Re: GtkTable cells resizing

2012-05-18 Thread James Steward

On 15/05/12 14:45, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:29 PM, James Steward  wrote:

On 15/05/12 11:56, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

... perhaps it's worth trying an extra call to gtk_widget_queue_resize()
after modifying your table.


I'm trying that.   I have signals connected thus;

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p-canvas), expose-event,
 G_CALLBACK(plot_expose_event), p);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p-canvas), select-item,
 G_CALLBACK(plot_select_event), p);

and get the plot_select_event() routine to calculate and set new canvas
sizes with

gtk_plot_canvas_set_size(GTK_PLOT_CANVAS(p-canvas), width, height);

then call gtk_widget_queue_resize(GTK_WIDGET(p-table));

This causes plot_expose_event() to get called, which calls

But the table rows seem to expand to the largest canvas and don't seem to
take on variable heights.

Feel I've been around and around the mulberry bush on this ;-)

Hard to say whats going on here, I wonder who is responding
to the size requests for these items which are getting drawn.

It seems you connect to a signal to draw on a widget, which
means the content is not the widget, so probably you need
to also connect a signal to override the size request of the
said widget you intend painting onto ?

Perhaps you are using forced size requests to accomplish
this (using gtk_widget_set_size_request() or such), and
have somehow mixed up the size requests while swapping
your content onto new rows/columns ?

Other than that, child 'expand' properties will be considered
by the GtkTable (if all children can expand, then it's quite
possible that after reaching a large window size the content
will be evenly  spread).
Thanks for your ideas.  I had another.  I could define the table as 
having twice as many rows, then (hopefully) just reassigning the attach 
points.  I.e. where I now have;

gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas1, 0, 1, 0, 1);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas2, 0, 1, 1, 2);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas3, 0, 1, 2, 3);

instead I'll define a 6 row table and initialise as;

gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas1, 0, 1, 0, 2);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas2, 0, 1, 2, 4);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas3, 0, 1, 4, 6);

Then to zoom canvas2, I can hopefully somehow move the attachment points to;

gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas1, 0, 1, 0, 1);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas2, 0, 1, 1, 5);
gtk_table_attach_defaults(table1, canvas3, 0, 1, 5, 6);

I'd obviously need to fix the row size by making the table homogeneous.

What do you think?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GtkTable cells resizing

2012-05-14 Thread James Steward


I have an application with a tabbed view.  On two tabs I have a table, 
one is a 2x2 table, the other a 3x1 table (3 rows).

In each cell is a canvas that has a gtk plot.

I want to be able to click one of the plots in the 3x1 table and change 
the canvas size to 2/3 the original, with the other two canvases being 
1/6 the original size.

After redrawing and resizing and mucking about, I can't get the table 
rows to be different sizes, accommodating the different sized canvases 
properly, even though I have gtk_table_set_homogeneous (table, FALSE);

Any clues how to do this?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkTable cells resizing

2012-05-14 Thread James Steward

On 15/05/12 11:56, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

Are you using GTK+ 3 ?

Still on GTK+ 2.0.

If so, use GtkGrid instead... possibly just that will fix things for you.

Short of that, if I understand correctly, you have a target state/configuration
of a GtkTable (or GtkGrid), if you construct the table in the target
from scratch, I take it things work as you want... but dont work properly
after performing some kind of a transformation to reach your target

That's about it.

... perhaps it's worth trying an extra call to gtk_widget_queue_resize()
after modifying your table.

I'm trying that.   I have signals connected thus;

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p-canvas), expose-event,
 G_CALLBACK(plot_expose_event), p);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p-canvas), select-item,
 G_CALLBACK(plot_select_event), p);

and get the plot_select_event() routine to calculate and set new canvas 
sizes with

gtk_plot_canvas_set_size(GTK_PLOT_CANVAS(p-canvas), width, height);

then call gtk_widget_queue_resize(GTK_WIDGET(p-table));

This causes plot_expose_event() to get called, which calls 

But the table rows seem to expand to the largest canvas and don't seem 
to take on variable heights.

Feel I've been around and around the mulberry bush on this ;-)


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:21 PM, James Steward  wrote:


I have an application with a tabbed view.  On two tabs I have a table, one
is a 2x2 table, the other a 3x1 table (3 rows).

In each cell is a canvas that has a gtk plot.

I want to be able to click one of the plots in the 3x1 table and change the
canvas size to 2/3 the original, with the other two canvases being 1/6 the
original size.

