Re: d'n'd on a listview

2005-08-02 Thread Hubert Sokołowski


I have read the document at
about high-level drag'n'drop api for gtktreeview,
but still don't know where to start. I understand most of this
functions, but what events I have to connect to, to enable drag and
drop on a single listview. I need an abbility to drag a row and drop it
on another row on the same listview.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Providing gtk_main() with asynchronous data

2005-08-02 Thread Owen Taylor
On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 15:44 -0600, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 (not subscribed; please CC replies)
 I'm trying to find a way to provide my mainloop with asynchronous data
 from a thread.  I have read this:
 which describes how to use a GAsyncQueue and GSource to watch the queue
 for available data (and to have the thread wake up the mainloop when data
 is available).  A callback is run in the context of gtk_main when
 data is available.  It works perfectly except for one show-stopper

Note that using a custom GSource here is perhaps overcomplicated. The
simplest method is:

 g_idle_add (function_to_call_in_main_thread, data_to_pass_to_function);
(Or use g_idle_add_full() if you want to prioritize the callback higher
than the default idle priority.)


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fonts

2005-08-02 Thread Owen Taylor
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 00:16 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
 Does all text in gtk/pango get sent to the X server as ascii, or are bitmaps
 sent too? If sent as ascii, is it 7-bit, 8-bit, or something longer?
 Does gtk have any control over what renders the fonts at the X server?
 Is XDrawString used?

When rendering using Xft or (for in GTK+-2.7, Cairo), characters are 
rendered client side and sent to the server as images. Then a 
RenderCompositeGlyphs request is made to draw those images to the
screen. It looks conceptually like:

Using glyphset 1432413:
 draw glyph #3 at 40,10
 draw glyph #4 at 50,10


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Providing gtk_main() with asynchronous data

2005-08-02 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 05:36:47PM -0400, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 In gereral this is how we deal with this problem:
 typedef struct {
 GSource  source;
 gpointer my;
 gint extended;
 gchar   *data;
 } GMySource;

Thanks, works great.  My C skills are weak... should have caught that
from the g_source_new() docs.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Providing gtk_main() with asynchronous data

2005-08-02 Thread Owen Taylor
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 06:36 -0600, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 07:47:32AM -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
  On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 15:44 -0600, Pat Mahoney wrote:
   (not subscribed; please CC replies)
   I'm trying to find a way to provide my mainloop with asynchronous data
   from a thread.  I have read this:
   which describes how to use a GAsyncQueue and GSource to watch the queue
   for available data (and to have the thread wake up the mainloop when data
   is available).  A callback is run in the context of gtk_main when
   data is available.  It works perfectly except for one show-stopper
  Note that using a custom GSource here is perhaps overcomplicated. The
  simplest method is:
   g_idle_add (function_to_call_in_main_thread, data_to_pass_to_function);
  (Or use g_idle_add_full() if you want to prioritize the callback higher
  than the default idle priority.)
 Yes, that is simplest.  In my case, the CPU usage jumps to 100% (though
 the app is still responsive).  My particular app is reading frames from
 one or more webcams (select() doesn't work with video4linux devices, so
 this must be done in a seperate thread or process).  The camera_thread
 is triggered by the mainloop to snap a picture which it pushes onto a
 My callback on_camera_frame_available() checks the queue and returns
 immediately if there is no data.  Similarly, the GSourceFuncs check the
 queue.  However, by using the GSource, the check is performed about 2-3
 times per frame (using printf() to watch that, so timing may be skewed),
 while the g_idle_add() method runs my callback continually, and so the
 GAsyncQueue is constantly being checked for data, sucking down the CPU.

