Re: About Gtk+ for Windows

2008-04-19 Thread Jamiil Abduqadir
Hello everyone,
I am glad to know that there is someone working on the implementation of
GTK+ for the MS environment. Needless to say, GTK+ has left its infancy in
the UNIX world and is moving strongly into the MS world. This momentum must
not be lost and volunteers are needed to maintain the the releases for Win32
more up-to-date. I understand that this requires, more then time and will,
the necessary skills.
Obviously this skills do not exist in abundance, however, with the help of
Cedric and Murray the learning curve will not be so overwhelmingly steep. I
am a Gtkmm-win32 user and would like to offer my help in what ever
necessary, please feel free to contact me regarding this matter at your
earliest convenient.

Thank you

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Igor Gorbounov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Murray Cumming wrote:
  Does this mean that there is no GTK+ 2.12 that we can use?
 There is gtk-2.12-9-win32 since yesterday on
 but no gtkmm-2.12...  on yet.
  Igor Gorbounov

 gtkmm-list mailing list

Happiness has many doors, and when one of them closes another opens, yet we
spent so much time looking at the one that is shut that we don't see the one
that just opened.
gtkmm-list mailing list

Text location with pango

2008-04-19 Thread Toby Roworth

When drawing to a drawing area 1024x768 pixels using Pango and Cairo, I
am having trouble getting the text centered within the whole window and
changing the font size.

I am trying to center it with:

pangoLayout - set_alignment(Pango::ALIGN_CENTER);

which centers it to the width of the longest line in the layout, not
the whole width. set_width(1024) or any other number results in half of
thext being off the left hand side of the window

I have been using set_size() on the FontDescription, but his makes no
change, although the font does change when set_family() is used.

And help/suggestion would be appreciated

Toby Roworth

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gtkmm-list mailing list

Re: Finding the .glade file

2008-04-19 Thread Andreas Volz
Am Sat, 05 Apr 2008 16:23:15 +0100 schrieb Joe:

 I am not sure exactly how to go about pointing my program at the glade
 file when the program is installed.
 I most likely need environment variables but I have no idea how to do
 I have written the application using the anjuta IDE, and the .glade
 seems to install into /usr/share/appname, however I cannot be certain
 this is the same for all distributions.


I use that code to load my .glade files:

It enabled you to load from the prefix path, and some local path
or included in the binary. Very useful for development or 
distribution as binary package (e.g. on win32).

#include app_glade.h

Glib::RefPtrGnome::Glade::Xml createGlade (const Glib::ustring root, 
 const Glib::ustring domain)
  return Gnome::Glade::Xml::create_from_buffer(
 pogo_glade_data, pogo_glade_data_size,
 root, domain);
  return Gnome::Glade::Xml::create(
 searchGladeFile (APP_GLADE_FILE), root, domain);

const std::string searchGladeFile (const std::string glade_file)
  vector string name_vector;
  name_vector.push_back (glade_file);
  name_vector.push_back (../ + glade_file);
  name_vector.push_back (src/ + glade_file);
  // TODO: src dir variable...
  name_vector.push_back (string (PACKAGE_DATA_DIR) + /glade/ + glade_file);
  return searchFile (name_vector);

const std::string searchFile (std::vector std::string name_vector)
  struct stat buf;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i  name_vector.size (); i++)
string try_name = name_vector[i];

bool found = !(stat (try_name.c_str (), buf));

if (found)
  return try_name;

  return ;

Your application needs to be based on autotools stuff to get that working.
Use this macro:

dnl Check for option to enable glade_h
AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable glade header compile)
[  --enable-glade_header_compile=[no/yes]enables to compile the 
glade file into the executable (default=no)],,

if [ ! test x$enable_glade_header_compile != xyes]; then
  AC_DEFINE(GLADE_HEADER_COMPILE, 1, [Define to enable to compile the glade 

And this in

perl src/ src/ 1 app_glade_data  src/app_glade.h

I modified the from the original author to get it working for my
special use case. The modified code follows below:

# by

# number of characters per line
$chars_per_line = 15;

# -

# language id
# 0 = Perl (default)
# 1 = C / C++
# 2 = Pascal / Delphi
$lang  = $ARGV[1];

$argc = $#ARGV + 1;

if ($argc == 3)
  $array_name = $ARGV[2];
  $array_name = bin_data;