After redrawing and resizing and mucking about, I can't get the table rows
to be different sizes, accommodating the different sized canvases properly,
even though I have gtk_table_set_homogeneous (table, FALSE);

Any clues how to do this?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Trouble with button mask

2012-05-13 Thread James Steward


I've been trying to get a canvas select item event to fire for a 

Upon left clicking inside a plot canvas, I can see that 
gtk_plot_canvas_button_press(...) gets called, and the following lines 
near the beginning of that function (in the gtkextra lib) cause the 
function to exit without anything being selected.

  gdk_window_get_pointer(widget-window, NULL, NULL, mods);
  if(!(mods  GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return FALSE;

Upon inspection of the variable mods, it appears to have a value of 
GDK_MOD2_MASK, according to GDB.

Anyone know why a GDK_BUTTON1_MASK isn't read when I left click?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Trouble with button mask

2012-05-13 Thread James Steward

Stupid question below.  Please ignore.


On 14/05/12 15:47, James Steward wrote:


I've been trying to get a canvas select item event to fire for a 

Upon left clicking inside a plot canvas, I can see that 
gtk_plot_canvas_button_press(...) gets called, and the following lines 
near the beginning of that function (in the gtkextra lib) cause the 
function to exit without anything being selected.

  gdk_window_get_pointer(widget-window, NULL, NULL, mods);
  if(!(mods  GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return FALSE;

Upon inspection of the variable mods, it appears to have a value of 
GDK_MOD2_MASK, according to GDB.

Anyone know why a GDK_BUTTON1_MASK isn't read when I left click?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Trouble with TreeView

2012-03-21 Thread James Steward

Hi All,

I've built a TreeModel by creating a new TreeStore, and populating it with;

for (rp = parent; rp; rp = rp-next) {
gtk_tree_store_append(store, iter, NULL);
gtk_tree_store_set(store, iter,
0, rp-number, -1);

for (ep = rp-child; ep; ep = ep-next) {
gtk_tree_store_append(store, child, iter);
gtk_tree_store_set(store, child,
0, ep-number,
1, ep-name,
2, ep-mean,
3, ep-std_dev,

Then created a new view, associated the model with it, and inserted columns.

I add the view to a scrolled window, which is in turn added to a dialog 
content area.

When I display the dialog, the tree is not quite what I expect.

In the first row (0), the values for name, mean and std_dev have not 
been defined, yet the mean and std_dev (which are floats) are shown as 
0.00.  I don't want them to be displayed at all.

So to clarify, the first part of the tree looks like

 1 |  |  0.00  |  0.00
  5 |  Fu Bar  |  0.345123  |  0.051234
  3 |  Snafu   |  0.765432  |  0.145678

Is there a way to suppress the display of some columns that don't make 
sense for the parent node, I.e. columns 1, 2, 3 in row 0?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: misc and a question...

2011-12-28 Thread James Steward

On 29/12/11 11:05, Gary Kline wrote:

  ... due to people on this list who have been patient and
'splained things ... and who have NOT said: 'go read the man page'
--well, nutshell, in ~ 3 weeks, i'm starting to see how gtk works.

i just learned that TRUE == 1 and not 0.  i haven't used the access()
call in awhile.  i am trying to catch catch errors before they crop

the way i see my application being used, there won't be   any xterms
or konsoles open to print a stderr or stdout.  So: is there a way in
gtk to have a message dialog open that prints warning or whatever to
the new user?

#define eprintf(...) do { \
GtkWidget *dialog; \
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new ((GtkWindow *)window, \
__VA_ARGS__); \
gtk_dialog_set_default_response(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), 
gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); \
gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); \
} while (0)

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func gives GTK-CRITICAL error

2011-11-30 Thread James Steward

On 30/11/11 20:04, Tadej Borovšak wrote:


2011/11/30 James

col = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (
text, i,
strikethrough, j,
background, k,
background-set, TRUE,

gtk_tree_view_get_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(view), col),

IIRC, gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes() returns number of
columns and gtk_tree_view_get_column() expects to get column number
where first column is 0. So you may be off-by-one in your call to

Well spotted!  Thanks very much.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func gives GTK-CRITICAL error

2011-11-29 Thread James Steward


Wanting to display floats with a particular format in a tree view.

void render_float(GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
GtkCellRenderer   *renderer,
GtkTreeModel  *model,
GtkTreeIter   *iter,
gpointer   user_data)
gfloat  f;
gchar   buf[20];

int col = GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data);

gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, col, f, -1);

g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), %.2f, f);

g_object_set(renderer, text, buf, NULL);

G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean on_menu_show_results_activate(
GtkWidget *w,
GdkEvent *event,
gpointer user_data)


renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();

col = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (
text, i,
strikethrough, j,
background, k,
background-set, TRUE,

gtk_tree_view_get_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(view), col),


When I run the app I get:

Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func: assertion 
`GTK_IS_CELL_LAYOUT (cell_layout)' failed

Can anyone spot what I've done wrong?  There's no compiler warnings, 
just this runtime error.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Maximize on Windows 7 seems broken.

