I'm not sure of the licensing implications ( maybe there are none ),
but the current Ubuntu theme is implemented exclusively in css. If you
have a Ubuntu box, you can locate them in /usr/share/themes ( eg
/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.20 is one particular theme ). If you
copy these into the right directory ( depends on your gtk+ environment
), you can use them under Windows. Note that you'll need a theme
that's written for your gtk+ version - the theming spec is now stable
for current gtk-3.x.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 3:16 AM, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/31/2017 05:54 AM, Happy wrote:
>> Thanks for the note. Hope the following links work. As you can see the
>> windows are much different in size as well as the spacing.
>> Ubuntu:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxjwKUaYdW_zYnUydWExX2NNdE0/view?usp=s
>> haring
>> Windows:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxjwKUaYdW_zeFhZdFYtelViUGM/view?usp=s
>> haring
>> Glade.glade file:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxjwKUaYdW_zYWY4UnZweDhRbGc/view?usp=s
>> haring
>> Thanks
> The differences are due to different themes used.  If you used the same
> theme between Windows and Linux, the output should look near identical.
> But if you want it to look somewhat native on Windows, stick with the
> default Windows-ish theme there.  The Windows UI look and feel has
> gotten rather big and spaced out in recent years, so maybe the theme is
> just reflecting this.  Does your GTK+ GUI look very different than
> native Win32 apps?
> There's no reason I can think of to expect or want things to look pixel
> per pixel identical between different operating systems and desktop
> environments, though like I said you can do that by manually picking the
> same theme as you use on the other platform.  GTK's layouts are flexible
> and can adapt and adjust to many different sizes and spacings.
> Just a note that your Windows example appears to be scaled by Windows
> because of the UI DPI setting; you can turn that off by right-clicking
> on the executable and going to properties, compatibility and disabling
> the scaling option.
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