Re: Cross-Platform GUI

2005-05-09 Thread John Taber
I've looked into this extensively and one of these days will finish up my blog 
writeup on it.  For now:

There are plusses and minuses for each - make a list of the most important 
things you need and see how they compare.  

Fltk - pretty simple to use.  Nice small, static compiles.  Dialogs are easy 
to code but not the best looking.  There is no layout manager, just a awkward 
resizable command.  Awkward, static callbacks instead of signal, slots.  No 
major backers or major projects using it.  Most examples and documentation 
are C style.  I never really understood Fluid as a dialog editor.  

wxWidgets - didn't explore too much after looking at code - I guess if you are 
coming from Visual C++ it might look more familar.  I've read some comments 
against it, other comments that say it works great - I believe Audacity uses 
it.   Seems to be a viable option.

There's also Fox toolkit - seems to have excellent Ruby bindings.  No Mac 
support.  Seemed pretty ugly.  Supported mostly by 1 person (though he is 
very responsive).  No dialog editor.

Gtkmm - gtk is being backed by most major Linux players (Red Hat, Novell, 
Sun  )  And of course Gnome, XFCE, all the Gtk apps.  Gtkmm is very c++ 
like.  Uses the excellent libsigc for signal/slots.  Has a very good layout 
manager.  Confusing library dependencies but uses Pkg-Config to make 
compiling easy.  Use XFC documentation, it's much better.  (XFC is a great 
library too, but only for Linux).  Gtk apps certainly being used on Windows.  
Mac ?? not too sure - maybe others can comment.  

Depending on your situation - you might want to look at Qt - it's a good, easy 
to use toolkit.  Very cross-platform, excellent documentation.  Good looking.  
Very C++ oriented.  The moc signal stuff is non C++ but works well.  Moc 
causes Qt to be slow to compile.  Well supported.  As someone who has to sign 
the checks, I think it is way too expensive for our use but it's your call.  

Don't forget java  SWT - the advances of gcj may bring native compilation of 
Swing.  And the next version is supposed to support native widgets.  

Bottom Line:  We chose gtkmm based mostly on the industry support for gtk, the 
free license, the layout manager abilities, the availability of glade (though 
we're not using it yet), and libsigc.  If XFC becomes cross-platform we will  
strongly consider it (both use mostly the same gtk wrapper commands).  

hope this helps.

On Sunday 08 May 2005 08:56 pm, Fabian Arocena wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I''ve explored a bit about Cross-Platform GUI and have found 3 options
 that are quite attractive:

 - GTKmm
 - wx Widgets

 Has anybody worked with some of these ? Is one of them better than the
 others ?

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Re: Cross-Platform GUI

2005-05-09 Thread Paul Davis
Overall, I think gtkmm would be a good choice.
wxWidgets and FLTK are quite cumbersome, and they
don't offer you the flexibility that is found in gtkmm
and/or C++.

there is one important consideration that nobody has mentioned so far.
portability to Aqua rather than on OS X. GTK has seen two
efforts to port it to Aqua, using different approaches. Both projects
appear to be essentially dead. This means that you cannot use GTK (and
by implication, gtkmm) to write native apps for OS X - your users are
forced to use and your applications will have X-styled
appearances, not Aqua-like ones.

several people have offered to invest some amounts of money in my
digital audio workstation software ardour to do a native OS X port,
and i have told them find someone you can pay to port GDK to Aqua -
this will benefit a large number of applications rather than just
ardour. unfortunately, nobody has taken the suggestion up, and the
projects remain silent and stationary AFAICT.

by contrast, wxWidgets is native on Aqua.

gtkmm-list mailing list

Cross-Platform GUI

2005-05-08 Thread Fabian Arocena
Hi everybody,

I''ve explored a bit about Cross-Platform GUI and have found 3 options
that are quite attractive:

- GTKmm
- wx Widgets

Has anybody worked with some of these ? Is one of them better than the others ? 

gtkmm-list mailing list

Re: Cross-Platform GUI

2005-05-08 Thread Benjamin Lau Wei Yii
wxWidgets is not a very C++ toolkit. Even though it
uses classes, it uses a ton of macros and doesn't use
templates for its data structures, and yes, you
guessed it, macros are riddled everywhere for data
structures. Aside from that, it's quite ok, with quite
a native look on other platforms. UI designers are
hard to come by, but i guess wxGlade should do the
trick. It also takes quite a bit of code for GUI.

FLTK is more C++ than wxWidgets, but it uses function
pointers directly, and u connect them through a
callback function, and I don't know how you can track
other events like just a plan press or a mouse
release,  without using event handling directly. Also,
it doesn't look native on the other platforms, rather
looking quite FLTK-ish all the way. UI designer only
1: FLUID, but my last experience with it was horrible,
so i hoped it has improved. The code needed is lesser
than wxWidgets, but still...very C-ish

gtkmm is more C++, and if you love STL and Standard
C++ libraries, use gtkmm. Very complete, and the UI
designer glade is quite nicely done, but make sure you
plot your UI beforehand. The usage of Macros or unsafe
function pointers are non existent, and the signal and
slots system is quite simple to learn. Also, the
native look is roughly there, except maybe for
Macintosh, but I don't really know how the X11 runtime
on tier side works. The code isn't that much, and with
the gtkmm documentation and a keen eye for searching,
programs can be written quite fast.

Overall, I think gtkmm would be a good choice.
wxWidgets and FLTK are quite cumbersome, and they
don't offer you the flexibility that is found in gtkmm
and/or C++.

Benjamin Lau

--- Fabian Arocena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I''ve explored a bit about Cross-Platform GUI and
 have found 3 options
 that are quite attractive:
 - GTKmm
 - wx Widgets
 Has anybody worked with some of these ? Is one of
 them better than the others ? 
 gtkmm-list mailing list

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