2011-05-12 Thread James Steward

On 11/05/2011 8:07 AM, James Steward wrote:


I'm developing on Windows 7, 64 bit, using MinGW/MSYS for familiarity
with a Posix type system.

I have installed, and building a
32bit app for compatibility.

My application calls gtk_window_maximize(GTK_WINDOW(window)); but the
resulting window is not maximized properly. It sits below the top of
the screen, and is cut off at the bottom of the screen.

Also, restoring the window, then dragging to the top of the screen to
allow Bill to maximize it results in the same.

Running on an XP machine, the maximize works fine, as it does on Linux.

Is this a known Windows 7 (possibly also Vista) problem with GTK+ apps?
Is there a fix?

I've googled around, but not hit on any solutions yet.

I have a v small test case.  Can I attach it here?  Let's find out...

I also have a screenshot if anyone is interested.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Maximize on Windows 7 seems broken.

2011-05-12 Thread James Steward

On 13/05/2011 8:03 AM, James Steward wrote:

On 11/05/2011 8:07 AM, James Steward wrote:


I'm developing on Windows 7, 64 bit, using MinGW/MSYS for familiarity
with a Posix type system.

I have installed, and building a
32bit app for compatibility.

My application calls gtk_window_maximize(GTK_WINDOW(window)); but the
resulting window is not maximized properly. It sits below the top of
the screen, and is cut off at the bottom of the screen.

Also, restoring the window, then dragging to the top of the screen to
allow Bill to maximize it results in the same.

Running on an XP machine, the maximize works fine, as it does on Linux.

Is this a known Windows 7 (possibly also Vista) problem with GTK+ apps?
Is there a fix?

I've googled around, but not hit on any solutions yet.

I have a v small test case.  Can I attach it here?  Let's find out...

I also have a screenshot if anyone is interested.

Well, that didn't seem to work very well.  In the meantime I've found 
the answer.  I had these properties set on the main window.

property name=window_positioncenter-always/property
property name=default_width1024/property

Removing them and the window maximizes properly.  The hint came from bug .   Hope this helps 
someone else.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Maximize on Windows 7 seems broken.

2011-05-10 Thread James Steward


I'm developing on Windows 7, 64 bit, using MinGW/MSYS for familiarity
with a Posix type system.

I have installed, and building a 
32bit app for compatibility.

My application calls gtk_window_maximize(GTK_WINDOW(window)); but the
resulting window is not maximized properly. It sits below the top of
the screen, and is cut off at the bottom of the screen.

Also, restoring the window, then dragging to the top of the screen to
allow Bill to maximize it results in the same.

Running on an XP machine, the maximize works fine, as it does on Linux.

Is this a known Windows 7 (possibly also Vista) problem with GTK+ apps?
Is there a fix?

I've googled around, but not hit on any solutions yet.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Maximize on Windows 7 seems broken.

2011-05-10 Thread James Steward

On 11/05/2011 8:19 AM, Matteo Landi wrote:

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:07 AM, James Steward  wrote:


I'm developing on Windows 7, 64 bit, using MinGW/MSYS for familiarity
with a Posix type system.

I have installed, and building a 32bit
app for compatibility.

My application calls gtk_window_maximize(GTK_WINDOW(window)); but the
resulting window is not maximized properly. It sits below the top of
the screen, and is cut off at the bottom of the screen.

Also, restoring the window, then dragging to the top of the screen to
allow Bill to maximize it results in the same.

Running on an XP machine, the maximize works fine, as it does on Linux.

Is this a known Windows 7 (possibly also Vista) problem with GTK+ apps?
Is there a fix?

I've googled around, but not hit on any solutions yet.

Is it maybe a problem with the window manager? I had problem trying to
raise a window up if covered.
Just guessing...

Whether a problem with Bill's window manager or not, there must be a 
solution from Gtk.


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