Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-20 Thread Patrick
Hi Michael

Thanks for the signals and slots tip, that's great.

As for NI:
My experience is limited and quite dated(8-9 years) but it is my 
understanding that in order to distribute free (as in beer) Labview 
code the recipient must have Labview loaded. It is possible to generate 
an executable that will run without Labview loaded but a small license 
fee must be paid back to NI. In addition I believe this executable code 
generation option is at an additional premium to the base Labview.

Indeed some of the instruments I want to control have their own NI 
drivers already. This however has not displaced the native software that 
shipped with the instruments originally. I believe only an open source 
model will provide enough empowerment to tempt lab operators away.

I started with Linux back in 2004 but it is only in the past year that I 
have started posting to lists. I have been completely awestruck at the 
responses to my questions, both here and on other lists. With so many 
talented people like you answering my questions without expectation of 
compensation, how can a company like NI compete in terms of customer 
service, I am saving up for this project. I would rather spend 2K 
sponsoring my open source comrades then those punks at NI

Okay I am back now, Have a great day-Patrick

Michael L Torrie wrote:
 Patrick wrote:
 Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample through 
 it. We could write a Bash script that works something like this:

 -icon launches Bash script
 -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
 -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
 -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
 -bash autozeros detector
 -launches plot command
 -after that launches data process command
 -then launches database storage command
 - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc

 Seems to me that the lingua franca of this kind of scientific instrument
 control and data collection is LabView.  Most institutions already have
 site license for this software.

 LabView is ideal for several reasons:
 - Works with most GPIB cards, indeed most interface cards come with
 labview drivers
 - Easy graphical environment.  Lets you chain things together (in a
 similar manner to bash, actually), but it's all within the program,
 rather than kludging together non-integrated programs.  Plus it's all
 in-process.  No external spawning things needed, which is expensive.
 - Royalty free code.  You can sell you vi programs or give them away,
 or whatever.  They aren't compiled, but can be obfuscated, or not.  So
 you could sell labview code that people could modify.

 On the other hand, there's no reason why you couldn't use GTK and, say,
 Python to do similar things provided that you have drivers for the GPIB
 boards, and have a well-defined interface that you can use to easily
 build modules that you can string together.  Certainly I don't believe C
 is the appropriate language to do any gluing.  I would recommend python.
  Data collection modules that need to be close to the hardware can be
 done in C, but the rest could easily be done in python.  If you defined
 a protocol for modules to communicate with each other, then you can very
 easily string modules together, hooking data out buses on one module
 (object) with the data in on another module.  The GTK signals and slots
 mechanism would make this quite easy to do, all in-process.


 It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the idea.

 I only have a few hundred dollars to put towards this now but hopefully 
 by the later half of 2008 it will be a few thousand. Please feedback 
 with any thoughts you might have on this whole process. Thanks-Patrick


 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list



gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-19 Thread Michael L Torrie
Patrick wrote:
 Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample through 
 it. We could write a Bash script that works something like this:
 -icon launches Bash script
 -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
 -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
 -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
 -bash autozeros detector
 -launches plot command
 -after that launches data process command
 -then launches database storage command
 - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc

Seems to me that the lingua franca of this kind of scientific instrument
control and data collection is LabView.  Most institutions already have
site license for this software.

LabView is ideal for several reasons:
- Works with most GPIB cards, indeed most interface cards come with
labview drivers
- Easy graphical environment.  Lets you chain things together (in a
similar manner to bash, actually), but it's all within the program,
rather than kludging together non-integrated programs.  Plus it's all
in-process.  No external spawning things needed, which is expensive.
- Royalty free code.  You can sell you vi programs or give them away,
or whatever.  They aren't compiled, but can be obfuscated, or not.  So
you could sell labview code that people could modify.

On the other hand, there's no reason why you couldn't use GTK and, say,
Python to do similar things provided that you have drivers for the GPIB
boards, and have a well-defined interface that you can use to easily
build modules that you can string together.  Certainly I don't believe C
is the appropriate language to do any gluing.  I would recommend python.
 Data collection modules that need to be close to the hardware can be
done in C, but the rest could easily be done in python.  If you defined
a protocol for modules to communicate with each other, then you can very
easily string modules together, hooking data out buses on one module
(object) with the data in on another module.  The GTK signals and slots
mechanism would make this quite easy to do, all in-process.