Your idle function presumably has the wrong return value. To quote:

  If the function returns FALSE it is automatically removed from the list of 
  event sources and will not be called again.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

VFS monitor

2005-08-02 Thread The Saltydog
I am using gnome_vfs_monitor_addto monitor a directory. When there
are subsequent changes to the dirctory, the application crashes with
this message:

libgnomevfs-ERROR **: file gnome-vfs-monitor.c: line 246
(actually_dispatch_callback): assertion failed:
(callback_data-send_state != CALLBACK_STATE_SENDING)

Anybody knows the meaning?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fonts

2005-08-02 Thread Liam R. E. Quin
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 10:35 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

 I was wandering if every time a gtk app prints some text, the instructions
 for each character to print are sent as 1 byte, or 4 bytes like utf-8 or
 whatever (eg, 0x61 for 'a') so that the text rendering thing on the server
 side knows which glyph to render, or if there are fonts where each *bitmap*
 for a character is sent from the client to the server.

It's rather more complex than that.

In the simplest case, an instruction to draw at a given location
is sent using the X protocol, and the operands include the graphics
context to use, the drawable to draw onto, the x and y coordinates
(all as 16-bit integers I think, although compression is used in
some circumstances) followed by the 16-bit length of the string,
followed by the string, and the server maps each character of the
string to the corresponding bitmap in a font.

However, it turns out to be faster and more efficient to render
the fonts to bitmaps on the client.  The first time each character
is used it is sent to the server as a bitmap, but subsequently
it is reused.

One reason that this is more efficient is that in order for the
client to tell the server to use the server-side fonts, the
server has to send the full font metrics to the client -- the
bounding box of each character, etc. -- and this is a lot of

 Is pango running on the client side, or the server side?

 A previous post mentioned font caching. I was wandering if gtk can be
 speeded up.
For any particular application there may be ways to speed up rendering,
but in general a lot of effort has already been put into making it
at least reasonably fast.  Have you written a program that's too

One thing to check is that your DISPLAY variable is set to :0.0 and
not to the full hostname -- this can make a significant difference on
slow systems.

Otherwise it's hard for me to guess where you might have performance
problems: it's necessary to measure.


Liam Quin,

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Query - Using Gtk on the Framebuffer..

2005-08-02 Thread Hasmeet Bedi
Hello Everybody
i want to use GTK  on the Framebuffer..i have read the doc related to this...
but i m confused..
i m using gtk+2.0 ( installed with Redhat 9) to work with it..but now i 
want to try Framebuffer Programming...let me know any Tutorial available for 
now it's written in the docs to compile GTK+ with framebuffer support you will 
need FreeType 2
i will get this from the mentioned site..but if i install freetype will my 
previous gtk work properly..i mean i will download the tarball for freetype and 
will extract it 
will this help me out or wat else i have to do to work with Gtk on framebuffer.
Any sample tutorials available for working with framebuffer using GTK.
Pls help me out ..i m new to this..
Waiting for ur reply

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: d'n'd on a listview

2005-08-02 Thread Hubert Sokołowski

Hi again!

Sorry if this topic was explained in the past.
I connected drag'n'drop events to my treeview:
  g_signal_connect (object, drag-begin,
G_CALLBACK (_drag_start_cb), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (object, drag-data-get,
G_CALLBACK (_drag_data_get_cb), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (object, drag-data-received,
G_CALLBACK (_drop_cb), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (object, drag-end,
G_CALLBACK (_drag_end_cb), NULL);

  gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source (widget, 0, target_table, 1,
 gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_dest (widget,
target_table, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY | GDK_ACTION_MOVE);

but none if this callbacks are called when I drag and drop rows from
this treeview. why ? 

thanks in advance
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Providing gtk_main() with asynchronous data

2005-08-02 Thread Faria, Sydney C
That is an excellent example, and I also was working solving this AsyncQueue
method!  Have you run into any examples of communicating TO a separate
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: d'n'd on a listview

2005-08-02 Thread Hubert Sokołowski

it was my fault,

I didn't add a button mask to gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GdkEvent -- XEvent

2005-08-02 Thread Brian J. Tarricone
Hash: SHA1

Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Hi all,
 As usual, I'm trying to do something that just wasnt' meant to be
 done :)  (otherwise when would I have any fun ?)
 I'm trying to write a widget that will display a netscape gecko plugin
 stream on linux, the plugin framework delivers an XEvent to the plugin
 and lets the plugin react, essentially; I want to do this:
 widget_event_handler (GtkWidget *widget,
   GdkEvent  *event,
   gpointer   data)
 FunkyPointer fptr = gdk_get_some_obscure_internal_thingy ();
 XEvent *event = fptr-walk-the-obscure-structures;
 deliver_event_to_plugin (plugin, event);
 surly the XEvent isnt gone during the emission is it ?

