Re: Using a TextView as a sort of Hbox with wrapping

2014-01-26 Thread James Tappin
  If I interpret what you are trying to do correctly (not necessarily a
given), then I would have thought that GtkScrolledWindow (possibly in
conjunction with GtkViewport) would be the tool for the job.


On 26 January 2014 14:50, Chris Angelico wrote:

 My application has a status bar which can have an arbitrary number of
 items added to it. Currently, I use an Hbox with no padding, which
 works fine as long as there aren't too many statusbar elements added;
 but if there are a lot, the tail starts wagging the dog, in that the
 size of the window becomes dictated by the status bar (which normally
 is supposed to be subtle, not intrusive/controlling). So I figured
 that wrapping elements onto another line of status bar would be a more
 useful way to lay them out, but that's really tricky. Enter TextView:
 it's a widget designed to handle wrapping, and it can have child
 widgets embedded in it.

 Here's some proof of concept code. (This is in Pike, so you may not be
 able to run it directly.)

 int main()
 foreach (({Asdf asdf,Qwer qwer,Zxcv zxcv,Testing,
 testing,1, 2, 3, 4}),string x)

 buf-insert(buf-get_end_iter(),  ,-1);

 -add(GTK2.Label(Blah blah blah, this\nhas lots and\nlots of
 content\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit\namet))
 -pack_start(GTK2.Button(This sets the base width),0,0,0)
 )-show_all()-signal_connect(delete-event,lambda() {exit(0);});
 return -1;

 Two questions.

 Firstly: Is this a really REALLY stupid thing to do? When I Googled
 for a wrapping layout manager, nothing mentioned this possibility, so
 I'm wondering if this is somehow fundamentally bad and I just haven't
 seen it.

 And secondly: The TextArea defaults to having a white background, but
 I want to use the window's default background. On my system, setting
 the color to (240,240,240) does that, but that means I'm explicitly
 setting a color, so it's going to be grey even if the UI theme
 specifies that a window's background should be vibrant orange. Is
 there a way to tell the TextView not to draw its background, or
 alternatively, a way to query the default background color for a

 Thanks in advance!

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Get column no. of edited cell.

2013-06-02 Thread James Tappin
Another possibility would be to use  g_object_set_data to give the renderer
a column number, and g_object_get_data in the handler.

On 2 June 2013 07:15, dE wrote:

 On 06/02/13 00:27, Arnel A. Borja wrote:

 On Sunday, 02 June, 2013 01:44 AM, dE wrote:

 I've set the editable property of GtkCellRenderer to true, and set the
 call back for the edited signal.

 This particular signal tells the node/row in which the edit has
 occurred, but not the column/filed. How can I get that?


 Use a different renderer for each column. Then check in the edited signal
 which renderer was edited.

 I'm trying this out, but isnt this also possible with
 gtk_tree_view_get_cursor clubbed with gtk_tree_view_column_get_sort_**

 Cause I'm getting segfault with --

 gtk_tree_view_get_cursor ( detect_object ( DataDisplay, build_object ),
 tree_path, focus_column );

 Where --

 GtkTreeViewColumn **focus_column;
 GtkTreePath **tree_path;

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list**mailman/listinfo/gtk-app-**devel-list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

g_timeout handling, is this the best way?

2012-11-20 Thread James Tappin
I have a program that uses a g_timeout loop to control the display of a
sequence of plots (produced via plplot), and I need to be able to change
the delay between displaying the plots.

The method I am using is this:

   1. Use g_timeout_add_full to create the timeout, with the GSourceFunc as
   a routine that checks whether a termination flag has been set, and either
   displays the next frame and returns TRUE or just returns FALSE.
   2. Set up a GDestroyNotify function that checks if a restart flag is set
   and if it has then starts a new timeout loop.
   3. The callback that changes the speed, updates the delay and then sets
   both the termination and restart flags, so that on the next timeout call,
   the loop is destroyed and recreated with the new delay.