 It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the idea.
 I only have a few hundred dollars to put towards this now but hopefully 
 by the later half of 2008 it will be a few thousand. Please feedback 
 with any thoughts you might have on this whole process. Thanks-Patrick
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Michael Torrie
Assistant CSR, System Administrator
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-18 Thread Patrick
Thanks yet again to all for your help with this thread!

and special thanks to John, Nicola, Dan, Gian, Lance and Reed for 
yesterdays posts.

This is awesome!

I was inspired by Göran's advice to promote selling code not software.

I had an idea for the project name yesterday so I registered a couple of 
domain names.

code-read-dot-org (code-red,  as in I read the code, get it??)

In the next 4-6 weeks I hope to upload diagrams of the proposed 
infrastructure and I would like to create a login page were I can post 
information to those who are interested in this project. Information 
such as competitors screenshots. I thought the login might be wise as I 
am not sure of the legality of openly posting this material.

I will layout the technical challenges to this project, source code I 
have already collected and a proposal for a business outline.

Thanks so much, this project has taken a quantum leap forward in a few 
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-17 Thread Dan H
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 16:21:02 -0500
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have wanted to learn Ruby for a while now, I could definitely do
 that. Nicola was saying that my Bash idea might be a problem
 because of the spawn time involved with bash.

Whether you can or cannot live with certain spawn delays of course depends 
only on how frequent those spawns occur.

 Is Ruby pretty fast
 spawning these secondary programs?
 Is the Ruby shell a true system shell? I am just wondering if I
 could still access ftp, netcat, ssh ect..

You can call external programs without hassle from any compiled or interpreted 
language I'm aware of with a single system() function call. So there's no need 
to contrive some artificial division between system shell, interpreted 
language or script.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-17 Thread jcupitt
On Dec 16, 2007 9:21 PM, Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't need much convincing that the
 whole Bash as a nervous system + (Python/C/Ruby etc) as the muscle is a
 dumb idea!

I did something slightly similar (quite) a few years ago to control a
large painting scanner. The program had to control a large robot, a
lighting and filter system and a camera, be easy to modify and be
usable by non-experts.

I did a simple GUI in C++/Motif (shows how long ago this was) with
large buttons for Start Scan and so on. Each button launched a bash
script, and each bash script used a set of low-level programs written
in C to drive different parts of the hardware.

It worked reasonably well. As I recall, the issues with the design were:

1) difficulties transferring data between the GUI and bash at script
start and stop time
2) bash's lack of complex data structures and arithmetic
3) progress feedback from a running bash script was ugly
4) cancelling a running script (and leaving the hardware in a sane
state) was ugly
5) performance ... was fine, actually, but I can imagine applications
where it might not be

If I had to do it again I think I'd do the whole thing in Python
(except the very low-level hardware control). It ought to fix these

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-17 Thread Patrick
Thanks to Dan and John for your last posts and thanks to all. I am 
really delighted with the response to my question!

So it looks like the I could use Bash to spawn other programs but it is 
likely problematic and no one actually recommends it as a first option.

So as Dan was saying, I can launch other programs written in other 
languages from system() function calls. So I could link lots of them 
together regardless of language they are written in and if I really 
needed to I could still access Bash commands like ssh, netcat right?

I think both Python and Ruby can be extended with C without using a 
system call.

Is there anything wrong with calling them from system calls instead?

Thanks again Göran! I read up on Ruby last night for a couple of hours. 
I am sure I can pick this up.

Python is the only language I can actually work at a reasonable pace in. 
I am just learning C.

Is there a reason you chose Ruby over Python? If I am already using 
Python, do you think I need to switch languages to achieve my goal?

And thanks for the tip, I want to sell code not software!

I am going to save this entire thread somewhere safe. I hope one day I 
can compensate or somehow return the favor to all involved.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-17 Thread Dan H
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:52:11 -0500
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So as Dan was saying, I can launch other programs written in other 
 languages from system() function calls. So I could link lots of
 them together regardless of language they are written in and if I
 really needed to I could still access Bash commands like ssh,
 netcat right?