I'm relatively sure the XEvent is indeed lost by the time you see it
in your event handler.  If you'll look at the various XEvent and
GdkEvent structures, however, you'll note that they're fairly similar (I
think it's safe to assume GdkEvent was originally based on XEvent).  You
can construct XEvents from GdkEvents, though there's a little work
involved, especially if you care about all event types and not just a
few particular events.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

pkg-config vs gnome-config

2005-08-02 Thread Mark C. Smith
If this message if out of place or already answered, please point me to
the right direction and I'll be more than happy to follow up there.

I'm working on an app that uses gtk+-2.0 and a gdk_canvas.  'gnome-config'
points to the gtk-1.2 installation and pkg-config leaves out the
necessary include directories such that I get errors about gnome.h
not being found.  I'm not finding any .pc files in /usr/lib/pkgconfig
that look like their for a standalone gnome app.  Do I need to write
one?  Thanks.

Here's what I have in my Makefile right now:

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUGFLAGS) `pkg-config gdk-2.0 --libs --cflags` -o p p.c


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: pkg-config vs gnome-config

2005-08-02 Thread Brian J. Tarricone
Hash: SHA1

Mark C. Smith wrote:
 If this message if out of place or already answered, please point me to
 the right direction and I'll be more than happy to follow up there.
 I'm working on an app that uses gtk+-2.0 and a gdk_canvas.  'gnome-config'
 points to the gtk-1.2 installation and pkg-config leaves out the
 necessary include directories such that I get errors about gnome.h
 not being found.  I'm not finding any .pc files in /usr/lib/pkgconfig
 that look like their for a standalone gnome app.  Do I need to write
 one?  Thanks.
 Here's what I have in my Makefile right now:
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUGFLAGS) `pkg-config gdk-2.0 --libs --cflags` -o p p.c

GDK is a semi-internal backend support library for GTK.  You want to be
using 'gtk+-2.0' in your pkg-config line.  If you are using gnome2
libraries, check out /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libgnome*.pc for things you
might be using.  You'll probably want 'libgnome-2.0' and perhaps
'libgnomeui-2.0'.  IIRC, libgnomeui-2.0 will include cflags/libs
parameters for GTK as well, so you can probably omit 'gtk+-2.0'.

gnome-config is for gnome 1.x, I believe.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

General CPU usage question

2005-08-02 Thread Nickolai Dobrynin
I'm sure this question has been asked before, so maybe just point me
to the right place where I could look.

Suppose, as a simple example, I am setting the bg color of a
GtkEventBox and suppose there is a lot of redundancy, meaning that,
say, I set the background color to red when it's already red.  In
practice, this often happens when you do not do any internal tracking
that would minimize the number of GUI calls you make.

My questions is: does this increase the CPU usage?  Is it possible,
for example, that Gtk tracks things down internally and doesn't
physically update the color when the color requested is the same?

More generally, should redundancy be explicitly avoided, or Gtk avoids
it internally?


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

g_spawn_async_with_pipes problems

2005-08-02 Thread John Coppens
Hello people.

I call an external program, like this:

  ok = g_spawn_async_with_pipes(/tmp, argv, NULL,
std_in, std_out, std_err,

For both the std_out and std_err file descriptors, I connected g_io_watch
functions. I didn't do that for std_in, as I wanted to send commands on
that pipe asynchronously.

This works if instead of std_in, I write NULL in the spawn call. Just
modifying the line to what is above, seems to block both stdout and
stderr output pipes.

Could someone point me to some application where g_spawn_async_with_pipes
is uses with all three pipes used? I asked Dr Google without success.

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