Re: MonkeyGTD and Export to CSV or Excel

2009-12-16 Thread AlanBCohen
I'm not using MGTD and have a fairly simple system, but it may give
you some ideas.  I do not have an export to anything other than cut/
paste text.  I basically have three types of tiddlers;
- workunits (think trouble tickets, projects, tasks)
- timeperiod status reports (a day's activities)
- journals named by date/time stamps (-0MM-0DD_0hh.0mm.0ss).

My timeperiod status reports are forEachTiddler lists selecting
journals by date.  I create one for each day.  Within the list, I sort
by the tag (workunit ID) and timestamp (title), listing the text.
That way, I can cut/paste from these status reports into my MSWord
'real' status report for the boss.  For a time, I also used weekly
status reports (Friday to Thursday for the reporting cycle here), but
that was a bit of a nuisance and I got lazy.
My workunits are forEachTiddler lists selecting journals by tag.
Within these lists, I sort the journals by date and time (title),
giving me a timeline image of what I've done for that workunit over
the last week or month since it was assigned to me.
The journals are the core transaction for the system.  With a single
date/time-stamped record with a workunit tag, I capture my activities
by both what and when (I'm the who; where and why are irrelevant!).
I also have tags on the workunits, identifying them by types and
priority to support supplementary forEachTiddler lists as needed.
I've recently considered using FormTiddler and DataTiddler to provide
more structure to the journals as my bosses have been increasing the
level of detail that they ask us to capture, like how many hours
should be charged to some workunit categories, but I haven't done that


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Re: Index card printing error

2009-12-16 Thread AlanBCohen
A suggestion  to help you get more help;
Which GtD TW application are you using?  Monkey and D3 are two
recently mentioned of the many TW variants supported by this group;
which variant are you using?  Also, what size index cards are you
trying to print?  What dropdown menus are causing you problems? Are
they system menus from the TW version or some kind of user-defined
menus?  I did a quick search through the general TW group for the work
'print' and found a reference to "At the end of the StyleSheet section
is "@media print" which contains the CSS for printing. ".
I'll be honest, I haven't tried to print on index cards and don't
personally know any other TW users who do.  Good luck!


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Re: Index card printing error

2009-12-16 Thread Daniel
Is no one able to help with this?

On Dec 11, 12:30 am, Daniel  wrote:
> In addition, it would clean up the printed pages a bit if empty area's
> (waiting actions, future actions)  are not included in the printing of
> the card.


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Re: Img tag not working properly

2009-12-16 Thread eden
I"m using MonkeyGTD 3.0 alpha r103230

TW version 2.4.0

On Dec 15, 2:07 pm, Ken Girard  wrote:
> Which flavor of GTD - TiddlyWiki are you using?
> D3, MGTD, the old GTD TW, or something else?
> Also which version of TW are you using? Put <> in a tiddler
> to find out.
> Ken Girard
> On Dec 11, 3:32 pm, eden  wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the [img[URL]] in reference tidders and the notes
> > section of task tiddlers. For some reason the images don't show up.
> > They do, however, show up in my regular non-GTD tiddlywiki.
> > I'm using Firefox.
> > Thanks,
> > -eden- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


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