Those aren't bash commands -- they are other programs! All those things that 
you seem to think of as part of bash (cp, ls, rm, ftp, ssh, nc, tar, sed, gzip 
etc.) are in fact all external programs. The difference between shell 
languages and other languages is that shells typically interpret all commands 
as external programs to be started, with the exception of the few truly builtin 
commands (see the section BUILTIN COMMANDS) in the bash man page.

So to start another program from bash, just write it on a single line.

To start another program from C or Perl, just wrap it into a system() function 

Ruby and Python will have similar functions, but I don't know them.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread Murray Cumming

On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 21:27 -0500, Patrick wrote:
 Sorry for the long email but I really could use some help. I sell used 
 lab instruments to people doing great work researching cures. The closed 
 source programs to control and process data from these instruments often 
 cost 20K. The people providing the software really abuse their legal 
 positions. Writing an open source replacement has become an obsession 
 for me.
 I want to build an App to control dozens or even hundreds of instruments 
 using different ports/buses (GPIB, Serial, Parallel etc) and I want to 
 do some fairly complex data processing after. Then I want to be able to 
 save the data in a database and/or in numerous formats.

Once you have the python modules to do the IO with the devices, you can
use those python modules from Glom, to put everything in a database. You
can then write another python script for a button in Glom that exports
to whatever other extra file format you want. That at least saves you
from having to do much database or UI coding.

You should be able to test this idea quite easily once you can do
python-based IO with at least one of these devices.

 The problem is, I am not qualified for all this, I am a part time, self 
 taught programmer. I will need to pay others to bring this to fruition. 
 I figure the best way to solve a complex problem is to break it down 
 into  smaller parts. I was thinking about writing  small GTK/Python, 
 GTK/C programs that can read from standard input and write to standard 
 output. I was thinking that I could write customized BASH scripts for 
 people to connect these small programs into a cohesive  App. When others 
 get involved they could simply do the same and write more custom BASH 
 commands, indeed in their language of choice.
 I think using Bash as the App nervous system and Python/C as the 
 muscle would make sense but I have never seen such an App, which makes 
 me think it is probably a stupid idea.
 I have been going around in circles for about a year now and still do 
 not have a line of code to show for myself. This project may take many 
 years. Any feedback on my blueprint would be really appreciated-Patrick


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread Patrick
Thanks Murray!, Dank U Neils, Grazie Nicola! Thanks Michael!

Glom, Comedi, NTD and Michaels tips are all great pieces to the puzzle. 
I really appreciate your feedback. If someone is moderating this list 
please let me know if I have traveled to far away from GTK but I was 
just wondering about a few things:

There is an intense need for this in labs. My business is still a bit 
unstable but I have proven to myself that I can sell things and that I 
can recognize markets.

We could write an open source App and still provide for our families, 
there is money in this. We would be solving a huge set of problems 
afflicting scientists everywhere. I am confident that I would have no 
trouble finding sponsors or customers.

I am not sure which open source strategy would be best, having an open 
download link like Ubuntu or charging for each copy like Redhat.

I am able to break down the biggest barrier to entry for this project 
and that is the cost of the actual equipment and the native software to 
run it, which would set someone else back tens or even hundreds of 

I would like to get others involved but I am not sure what would be the 
best way to offer compensation.

All of the OEM vendors control each others equipment so I don't see how 
they would be in a position to sue but there is some liability potential 
here and even a frivolous lawsuit could hurt.

I am not concerned about myself. I have done some research and I don't 
see how anyone could take legal action if I did not mention their 
company names. I plan on explaining the devices that can be controlled 
visually with drawings and even in event that something did happen I can 
structure the organization to reduce liability.

However perhaps it would be best to pay others on a bounty basis and 
keep them clear of all of this rather then include them in the credits 
of the project. Do you think this could work?
With so many aspects to this does anyone think that using Bash would be 
useful? For example if we designed all the  smaller programs to read and 
write from/to standard input and output, they could be interlinked with 
other Bash commands such as ftp, netcat, ssh, mailx and so on..

Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample through 
it. We could write a Bash script that works something like this:

-icon launches Bash script
-sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
-pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
-bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
-bash autozeros detector
-launches plot command
-after that launches data process command
-then launches database storage command
- emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc

It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the idea.