Is this the best way to do it or is there a more convenient way?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Lack of gtk_application_get_window_by_id function despite of documentation

2012-11-17 Thread James Tappin
On 17 November 2012 16:05, Jakub Kucharski wrote:

 I was trying to compile my application and it appears that one documented
 function called 'gtk_application_get_window_**by_id' (**gtk3/stable/GtkApplication.**
 doesn't exist. I run Debian Sid on my machine and I've installed
 'libgtk-3-dev' package, so I don't really see what's wrong. Maybe this
 output will be useful for you:

According to the Debian package list they are still at 3.4 in Sid, and the
routine is marked Since 3.6.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Examples of ComboBox using an explicit model?

2012-07-31 Thread James Tappin
Thanks to those who send examples on or off list. With the guidance of
those I was able to figure out how the different bits fit together and get
a working code.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Examples of ComboBox using an explicit model?

2012-07-30 Thread James Tappin
I am currently trying to implement combobox cell renderers in the
high-level gtk-fortran code. Unfortunately unlike normal comboboxes where
there is the convenience type of GtkComboBoxText this is not available for
cell renderers.

I have hunted for examples of a working combobox that uses an explicit tree
model without any success. Does anybody on this list have such an example
(or even better, of a CellRendererCombo) that they would be willing to

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

g_value_set_instance -- how to use?

2012-07-23 Thread James Tappin
There is very little documentation that I can find explaining how
g_value_set_instance is supposed to work. Is the following anywhere near

void my_gvalue_setter( const GValue *gv,
 gpointer  val,
 Gtype type)
  g_value_init(gv, type);
  g_value_set_instance(gv,  val);

Then provided val is a pointer to a quantity of type type, it's equivalent
to using the specific setting routine or am I barking up quite the wrong
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How do I fix the window size?

2012-06-05 Thread James Tappin
On 5 June 2012 11:00, Ferdinand Ramirez wrote:

 I have a treeview and a scrollbar which are both within a hbox. The hbox
 is within a window. When I expand the treeview, the window resizes itself
 to include the whole treeview.

 The biggest problem is when the treeview has more elements than what can
 be seen on a single screen. The window size becomes larger than the display.

 I want the window size to remain the same and use my scrollbar to navigate
 my treeview. How do I achieve this? gtk_window_resize does not seem to be
 the solution.

I think the solution is to place the treeview in a gtk_scrolled_window
rather than using an hbox and an explicit scrollbar. You may also need to
make a call to gtk_widget_set_size_request on the scrolled window to get
what you want.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How do I fix the window size?

2012-06-05 Thread James Tappin
On 5 June 2012 12:50, Ferdinand Ramirez wrote:

 --- On Tue, 6/5/12, James Tappin wrote:

  I think the solution is to place the treeview in a gtk_scrolled_window
  rather than using an hbox and an explicit scrollbar.

 The reason for trying out with an explicit hbox is that the column headers
 scroll out of view with a gtk_scrolled_window.

I'm puzzled as it doesn't do that in my RPN calculator stack and registers
display. This uses a list model (i.e. no sub-rows).  Here are the key bits
of code (in Fortran 2003 -- I'm not a C programmer).

The list creator function:

  function hl_gtk_listn_new(scroll, ncols, types, changed, data, multiple,
width, titles, height, swidth, align, ixpad, iypad, sensitive, 
tooltip, sortable, editable, colnos, edited, data_edited)

type(c_ptr) :: list
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: scroll
integer(kind=c_int), intent(in), optional :: ncols
integer(kind=type_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: types
! Create the storage model
model = gtk_list_store_newv(ncols_all, c_loc(types_all))

! Create the list in the scroll box
scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new(C_NULL_PTR, C_NULL_PTR)
call gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(scroll, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, 
list = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(model)
call gtk_container_add(scroll, list)

And in the calculator itself:

  ! Registers.
  jbase = hl_gtk_box_new()
  idx = hl_gtk_notebook_add_page(mstabs, jbase, 
  fmemory = hl_gtk_listn_new(smemory, changed=c_funloc(memsel), 
height=300, titles= (/ Index//c_null_char, Value//c_null_char
types = (/ g_type_int, g_type_double /))
  call hl_gtk_listn_set_cell_data_func(fmemory, memcol, 
func=c_funloc(show_list), data=c_loc(memcol))
  call hl_gtk_box_pack(jbase, smemory)

I hope that this will at least give some clues as to how the bits fit

P.S. hl_gtk_* routines are Fortran routines that bundle settings together
and use Fortran's optional argument system to hide much of the complexity
of the raw gtk_* calls.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Multiple selections in list/treeview widgets and accelerator groups?

