RE: Signal of a button dynamically created

2013-10-28 Thread Jon Zabala Gutiérrez
I think the best thing you can do is associate a number when you connect the 
button response to a method like this:


The only thing you have to take into account is that the response method 
changes from the standard one.

If the method to be associated to a click event of a button is the following:

void on_my_clicked()

When you use sigc::bind the method changes and it should be like this

void OnMyButtonClicked(int x)

I hope this helps you,

Kind regards,

Jon Zabala

 Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:29:18 +0200
 Subject: Re: Signal of a button dynamically created
 I'm not experienced but here's a quick idea: 
 Create a new derived Button class which handles its own click by
 overriding the virtual method, and in that method it emits a signal
 which passes the button ID/row number as a parameter. Then listen to
 this signal from all buttons :-) 
 :כתב Borja Mon Serrano, 2013-10-28 17:22 בתאריך 
  I'm building a popup window that has a Gtk::Grid inside it. The first row
  has a form with three Gtk::Entry and a button to add the information to the
  program. The rest of the rows has the items created before in that way
  (just with Gtk::Label) and a button to remove the information. Like this:
  | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Button (add) |
  |--- rows dynamically added --|
  | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
  | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
  | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
  The point here is: how can I know what button was pressed in order to
  remove a row?
  Thanks! :)
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Problem with CSS style options

2013-09-03 Thread Jon Zabala Gutiérrez
Hi all,

I am creating an application in Ubuntu using Gtkmm libraries, and I have a 
problem with the CSS style properties.

I started the application using Gtkmm 3.0 that at that moment included Gtk 3.2 

In the GtkCssProvider reference it says for the style supported property 

If not specified, the style doesn't respect the CSS3 specification, since the 
background will be stretched to fill the area.

That is the behavior I wanted, so I didn't specify this property.

This application is intended to be run in a custom hardware created by another 
company so I have installed the latest Gtk libraries in order to run the 
application, but they turned to be the version 3.4. In this version it seems 
that the previous behavior has changed and now works as follows, if you don't 
specify background-repeat, by default is applied repeat. If you specify 
no-repeat then the image is not stretched to fill the area.

CSS3 says that, in order to get the image stretched, you must use the property 
background-size with a value of 100%, but this property is not supported by Gtk.

Do you know how can I achieve the desired behavior?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Jon Zabala

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Problem activating a column in a row of a TreeView

2009-05-19 Thread Jon Zabala Gutiérrez

Hi Guys, 

I am developing a app with Gtk and I have a problem that is driving me mad. 

I have a TreeView with 3 columns, one of these columns associated to a 
Gtk::CellRendererText. My problem is that I want to activate this CellRenderer, 
saying in other words, I want to put the cursor in this column each time I 
select a row of this treeview.

In a method of the application I get the iterator of the row and the only thing 
it rests me to do is activate the second column (the column I want to be 
active) but I have not been able to do it .

I have tried this two options, among much more, that I think have to do what I 
want, but with no luck:


What I'm doing wrong? What I am missing? 

Thanks in Advance,


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Problems upgrading my app to Visual C++ Express 2008

2008-06-18 Thread Jon Zabala Gutiérrez

Hi All! 
Until now I was using Visual C++ Express 2005 with gtkmm libraries version 
2.10.11-1 and it worked, but now I have upgraded to Visual C++ Express 2008 and 
I get crashes when deleting widgets (deleting widgets created with new) in the 
same project that works with 2005. Is there any new libraries to use whith 
Visual 2008? Has any one experienced such problems? I also have seen the 
version of the gtkmm libraries is 2.13.1, Has anyone used them with Visual C++ 
Thank you very much in advanced! 
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