I only have a few hundred dollars to put towards this now but hopefully 
by the later half of 2008 it will be a few thousand. Please feedback 
with any thoughts you might have on this whole process. Thanks-Patrick


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread Dan H
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:47:44 -0500
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With so many aspects to this does anyone think that using Bash
 would be useful? For example if we designed all the  smaller
 programs to read and write from/to standard input and output, they
 could be interlinked with other Bash commands such as ftp, netcat,
 ssh, mailx and so on..
 Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample
 through it. We could write a Bash script that works something like
 -icon launches Bash script
 -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
 -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
 -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
 -bash autozeros detector
 -launches plot command
 -after that launches data process command
 -then launches database storage command
 - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc
 It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the

I got the idea but I don't think the Bourne shell (bash) would be a particular 
wise choice to implement it, owing to weird programming paradigms and an almost 
complete absence of arithmetics. I'm a big fan of C (and shell scripting as 
well), but it seems that Python has been gaining lots of popularity in the past 

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread G Hasse
On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 08:57:01PM +0100, Dan H wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:47:44 -0500
 Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With so many aspects to this does anyone think that using Bash
  would be useful? For example if we designed all the  smaller
  programs to read and write from/to standard input and output, they
  could be interlinked with other Bash commands such as ftp, netcat,
  ssh, mailx and so on..
  Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample
  through it. We could write a Bash script that works something like
  -icon launches Bash script
  -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
  -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
  -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
  -bash autozeros detector
  -launches plot command
  -after that launches data process command
  -then launches database storage command
  - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc
  It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the
 I got the idea but I don't think the Bourne shell (bash) would be a
 particular wise choice to implement it, owing to weird programming
 paradigms and an almost complete absence of arithmetics. I'm a big fan
 of C (and shell scripting as well), but it seems that Python has been
 gaining lots of popularity in the past years.


Or you could do as us and implement control in Ruby. Ruby of Python
is quite as good. Then you have a modern scripting language to do
control with.

And now for wom Gtk promotion. We have been developing a SCADA
system in Gtk, C and Ruby with a SQL database as central storage.

A tip for you is to be in the buissines of selling source code.
We have had quite a success with this. Most of our competitors have
closed code and the customers are locked in. Since we provide our
customers with souce code they can expand the application and
for them selves check the quality.

In this way we have developed an application for the swedish

Göran Hasse

Göran Hasseemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: 08-6949270
Raditex AB
Planiavägen 15, 1tr Mob: 070-5530148
131 34  NACKA, SWEDEN OrgNr: 556240-0589
VAT: SE556240058901

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread Lance Dillon

- Original Message 
From: Niels Heirbaut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 2:32:04 AM
Subject: Re: App blueprint, advice please!

On Dec 16, 2007 3:27 AM, Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I want to build an App to control dozens or even hundreds of
 using different ports/buses (GPIB, Serial, Parallel etc) and I want
 do some fairly complex data processing after. Then I want to be able
 save the data in a database and/or in numerous formats.


There is an open source project called Comedi that might at least
provide the drivers for the data acquisition equipment. Have a look at


I used the comedi drivers to write code for the Diamond dmm32at card.  But, 
there were a couple of other cards that I wrote the drivers by hand, and the 
interface code was written in bash.  These were all PC/104 cards.  One was 
called Pearl, and was just a set of 16 switches, either open or closed.  You 
couldn't even tell whether a switch was open or closed, so I had to keep state 
information.  You got the state from the /proc interface.

Anyway, comedi is easy, but depending on the board, it may be overkill.

I also write one for the Sensoray model 518.  It was a lot of sensors, current 
loops, thermocouples, things like that.  I wrote it by hand, also.  I'm not 
sure if comedi would have been too much or not.


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-16 Thread Patrick

Sorry for being so dense but just to double check, do you spawn C and 
Python programs form the main App written in Ruby?

I have wanted to learn Ruby for a while now, I could definitely do that. 
Nicola was saying that my Bash idea might be a problem because of the 
spawn time involved with bash. Is Ruby pretty fast spawning these 
secondary programs?

Is the Ruby shell a true system shell? I am just wondering if I could 
still access ftp, netcat, ssh ect..

