On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Garth's KidStuff

Thanks for the reply!

>the scrolledwindow but without results:
> >   g_signal_connect(sw, "key-press-event", (GCallback)eat_pageupdown,
> NULL);
> I just asked a very similar question a few days ago on the list and Murray
> was kind enough to point out that I needed to connect my signal *before*
> the
> regular signal handler (as opposed to after, which is the default).  In
> gtkmm, this was easy as the connect function has a parameter for that very
> purpose.  I don't see how to so so here.  Sorry :(

g_signal_connect_before doesn't exists because the documentation of
g_signal_connect says:

Connects a 
to a signal for a particular object.

The handler will be called before the default handler of the signal.

As far as I've seen gtkmm there is no connect_before() also there, but there
is a boolean flag "after"... Anyway it seems that none of the widget
involved (textview, scrolledwindow, verticalscrollbar) receive
"key-press-event" nor "key-release-event" so connecting it before or after
the default handler will not change the behaviour...

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