Iconify an external program launched with g_spawn_async_with_pipes

2012-05-22 Thread Giovanni Giunco

 from a gtk+ application I execute an external program in Windows 7 (64
bit) with administrator privileges, and I use a callback function when it
exits to elaborate the result. So far, it works.
The problem is that I would like to hide or, at least, to minimize
(iconify) the external program to not bore the user.
I guess that I have to manage the GPid value returned
by g_spawn_async_with_pipes,  but how? I didn't find any suitable function
in gtk.

Knowing that GPid is an handle in windows, I used the winapi
functions CloseWindow, ShowWindow, MoveWindow, SetWindowPos. They are
simply and silently ignored during the execution.
Just to check the returned pid, I used TerminateProcess( (HWND)pid , 0) and
 the external application correctly terminated: i.e. pid is correct. On the
other side DestroyWindow is ignored.

Do you have any suggestion?

Below you can find a simplified version of my code.

 #include windows.h
 #include gtk/gtk.h

// ... snip ... //

 gchar *argv[3];
 GPid   pid;

argv[0]= external_program.exe;
argv[1]= external_parameter_file.ini;
argv[2]= NULL;//

g_spawn_async_with_pipes  (
  NULL,   //gchar *working_directory,
  argv,   //gchar **argv,
  NULL,   //gchar **envp,
 //GSpawnFlags flags,
  NULL,   //GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,
  NULL,   //gpointer user_data,
  pid,   //GPid *child_pid,
  NULL,   //gint *standard_input,
  NULL,   //gint *standard_output,
  NULL,   //gint *standard_error,
  error); //GError **error);

/* Add watch function to elaborate the result
of external_program.exe. It will clean any remnants of process. */
g_child_watch_add( pid, (GChildWatchFunc)child_watch_cb, data );
CloseWindow((HWND)pid); // ignored during execution!!!

// I tried also the following variants that are ignored:
// ShowWindow((HWND)pid, SW_FORCEMINIMIZE); // Tested also other
// MoveWindow((HWND)pid, 10, 10, 10, 10, TRUE);
// SetWindowPos( (HWND)pid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW |

// This works and terminates the external application, but this is
not obviously my goal
// TerminateProcess( (HWND)pid , 0);

// ... snip ... //

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gtk-app to search google scholar

2012-05-22 Thread Rudra Banerjee
Dear friends,
I am trying to make a gtk application that will create a bibtex.
The problem is I am a novice in C/gtk programming(this will be only my
2nd programme in gtk).
To do that, First and foremost, I need to search google scholar from the
code. I tried using lynx and failed.
Can anyone kindly show me a simple code in C that can fetch data from
google scholar with Import into bibtex entry on?
Best and Regards,
Rudra Banerjee

If possible, plz. don't send me MsWord/PowerPoint mails. Why? See

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdk threads ...

2012-05-22 Thread Martyn Russell

On 05/22/2012 01:56 AM, Benjamin Otte wrote:

Michael Meeksmichael.meeksat  suse.com  writes:

The unfortunate thing about
this design is that every toolkit user gets to re-write a bus-load of
boiler plate stubs  skels and link them into every application. Why not
do that, just in a better way, inside the toolkit ?

(Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and is in no way related to the opinion
or future API design of GTK or GNOME - though I try to influence both.)

I've spent a bit of time thinking about the general why doesn't the framework
give us the means to do X? questions as well as the actual use case of
libreoffice. And I think the answer to your question is the code should be
where the problem is and as your threading model is the problem, the code
should be with you. You should be the one motivated to improve things and reduce
code, not GTK.

I believe this is quite illogical.

In short, LibreOffice is just one project being highlighted here (and 
rather a big one at that). I suspect there are many others that won't be 
writing to this list or know about such changes until it's too late.

I've always believed libraries should do the job that *many* projects 
would have to re-implement. It just doesn't make sense from a 
maintenance and bug fixing point of view to have many solutions to the 
same problem scattered around projects when the common denominator (the 
toolkit) could do it right for everyone.

This just causes work for everyone.

