connect Server endpoint(s).
>> We have created a page where additional details about this change will
>>be communicated:
>> The above page includes common reasons for incompatibilities and how to
>>check for compatibility.
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding this planned change,
>>please contact us at
>> - The Globus team

Re: [gt-user] How to distribute problems to multiple resources (computers)?

2012-11-18 Thread Steven C Timm
The GT4 globus toolkit did include an implementation of the Monitoring and 
Discovery Service, which can be used by a number of sites to advertise to some 
central service which could then tell the user where to globus-job-submit (or 
globusrun-ws –submit as GT4 did.)
In practice most production grids have some other non-globus method of telling 
the user which sites are available and now many free
Slots that they have.  Most common one is the BDII.  The Open Science Grid in 
the US uses that, but also uses software known
As the GlideinWMS to present the whole grid as a single unified resource to 

Steve Timm

[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 5:52 PM
To: gt-user
Subject: [gt-user] How to distribute problems to multiple resources (computers)?

Greetings GT community,

Suppose that a pool of computers are able to donate their idle CPU time, how 
can a problem (i.e. an piece of code) get executed in them in a distributed 

For example, when I use the command globus-job-submit, or globus-job-run, how 
will my local machine know where should these jobs to be submitted?

I'm expecting that every resource should register itself to a discovery data 
base (service) that is hosted on a server(s). And that grid users (e.g. 
programmers/researchers) submit problems, they submit it somewhere that will 
dispatch them to multiple resources (CPU donators) according to a scheduler and 
an execution management plan that decies what to do in case of a failure.

However, I fail to see how the above thoughts map to GT5 after following my 
reading of the quick start guide in -- what is in 
the guide is pretty controlled by the user/programmer (e.g. he specifies which 
computer to execute which commands on).


Re: [gt-user] Condor-G sumission does not work while globus submit works

2012-04-29 Thread Steven C Timm
It appears that you are trying to mix two different versions of globus toolkit 
Globus-job-submit is a pre-ws GRAM (gt2) service. The URL you have in the 
condor submit file before is
Trying to use GT4 (Web services) and worse, trying to use it on port 2119.

Try the following GridResource in your condor-G submit file:

GridResource= gt2

I think if you use a pure gt2 service you will be fine.  What you have below is 
a GT4 url on a GT2 port and that for sure will not work.
Also, gt4 (web services) client is mostly broken in condor 7.6.6 and will be 
totally deprecated in the next major release of condor.

Steve Timm

[] On Behalf Of Hameed Alzahrani
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 8:19 PM
Subject: [gt-user] Condor-G sumission does not work while globus submit works


When I submit the following submission file through condor it does not work and 
the job remains idle while submitting the same job using globus-job-submit 
works without any errors. The log on the remote host shows authentication 
failure in the condor-G case but it does not shows any failure when submitting 
the job by globus. Does any one come across this problem or know how to solve 
it? any help will be appreciated.

I use condor 7.6.6 and VDT 2

Submission file and process:

[zhrani@CM Grid]$ cat hostname_submit.jcl
grid_resource = gt4 PBS
Universe = grid
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
Executable = /bin/hostname
Arguments = -f
Output = cout.$(Cluster).$(Process)
Log =clog.$(Cluster).$(Process)

[zhrani@CM Grid]$ condor_submit hostname_submit.jcl
Submitting job(s).
Logging submit event(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 1106.

[zhrani@CM Grid]$ condor_q -globus

-- Submitter: : <> :
1106.0   zhraniUNSUBMITTED PBS /bin/hostname

[zhrani@CM Grid]$ condor_rm zhrani
User zhrani's job(s) have been marked for removal.

[zhrani@CM Grid]$ globus-job-submit /bin/hostname -f
[zhrani@CM Grid]$ globus-job-status
[zhrani@CM Grid]$ globus-job-get-output

Gridmanager LOG:

04/30/12 01:46:29 [25065] resource is now up
04/30/12 01:46:29 [25065] *** checkDelegation()
04/30/12 01:46:29 [25065] (1106.0) doEvaluateState called: gmState 
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] Received CHECK_LEASES signal
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] in doContactSchedd()
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] querying for renewed leases
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] querying for removed/held jobs
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] Using constraint ((Owner=?="zhrani"&&JobUniverse==9)) 
&& ((Managed =!= "ScheddDone")) && (JobStatus == 3 || JobStatus == 4 || 
(JobStatus == 5 && Managed =?= "External"))
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] Fetched 0 job ads from schedd
04/30/12 01:47:19 [25065] leaving doContactSchedd()
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] GridftpServer: Submitting job for proxy 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] entering FileTransfer::SimpleInit
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] Input files: 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] entering FileTransfer::UploadFiles (final_transfer=0)
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] entering FileTransfer::Upload
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] entering FileTransfer::DoUpload
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] DoUpload: sending file 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] FILETRANSFER: outgoing file_command is 4 for 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] Received GoAhead from peer to send 
/tmp/condor_g_scratch.0x19360fd0.25029/master_proxy.2 and all further files.
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] Sending GoAhead for to receive 
/tmp/condor_g_scratch.0x19360fd0.25029/master_proxy.2 and all further files.
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] DoUpload: put_x509_delegation() returned 0
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] DoUpload: sending file 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] FILETRANSFER: outgoing file_command is 1 for 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] ReliSock::put_file_with_permissions(): going to send 
permissions 100644
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] put_file: going to send from filename 
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] put_file: Found file size 84
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] put_file: sending 84 bytes
04/30/12 01:47:22 [25065] ReliSock: put_file: sent 84 bytes