2012-06-01 Thread James Tappin
Is it possible that having an accelerator group associated with the
top-level window of a hierarchy could prevent multiple selections in a list
widget within that window from working?

I have an application that is supposed to have multiple selections enabled
(gtk_tree_selection_set_mode(selection, GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE) has been
called on the selection object associated with the treeview). But when I do
a control-click or shift-click on the list nothing happens [I don't expect
Ctrl-A to work as that is bound to a button]. The only significant
difference I can see from a demo program that does work is that the
top-level window has an accelerator group in the application and not in the

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-11 Thread James Tappin
On 11 April 2012 04:36, wrote:

 On 10 April 2012 18:33, James Tappin wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately in this case it doesn't help. (I
  have also tried gdk_display_flush and gdk_window_flush, but still the

 Here's a tiny test program that works for me with gtk2. It just uses:

  gdk_window_set_cursor( win-window, busy_cursor );


 That program works, as does a translation into Fortran. But I'm still not
having any joy with my display monitor. Maybe the only convenient fix is to
show a window with a message Reading database during the read and then
create the monitor afterwards.

To Igor: I thought that a progress bar in activity mode had to be prodded
to show the animation, which is not possible while I'm doing the read.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-11 Thread James Tappin
On 11 April 2012 09:25, James Tappin wrote:

 On 11 April 2012 04:36, wrote:

 On 10 April 2012 18:33, James Tappin wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately in this case it doesn't help.
  have also tried gdk_display_flush and gdk_window_flush, but still the

 Here's a tiny test program that works for me with gtk2. It just uses:

  gdk_window_set_cursor( win-window, busy_cursor );


 That program works, as does a translation into Fortran. But I'm still not
 having any joy with my display monitor. Maybe the only convenient fix is to
 show a window with a message Reading database during the read and then
 create the monitor afterwards.

 To Igor: I thought that a progress bar in activity mode had to be prodded
 to show the animation, which is not possible while I'm doing the read.

I'm now really confused -- I've reordered some of the code so that the
set_cursor call precedes putting a message in the status bar. And the
status bar updates but not the cursor.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-11 Thread James Tappin
On 11 April 2012 10:51, James Tappin wrote:

 I'm now really confused -- I've reordered some of the code so that the
 set_cursor call precedes putting a message in the status bar. And the
 status bar updates but not the cursor.

OK: I think I've figured it. The problem is/was that since the pointer was
not normally inside the monitor window when the cursor change was made AND
there was no event polling during the read, the cursor was stuck in what
ever state it entered the window.

Since other parts of the program use openmp for parallel DO loops, I've put
a parallel section so that one thread polls events while the other does the

Thanks for all the comments, they did help getting me thinking down the
right lines.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-10 Thread James Tappin
I have a gtk (fortran) application that displays a progress monitor while
computing, and I would like to display the busy cursor while the program is
reading a large data file.

Right now what I have is:

To define the busy cursor and GDK window (module [global] variables).

   draw_window = gtk_widget_get_window(window)
   busy_cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display(gdk_display_get_default(), 

and then to activate/deactivate it:

 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 ! Set a busy cursor on the progress monitor (for reading the database)
 subroutine set_monitor_busy(is_busy)
   logical, intent(in) :: is_busy

   if (is_busy) then
  call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())
  call gdk_window_set_cursor(draw_window, busy_cursor)
  call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())
  call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())
  call gdk_window_set_cursor(draw_window, NULL)
  call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())
   end if
 end subroutine set_monitor_busy

The just before I start to read the big file I have:
  call set_monitor_busy(.TRUE.)

and after reading:
 call set_monitor_busy(.FALSE.)

However, even with both gdk_display_sync calls as shown, sometimes the busy
cursor appears and sometimes it doesn't (in fact sometimes the whole window
shows blank until after the file read). The commonest case is that the
monitor window renders but still keeps the regular cursor.