Libs in the general GNOME vicinity have historically taken the let's export all
the features we have approach. You can set everything everywhere. And if you

I actually believed we had the opposite approach in most cases, 
certainly in terms of the UIs for our applications.

can't, there sure is a signal that you can hook into, capture things and do it
your way. On the opposite side, libraries like Cairo have taken a different
approach: A minimal API and very few ways to hook into the system and influence
what is actually happening.
I think we should move GNOME closer to the Cairo approach. Reduce the amount of
API. You can read http://ometer.com/free-software-ui.html for why that's a good
idea. Just replace UI with API and user with developer in that article.

I will concede there is usually a sweet spot between *libraries* 
becoming redundant because they suit all (and suffer performance or 
other degradation) vs providing enough support for projects using your 
library. Tracker is a great example of this. The 0.6 versions had APIs 
which were not powerful enough, so we came up with libtracker-sparql. 
But, as a result, we now have libraries/frameworks like folks and grilo 
to provide simpler APIs to get your data.

In the end, you could extrapolate from above that we should have a 
separate library to deal with LibreOffice's situation, but if you can't 
actually do that without a patched GTK+, it leaves no choice.

Now what does that mean for applications that use these APIs that are going to
be removed? They're doing the same thing the users do when their preferences get
removed: They either change the way they do things, they stick to the old
version for as long as possible or they switch to something else. And in the end
I'm pretty sure everyone in GNOME-land will be happy to help LO become a great
GNOME application.

LO is one case. I have written applications which have had to deal with 
custom even loops working with the GTK+/GLib event loop for their own 
in-house uses (IPCs, etc). There are just many cases you don't know about.

I advocate async, thread free approaches and think it's a mistake to use 
threads with any UI, but I think it's a bigger mistake to close the door 
on projects that have no choice.


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdk threads ...

2012-05-22 Thread Stef Walter
On 05/21/2012 04:18 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
 On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Michael Meeks
michael.me...@suse.com wrote:
 That claim sounds really strange; since - well - we do that in
  LibreOffice ourselves :-) 
 Windows does not allow you to process events/messages for a given window
 in anything other than the thread that created the window. If you try to
 do this, you will either crash or cause memory corruption.

Michael, it may just happen that the GTK calls you've seen being
performed from arbitrary threads in LibreOffice don't result in Win32
event processing and/or window creation, and just update GTK state
internally or result in simple Win32 messages being posted.

But yes, on Win32 stuff breaks (pretty much immediately) when you call
the win32 APIs CreateWindow (or friends) and GetMessage (or friends, the
loop APIs) on the same window from another thread than the one that
created it. [1]

Even if you get the locking right -- even if absolutely only one
thread is executing at once in your process -- like Paul said, you still
get behavior that at a minimum freezes your window, and in other cases
can act a lot like memory corruption.

Each Win32 window is 'owned' by a thread, the one that created it, and
must have its message loop run on that same thread. That's been a mantra
of Win32 development for as long as I can remember. Especially during
the COM days. Many of the wild threading models that COM had were a
result of this Win32 limitation.

I have direct experience with this. When porting a GTK+ application to
Windows, I had to move from cooperative threading (ie: big lock) to
Win32 fibers (sorta like getcontext/setcontext) to get around this
problem. In either case I was only running one stack at once. But
running the stacks in different threads broke stuff on Win32. They had
to run in the same kernel thread.



[1] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/90975
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdk threads ...

2012-05-22 Thread Stef Walter
On 05/22/2012 01:03 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
 Even if you get the locking right -- even if absolutely only one
 thread is executing at once in your process -- like Paul said, you still
 get behavior that at a minimum freezes your window, and in other cases
 can act a lot like memory corruption.
   Sure I can believe gtk+ is broken currently in this regard. However my
 contention is that this is not an inevitable problem for gtk+ caused by
 the windows API. It is -possible- to get the gtk+ model to work, well,
 on windows. VCL does it today with a very similar locking model to the
 one gtk+ has used (again without using gtk+). I would also point out
 that VCL is not a top-flight, well-maintained, documented, high-quality
 toolkit with dozens of people working on it either ;-)

If you have more details/links on how VCL gets around this, I'd be
interested. A bit of a morbid curiosity perhaps :P

Perhaps VCL isn't generic enough to run into this problem? Or is it
solved by handing off all OS window creation in the main thread? Or
running multiple windows message loops, and passing off received data to
a main loop in another thread? Or perhaps it's just by chance that the
problem hasn't been encountered during regular usage patterns?

Seems like these would be pretty hacky solution for a general purpose
toolkit like GTK+ to do. Or has VCL found a more correct solution to the
problem? Again, asking out of interest here, as this has been a big
obstacle for me several times over the years.

