This is more or less what I did except I added a signal_connect separately
to the visibilty (which is in a cell_data_function on first renderer)

ie: (perl)
my @cells=Treeview->get_column(n)->get_cells;
(where n is the appropriate number of column/renderer)

On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 22:57, Reuben Rissler <> wrote:

> On 04/29/2019 10:36 AM, Mike Martin via gtk-app-devel-list wrote:
> > Has anyone done anything like this?
> I haven't, but you are welcome to my simple Glade mockup:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- Generated with glade 3.22.1 -->
> <interface>
>    <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.20"/>
>    <object class="GtkListStore" id="combo_model">
>      <columns>
>        <!-- column-name id -->
>        <column type="gchararray"/>
>        <!-- column-name text -->
>        <column type="gchararray"/>
>      </columns>
>      <data>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">1</col>
>          <col id="1" translatable="yes">one</col>
>        </row>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">2</col>
>          <col id="1" translatable="yes">two</col>
>        </row>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">3</col>
>          <col id="1" translatable="yes">three</col>
>        </row>
>      </data>
>    </object>
>    <object class="GtkListStore" id="tree_model">
>      <columns>
>        <!-- column-name text -->
>        <column type="gchararray"/>
>        <!-- column-name text_visible -->
>        <column type="gboolean"/>
>        <!-- column-name combo_visible -->
>        <column type="gboolean"/>
>        <!-- column-name toggle_visible -->
>        <column type="gboolean"/>
>      </columns>
>      <data>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">text</col>
>          <col id="1">True</col>
>          <col id="2">False</col>
>          <col id="3">False</col>
>        </row>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">combo</col>
>          <col id="1">False</col>
>          <col id="2">True</col>
>          <col id="3">False</col>
>        </row>
>        <row>
>          <col id="0" translatable="yes">toggle</col>
>          <col id="1">False</col>
>          <col id="2">False</col>
>          <col id="3">True</col>
>        </row>
>      </data>
>    </object>
>    <object class="GtkWindow">
>      <property name="can_focus">False</property>
>      <child>
>        <placeholder/>
>      </child>
>      <child>
>        <object class="GtkTreeView">
>          <property name="visible">True</property>
>          <property name="can_focus">True</property>
>          <property name="model">tree_model</property>
>          <child internal-child="selection">
>            <object class="GtkTreeSelection"/>
>          </child>
>          <child>
>            <object class="GtkTreeViewColumn">
>              <property name="title" translatable="yes">column</property>
>              <child>
>                <object class="GtkCellRendererText">
>                  <property name="editable">True</property>
>                </object>
>                <attributes>
>                  <attribute name="visible">1</attribute>
>                  <attribute name="text">0</attribute>
>                </attributes>
>              </child>
>              <child>
>                <object class="GtkCellRendererCombo">
>                  <property name="editable">True</property>
>                  <property name="model">combo_model</property>
>                  <property name="text_column">1</property>
>                </object>
>                <attributes>
>                  <attribute name="visible">2</attribute>
>                  <attribute name="text">0</attribute>
>                </attributes>
>              </child>
>              <child>
>                <object class="GtkCellRendererToggle"/>
>                <attributes>
>                  <attribute name="visible">3</attribute>
>                  <attribute name="active">3</attribute>
>                </attributes>
>              </child>
>            </object>
>          </child>
>        </object>
>      </child>
>    </object>
> </interface>
> >
> > Basically the idea is that I push multiple renderers into a treeview
> column
> > , then depending on the row hide/show the appropriate renderer (text,
> > combo, toggle)
> So go ahead and add three different renderers, and use row values to set
> them visible or invisible. In this case we have three different
> column/row cells to set each widget visible.
> >
> > Then call the appropriate signal_connect (edited, changed, toggled)
> You can't really generate a signal on an invisible renderer, can you?
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> > gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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