Is there some other call (or calls) I should be making to force the updates
to take place?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-10 Thread James Tappin
On 10 April 2012 10:09, wrote:

 On 10 April 2012 16:58, James Tappin wrote:
   call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())
   call gdk_window_set_cursor(draw_window, busy_cursor)
   call gdk_display_sync(gdk_display_get_default())

 My gtk2 program does this with:

gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor );

 If that's any help :( I've not tried gtk3 yet.


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately in this case it doesn't help. (I
have also tried gdk_display_flush and gdk_window_flush, but still the same
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting the busy cursor to display.

2012-04-10 Thread James Tappin
On 10 April 2012 11:36, Michael Cronenworth wrote:

 James Tappin wrote:
  Is there some other call (or calls) I should be making to force the
  to take place?

 I use the following for widget updates during background processing:

while ( gtk_events_pending( ) )
gtk_main_iteration(  );

 Not sure if it will work for cursor drawing though.
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

I have tried that as well -- and still no joy.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

An issue with Qt styling and/or threads?

2012-02-17 Thread James Tappin
I have a problem running a Gtk program when using the Qt style as
supplied via gtk-qt-engine and kde-config-gtk-style.

The program is a fairly heavy duty computation that uses openmp for
parallel computation and has a gtk progress monitor (which is updated
from within a critical section so it can never be accessed by more
than one thread at a time). When the Qt style is selected, the
progress bars (gtk_progress_bar) are corrupted and the errors below
are displayed repeatedly:

(th_run:2015): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display:
assertion `(anid != 0)' failed

(th_run:2015): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_draw_drawable: assertion
`GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (src)' failed

(th_run:2015): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion
`G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted

The problem does not occur with other Gtk style settings (e.g. Nuvola).
I'm not sure if the problem is with the Qt wrapper, Gtk+ or my code.

FWIW I'm running Debian stable, with Gtk+ 2.20.

Any ideas?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: how to use hbox?

2011-12-11 Thread James Tappin
2011/12/11 Gary Kline
        can somebody help me figure out how to pack the buttons
        horizontally, or is is not possible to mix hbox and vbox?

It should be as simple as:
make the vbox
put the various items in it, including the hbox
put the increase  decrease buttons in the hbox.

That certainly works in one of the example codes in gtk-fortran

[An alternative might be to use a 2xn table and make most of the items
span 2 columns.]
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Alignment of markup labels in menu items

2011-11-30 Thread James Tappin
I'm trying to add the capability to add a label formatted with Pango
markup to buttons and menu items in the high-level interface to

While the following is successful in producing subscripts in labels
when the markup flag is set, there is a problem with alignment: while
a plain text label is correctly centred in the pulldown menu, a markup
label begins at the centre (even if it does not actually include any

      if (markup) then
         call gtk_label_set_markup(label_w, label)
         call gtk_container_add(item,label_w)
         item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(label)
      end if

Am I missing something, or is that a fundamental limitation?

I'm using Gtk+-3.2.0, in Ubuntu 11.10, with gcc  gfortran 4.6.1.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Alignment of markup labels in menu items

2011-11-30 Thread James Tappin
On 30 November 2011 11:31, James Tappin wrote:

 there is a problem with alignment: while
 a plain text label is correctly centred in the pulldown menu, a markup
 label begins at the centre (even if it does not actually include any

I should add, the problem does not manifest itself for simple gtk buttons.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Cairo, Gtk+, Gdk GdkPixbuf -- making a pixel-based backing store for vector graphics

2011-06-17 Thread James Tappin
Just to let folks know that the pointers here have given me the lead
in that I needed and I've got a working code. (A bit more elegant in
the Gtk3 case than Gtk2 but both work).
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Cairo, Gtk+, Gdk GdkPixbuf -- making a pixel-based backing store for vector graphics

2011-06-14 Thread James Tappin
I would like to be able to make a code that draws some (possibly very
complex) vector graphics, copies it to an off-screen backing store and
then when an expose-event (Gtk2) or draw signal (Gtk3) is received,
the backing store is copied to the screen rather than doing a complete
redraw of all the vectors which could potentially take several
seconds. Unfortunately all the potential model codes I've been able to
find use the obsolete Gdk Pixmap as backing store.