   So the it is fundamentally impossible to do argument seems just a bit
 weak from my perspective, I read it as it is easier not to do, and it's
 better to make our API users do the work instead ;-) which is rather

Right, obviously not fundamentally impossible (given Turing completeness
and all that) ... the issue is whether it's possible to do in a general
purpose and correct way.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

g_filename_to_uri() issue in glib-win32

2012-05-22 Thread John Emmas
I'm using the Glib function g_filename_to_uri() in glib-win32 (version 2.24).  
According to the documentation I should pass in a file path in the encoding 
format used by Glib (which on Windows is UTF-8).  However, if I pass in a UTF-8 
string, this function translates it character-by-character (as if it was plain 
ASCII).  i.e. it doesn't recognise that the string is UTF-8.

So for example, if the input string is Göran (encoded as UTF-8) I get the 
wrong output (hopefully, you can see that the 'o' has an umlaut).  
g_filename_to_uri encodes 6 characters and returns G%C3%B6ran instead of 
encoding just 5 characters to return the correct URI string G%F6ran.

I can work around the problem by filtering my string through 
g_locale_from_utf8() before sending it to g_filename_to_uri() but I think that 
g_filename_to_uri() should be doing that for itself (either that - or the 
documentation's wrong).

Can anyone confirm if this is a bug or intended behaviour?  If it's a bug, is 
it fixed yet in the latest glib version?  Thanks though for an otherwise great 

John Emmas
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: g_filename_to_uri() issue in glib-win32

2012-05-22 Thread Krzysztof Kosiński
2012/5/22 John Emmas john...@tiscali.co.uk:
 So for example, if the input string is Göran (encoded as UTF-8) I get the 
 wrong output (hopefully, you can see that the 'o' has an umlaut).  
 g_filename_to_uri encodes 6 characters and returns G%C3%B6ran instead of 
 encoding just 5 characters to return the correct URI string G%F6ran.

What you get is an URI encoding of the UTF-8 bytes. I think this is
the expected and correct behavior: there are multiple incompatible
locale encodings and there's no way for this function to know what
encoding you want to use for the URI. It would also fail if you had
characters not representable in the locale encoding.

This is at most a documentation bug. It should be stated that this
function converts the string byte-by-byte, and everything outside of
the 0-127 range is converted to hex escapes. (I think this is the only
sensible behavior for this function.)

Regards, Krzysztof
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: g_filename_to_uri() issue in glib-win32

2012-05-22 Thread John Emmas
On 23 May 2012, at 00:22, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:

 What you get is an URI encoding of the UTF-8 bytes. I think this is
 the expected and correct behavior: there are multiple incompatible
 locale encodings and there's no way for this function to know what
 encoding you want to use for the URI. It would also fail if you had
 characters not representable in the locale encoding.
 This is at most a documentation bug. It should be stated that this
 function converts the string byte-by-byte, and everything outside of
 the 0-127 range is converted to hex escapes.

Thanks for the prompt reply Krzysztof,

I can see where you're coming from on this but there's another way to look at 
it.  In my example (Göran) the UTF-8 byte sequence (for my particular code 
page) would have been:-

47 C3 B6 72 61 6E

This would get displayed as:-

G [ some codepage dependent character ] r a n

But whatever that (second) character looked like, it's decimal value would 
always be 246 (because the UTF-8 sequence C3 B6 translates to decimal 246).

The URI translation of decimal 246 is %F6.

Therefore it should be possible to translate from UTF-8 [47 C3 B6 72 61 6E] 
into URI G%F6ran regardless of the user's code page.   On my system this 
would say Göran whereas on someone else's system it might look different but 
that's not really relevant.  The conversion itself is valid and shouldn't be 
affected by code pages.  Code pages will only affect the displayed appearance.

Of course, this is only with my simple example.  There might be other examples 
where my theory breaks down.  I've only considered this particular case.  But 
if what you said was true Krzysztof, g_filename_to_utf8() would suffer from the 
same problem - but it doesn't.  If (on Windows) you pass it a UTF-8 filename, 
it correctly recognises that the name is already UTF-8 and returns the original 
string (i.e. it doesn't attempt a new byte-by-byte conversion).

So 'g_filename_to_uri()' is misbehaving AFAICT.

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