flat-files (comma separated or delimited files)

2006-09-18 Thread rachit goel
is there any kit or util available with gtk+2.6 that allows to use flat-files 
as database and fire the queries on them  like we have drivers for flat files 
in windows..

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app launch detection

2006-06-20 Thread rachit goel
i am trying to program an applaunch detection tool or u can say a please wait 
-- application is starting up utility but don't know where to start .
 i also read a mailing list 
 and from this it seems there was some proposal for making this kind of thing a 
statndard part of toolkits or xlib or something like that 
 now i would like to know is that was it implemented if yes then how can i use 
it and if not then is it possible without making any hacks as i need a 
very-very robust , stable and portable across desktops mechanism , due to 
enviornmental considerations 
 am using GTk + 2.6 with linux kernel 2.6.11 ( those that came with FC4 by 
 also am working on both gnome - 2.10 and xfce 4.2 desktop enviornments 

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RE:RE: mouse click problem

2006-05-12 Thread rachit goel
hi there,

thanks for the reply...

but solved that already .

actully what i did was add a timeout function for 600ms since a triple click 
must occur within 1/2 a second of first click , as per gtk man pages . and set 
a global time var to the events time stamp for first click .

also i ignore any click that appear with in next 600ms of the first click after 
which the timer is again reset ..

all these conditions are in a if loop in  and is first thing checked in the 
event handler for mouse-click of iconview .

am sorry can't send u code snippet since am not in office right now 

anyways thanks.

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mouse click problem

2006-05-09 Thread rachit goel
 i am facing  a problem in mouse click.
 i am using iconview to display some items to the user. I want the items to be 
activated at single mouse click only. and even in case of double or triple 
mouse clicks it should be fired only once.
 Now here is the problem
 How should i ignore the multilple single clicks generated in the case of 
double or triple clicks

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problem on file io

2006-05-03 Thread rachit goel
Hi all ,
 I am facing a problem in file io.
 The issue is that i use libwnck to get the current active window and then need 
to  append it and the timestamp in a file .
 This is where i am facing a problem. When i looked at the gtk's help base i 
couldn,t find any file io functions, so I decided to use the simple C file io 
mechanism now here i face a very big probs.
 C is not designed to handle multi-byte chars.
 Now i use mbstowcs() to convert multibyte to wchar.
 this is working fine, i think, now when i try to write this to file using 
fwprintf or fputws i get warning for implicit declaration of these functions 
and nothing happens in file and the screen also.
 the code i am using is :-- 
 # include glib/gprintf.h
 # include libwnck/libwnck.h
 # include gdk/gdk.h
 # include gtk/gtk.h
 # include glib.h
 # include stdio.h
 # include stdlib.h
 # include unistd.h
 # include fcntl.h
 # include time.h
 # include wchar.h
 # include string.h
 # include stdarg.h
 ---some global declarations -
 exe_dir = g_path_get_dirname(argv[0]);
 file_name = g_strdup_printf(%s/data.log,exe_dir);
 memset (state, '\0', sizeof (state));
 logfile = fopen (file_name,a);
 fwide(logfile,0); // gives implicit declaration too
 gtk_main ();
 fclose (logfile);
 int timeout_func() 
 //screen = wnck_screen_get_default() ;
 char *file_str;
 int fp;
 GError **error;
 WnckWindow* window1 = wnck_screen_get_active_window(screen);
 time1 = time(NULL);
 gulong win_xid = wnck_window_get_xid (window1);
 if (win_xid != last_active_xid)
 last_window = window1;
 last_time = time1 ;
 last_active_xid = win_xid;
 last_name = wnck_window_get_name(window1);
 last_app = wnck_window_get_application (window1);
 last_app_name = wnck_application_get_name(last_app);
 last_pid = wnck_application_get_pid(last_app);
 file_str = g_strdup_printf(/proc/%d/cmdline,last_pid);
 fp = open(file_str , O_RDONLY); 
 g_printf(\nfp = %d , time = %ld\n,fp,(long int)last_time);
 if (fp  -1)
 read(fp , last_app_command , 1000);
 close (fp);
 g_printf(win_xid = %lu , name = %s , pid = %d \n filename = %s , 
appname = %s , command = %s\n , last_active_xid , last_name ,last_pid , 
file_str , last_app_name , last_app_command);
 char * str = g_strdup_printf(%s,%ld\n,last_app_command,(long 
int)last_time) ;
 int count = g_utf8_strlen(str,-1);
 int size = count *6 ;
 g_printf (\nstring   =  %s, size = %d , strlen =  %d\n , str ,  
size,count); //fputs(str ,logfile),
 wchar_t *dest = NULL ; 
 int count1 = mbstowcs(dest , str,count+2);//,state);
 fwprintf (logfile,%ls,dest);//\nwidestring   =  %ls,
 return TRUE;
 also i am using this to compile and build :---
 gcc -Wall -O2 keytrap.c -o keyboard `pkg-config --cflags --libs libwnck-1.0`
 the only probs here is the file handling 
 can somebody please tell me what is wrong here and the write prcedure too .
 thanks in advance .