$rem_begin  = begin binary data:;
$rem_end= end binary data.;

# initialize for Perl strings
# by default
$_var   = # $rem_begin\n.
  \$bin_data = # %d\n;
$_begin = \;
$_end   = \;\n;
$_break = \.\n\;
$_format= \\x%02X;
$_separator = ;
$_comment   = # $rem_end ;
$_size  = # size = %d - size of binary data in bytes;

# C / C++
if(1 == $lang)
  $_var   = /* $rem_begin */\n.
char  . $array_name . [] = .
/* %d */\n;
  $_begin = {;
  $_end   = };\n;
  $_break = \n;
  $_format= 0x%02X;
  $_separator = ,;
  $_comment   = /* $rem_end */;
  $_size  = unsigned int  . $array_name  . _size = %d; /* size of binary 
data in bytes */;
elsif(2 == $lang)
  $_var   = { $rem_begin }\n.
const bin_data : .
array [1..%d] of .
byte = \n;
  $_begin = (;
  $_end   = );\n;
  $_break = \n;
  $_format= \$%02X;
  $_separator = ,;
  $_comment   = { $rem_end };
  $_size   = {size = %d bytes };

if(open(F, .$ARGV[0]))

  $s = '';
  $i = 0;
  $count = 0;
  $first = 1;
  $s .= $_begin;
if($i = $chars_per_line)
  $s .= $_break;
  $i = 0;
  $s .= $_separator;
$s .= sprintf(
$_format, ord(getc(F)));
$first = 0;
  $s .= $_end;
  $s .= sprintf $_comment;
  $s .= \n\n;
  $s .= sprintf $_size, $count;
  $s .= \n\n;

  $s = \n.sprintf($_var, $count).$s;

  print $s;

  close( F );
  print by\n.
  perl binary file.
 language id [array_name]\n.
  binary file : path to the .
binary file\n.
  language id : 0 = Perl, .
1 = C/C++/Java, .
2 = Pascal/Delphi\n.
  array_name  : name of the array or 'bin_data' as fallback .

So you're also able to include the .glade file into your 

Re: Glib::Dispatcher and data transfer into main loop

2008-04-19 Thread Andreas Volz
Am Sat, 19 Apr 2008 20:53:23 +0200 schrieb Ludwig Hähne:

 Hi Andreas,
 Andreas Volz wrote on 19.04.2008 17:37:
  Any ideas how to solve that problem? I've seen no way to give data
  to the dispatchSignal() call. So I need a member variable to
  transfer data from the thread called function to the dispatched
  function. I could think of a queue that saves all the incoming data
  from the thread for later use in the dispatched function. Do you
  think that's the best way to do it? Any other ideas?
 A queue protected with a (exception-safe) Mutex and a dispatcher is
 what I did in these cases:
 | Glib::Dispatcher dispatcher;
 | Glib::Mutex logMutex;
 | std::queue... pipe;
 Producer thread:
 | Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(logMutex);
 | pipe.push(ent);
 | lock.release();
 | dispatcher.emit();
 Consumer (main) thread:
 | Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(logMutex);
 | assert(pipe.empty() == false);
 | Entity ent = pipe.front();
 | pipe.pop();
 | return ent;

That's like what I thought of. It works for me. Thanks.

gtkmm-list mailing list

Re: Glib::Dispatcher and data transfer into main loop

2008-04-19 Thread Andreas Volz
Am Sat, 19 Apr 2008 20:33:43 +0200 schrieb klaus triendl:

 Andreas Volz schrieb:
  I'm using a Glib::Dispatcher to dispatch data from a thread into my
  main loop. This is my code:
  Any ideas how to solve that problem? I've seen no way to give data
  to the dispatchSignal() call. So I need a member variable to
  transfer data from the thread called function to the dispatched
  function. I could think of a queue that saves all the incoming data
  from the thread for later use in the dispatched function. Do you
  think that's the best way to do it? Any other ideas?
 Did you see my post a few days ago about interthread communication
 with sigx?
 The library would solve exactly your problem (and it does indeed put
 the incoming data into a message queue).
 cMan could create a signal to which other threads can connect. The 
 signal can have any number of parameters (up to sigc's arity).

Very interesting! The sigx library seems to be very young. Is it yet
tested on win32?

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