Thanks for your time.

And thank you Dan and Nicola too. I don't need much convincing that the 
whole Bash as a nervous system + (Python/C/Ruby etc) as the muscle is a 
dumb idea!-Patrick

G Hasse wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 08:57:01PM +0100, Dan H wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:47:44 -0500
 Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With so many aspects to this does anyone think that using Bash
 would be useful? For example if we designed all the  smaller
 programs to read and write from/to standard input and output, they
 could be interlinked with other Bash commands such as ftp, netcat,
 ssh, mailx and so on..

 Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample
 through it. We could write a Bash script that works something like

 -icon launches Bash script
 -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
 -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
 -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
 -bash autozeros detector
 -launches plot command
 -after that launches data process command
 -then launches database storage command
 - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc

 It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the
 I got the idea but I don't think the Bourne shell (bash) would be a
 particular wise choice to implement it, owing to weird programming
 paradigms and an almost complete absence of arithmetics. I'm a big fan
 of C (and shell scripting as well), but it seems that Python has been
 gaining lots of popularity in the past years.


 Or you could do as us and implement control in Ruby. Ruby of Python
 is quite as good. Then you have a modern scripting language to do
 control with.

 And now for wom Gtk promotion. We have been developing a SCADA
 system in Gtk, C and Ruby with a SQL database as central storage.

 A tip for you is to be in the buissines of selling source code.
 We have had quite a success with this. Most of our competitors have
 closed code and the customers are locked in. Since we provide our
 customers with souce code they can expand the application and
 for them selves check the quality.

 In this way we have developed an application for the swedish


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-15 Thread Patrick
Sorry for the long email but I really could use some help. I sell used 
lab instruments to people doing great work researching cures. The closed 
source programs to control and process data from these instruments often 
cost 20K. The people providing the software really abuse their legal 
positions. Writing an open source replacement has become an obsession 
for me.

I want to build an App to control dozens or even hundreds of instruments 
using different ports/buses (GPIB, Serial, Parallel etc) and I want to 
do some fairly complex data processing after. Then I want to be able to 
save the data in a database and/or in numerous formats.

The problem is, I am not qualified for all this, I am a part time, self 
taught programmer. I will need to pay others to bring this to fruition. 
I figure the best way to solve a complex problem is to break it down 
into  smaller parts. I was thinking about writing  small GTK/Python, 
GTK/C programs that can read from standard input and write to standard 
output. I was thinking that I could write customized BASH scripts for 
people to connect these small programs into a cohesive  App. When others 
get involved they could simply do the same and write more custom BASH 
commands, indeed in their language of choice.

I think using Bash as the App nervous system and Python/C as the 
muscle would make sense but I have never seen such an App, which makes 
me think it is probably a stupid idea.

I have been going around in circles for about a year now and still do 
not have a line of code to show for myself. This project may take many 
years. Any feedback on my blueprint would be really appreciated-Patrick
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-15 Thread Michael R. Head

On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 21:27 -0500, Patrick wrote:
 Sorry for the long email but I really could use some help. I sell used 
 lab instruments to people doing great work researching cures. The closed 
 source programs to control and process data from these instruments often 
 cost 20K. The people providing the software really abuse their legal 
 positions. Writing an open source replacement has become an obsession 
 for me.
 I want to build an App to control dozens or even hundreds of instruments 
 using different ports/buses (GPIB, Serial, Parallel etc) and I want to 
 do some fairly complex data processing after. Then I want to be able to 
 save the data in a database and/or in numerous formats.

Wow I recently (2 years ago) built a similar project on a
work-for-hire gig... I used GPIB, Digital I/O, signal generators and

I'd be happy to give you some pointers. Email me off list and we can
discuss it.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-15 Thread Niels Heirbaut
On Dec 16, 2007 3:27 AM, Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I want to build an App to control dozens or even hundreds of instruments
 using different ports/buses (GPIB, Serial, Parallel etc) and I want to
 do some fairly complex data processing after. Then I want to be able to
 save the data in a database and/or in numerous formats.


There is an open source project called Comedi that might at least
provide the drivers for the data acquisition equipment. Have a look at


Niels Heirbaut
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list