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

get command from pid in gtk programm

2006-05-02 Thread rachit goel
hi all 
 i am facing a problem i need to know what command fired the process with the 
given pid just like CMD ooption of ps command. But the issue is that due to 
timing constraint i don't have enough time to everytime fire a shell which 
writes this cmd from ps to a file and read it . i need to be able to get it in 
my program .
 i can get the pid by using libwnck library which is working just fine.
 any ideas how can i get this in my program .
 thanks in advance.

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: can't ercieve data passed to g_signal_connect

2006-04-21 Thread rachit goel

 GtkEventBox **eventt;
 GtkWidget* create_window1 (void)
 eventt = g_new0 (GtkWidget * , tab_count);
 for (iter =  1 ; iter = tab_count ; iter++)
eventt[iter]=GTK_EVENT_BOX(gtk_event_box_new());// create the event 
 data1 = g_strdup_printf( %d ,iter) ;
 g_print(\n at signal connect string -- %s ,data1);
 g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],leave_notify_event, 
G_CALLBACK (mouse_leave1),data1);
 g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],button_press_event, 
G_CALLBACK (tab_click1), data1);
 g_signal_connect ((gpointer)eventt[iter],enter_notify_event, 
G_CALLBACK (tab_mouse_enter1) , data1); 
 void tab_click1(GtkWidget *widget,gchar* data1)
 gchar *data_1 = (gchar*)data1;
 unsigned long int val = strtol(data1,NULL,10) ;
 g_print(%s data1\n,data1);
 g_print(%d val1\n,val);
 tab_modifier(1) ;
 actually what i am doing is this:
 i have declared an array of GtkWidget for Eventboxes since i get the number at 
run time from a database in tab_count (using sqlite3 as database)
 now i want to connect their signals to the same function as i don't know the 
number at the design time so can't give that many functions and respective 
 the data passe through the signal handler will diferentiate the id of the 
event box that generated the event.
 also same function can handle the multiple connect from various controls as it 
works well in case of first connect here which is used to change the mouse over 
 i never recieve the argument that i send.

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re:re:Re: can't ercieve data passed to g_signal_connect

2006-04-21 Thread rachit goel
thanks guys i was mistaken in my assumption about omitting the arguments
 well thanks anyways that solved the probs
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can't ercieve data passed to g_signal_connect

2006-04-20 Thread rachit goel

i am having a problem 

i just can't recieve the data passed to signal handler using g_signal_connect() 

it always gets messed up.

plz its rather critical for me at this stage

any help will be appreciated

also i am using  gtk-2.6.7 on fc4-i386

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event logger on fc4 - i386

2006-04-18 Thread rachit goel
hi ,
  i am new to linux. 
  but has some experience on programming gtk apps.
  i would like to do the following things on on my linux workstations
  1. get which window is active at any given time. That is need a notification 
when a window ,thread , and process bewcomes active, gets focus , a new 
application or process is launched and similar events .
  2. also get the input monitor inplace , i.e., something that can give me 
everything on keyboard and mouse, the events they generated and for which 
application's which window they were targeted on 
  These r basically to monitor what the user is doing .
  I would like to know the best solution to it and how to solve it .
  i think that i should install some sort of message and event logger on the X 
itself but don't know how to do it .
  any help  will be greatly appreciated

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

event logger on fc4 - i386

2006-04-18 Thread rachit goel
hi ,
  i am new to linux. 
  but has some experience on programming gtk apps.
  i would like to do the following things on on my linux workstations
 1. get which window is active at any given time. That is need a notification 
when a window ,thread , and process bewcomes active, gets focus , a new 
application or process is launched and similar events .
 2. also get the input monitor inplace , i.e., something that can give me 
everything on keyboard and mouse, the events they generated and for which 
application's which window they were targeted on 
  These r basically to monitor what the user is doing .
  I would like to know the best solution to it and how to solve it .
  i think that i should install some sort of message and event logger on the X 
itself but don't know how to do it .
  any help  will be greatly appreciated

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

event logger on fc4 - i386

2006-04-18 Thread rachit goel
hi ,
  i am new to linux. 
  but has some experience on programming gtk apps.
  i would like to do the following things on on my linux workstations
 1. get which window is active at any given time. That is need a notification 
when a window ,thread , and process bewcomes active, gets focus , a new 
application or process is launched and similar events .
 2. also get the input monitor inplace , i.e., something that can give me 
everything on keyboard and mouse, the events they generated and for which 
application's which window they were targeted on 
  These r basically to monitor what the user is doing .
  I would like to know the best solution to it and how to solve it .
  i think that i should install some sort of message and event logger on the X 
itself but don't know how to do it .
  any help  will be greatly appreciated

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