Likewise the routine that looks promising
gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable () is marked as deprecated (since 2.4)
and suggests gdk_draw_pixbuf () as an alternative. However that is
also marked deprecated (since 2.22) and recommends
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf() and cairo_paint() or cairo_rectangle()
and cairo_fill() but it is not at all clear how to combine those
routines to produce the required effect.

I have searched many times for suitable examples and come up empty. So
does anybody here have any suggestions, examples or link that provide
pointers to the following operations?:

1) Getting cairo to draw to a pixmap or pixbuf, or draw to a window
and then copy the resulting window contents to an in-memory storage.

2) Making the expose handler copy that pixbuf (or whatever) to the
visible window (while only copying the affected region  would be the
best option I can live with copying the whole window).

3) (Less important for now) Adding new material to the plot and
updating the backing store -- my guess is that once I crack 1  2 then
3 will be fairly obvious.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Cairo, Gtk+, Gdk GdkPixbuf -- making a pixel-based backing store for vector graphics

2011-06-14 Thread James Tappin
On 14 June 2011 15:00, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 14:30 -0600, James Tappin wrote:
 I would like to be able to make a code that draws some (possibly very
 complex) vector graphics,

 A better place for asking may be the cairo mailing list? At least there
 was some discussion about such tasks in the past. One recommended way
 was using cairos create_similar() function for creating the backup
 surface. I did a small demo in Ruby some time ago, see

 I found this related thread with some helpful replies:

It looks as if this example:, may at least provide
part of the answer to (1) in my original posting -- I'm still trying
to disentangle the housekeeping and the real logic, to figure exactly
what it does.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GdkEvent question (is it a bug?)

2011-05-11 Thread James Tappin
While working on a script to convert the GdkEvent structures to
Fortran derived types for the GtkFortran project I came across the

struct _GdkEventClient
  GdkEventType type;
  GdkWindow *window;
  gint8 send_event;
  GdkAtom message_type;
  gushort data_format;
  union {
char b[20];
short s[10];
long l[5];
  } data;

This looks to me like a 32-bit-specific construct as (a) there's no
int type and (b) on a 64-bit system the long tag in the union will be
twice as long as the short  char tags, should this be regarded as a

Also, since Fortran's iso_c_binding does not have any support for
unions so any attempt to include this will be at best a kludge, is
this an important event ?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk_tree_view_column query.

2011-03-17 Thread James Tappin
  I'm working on some aspects of gtk-fortran (an interface of GTK+ to
Fortran95/2003), and so need to implement things without using varargs
routines. However I'm getting unexpected behaviours. I don't think the
problem is in the Fortran interface as I can reproduce the errors in

The first is in setting up the column attributes, the original C code was:

  column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(#, renderer,
  text, 0, NULL);

Which if I interpret the manual correctly ought to be replaceable by:
column = gtk_tree_view_column_new();
gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(column, #);
gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(column, renderer, 
  text, 0);

But the latter gives an assertion error:
(list1:6044): Gtk-CRITICAL **:
gtk_tree_view_column_cell_layout_add_attribute: assertion `info !=
NULL' failed

The second comes when trying to add a value to a column, the original was:
gtk_list_store_set(store,iter, 0, nrow, -1); /* The index column */

Which (again if I'm interpreting the manual right) should be equivalent to:
gtk_list_store_set_value(store, iter, 0, (Gvalue *) nrow);

but instead the latter gives a segfault
0x755effc9 in type_check_is_value_type_U (value=0x7fffdcac)
at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.26.1/gobject/gtype.c:4073

Does anybody see a grave error in interpreting the manual or is there
a real problem with some of these routines?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk_tree_view_column query.

2011-03-17 Thread James Tappin
On 17 March 2011 15:55, James Tappin wrote:
  I'm working on some aspects of gtk-fortran (an interface of GTK+ to
 Fortran95/2003), and so need to implement things without using varargs
 routines. However I'm getting unexpected behaviours. I don't think the
 problem is in the Fortran interface as I can reproduce the errors in

I should have added: I'm running 64-bit Linux and using gcc
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list