Mark Murphy:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, at 12:55, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
Thanks for the always thorough and thoughtful updates and analysis, Mark.

Happy to help, and thanks for the kind words!

Wouldn't it be possible to build a library that we include in our apps
that inspects the APK files at runtime on a device, and looks for the
transparency files in the APK, and even checks the hashes. This could be
done as a "App Integrity Check" on first run.

The app packager (Google, Amazon) could remove the code that does that check, 
or at least nerf it. For example, replace:

if (isMyAppOK()) {
} else {


if (true) {
} else {

The premise here is that because they have app signing authority, then they 
have the technical capability to modify anything that they want in the App 
Bundle (APK for Amazon). You start to get into the same sort of arms race that 
developers fight and lose with those who try to reverse-engineer apps.

The combination of your proposed library and a robust obfuscation system might 
help prevent bulk modification of apps. That starts to impose other limits 
(e.g., can't use Crashlytics for bug reporting, because then you're uploading 
the de-obfuscation maps to Google). It also won't block a determined attacker 
who is going after a few specific apps (e.g., intelligence agency of a country 
that strong-arms Google into distributing tampered apps).

I think that the library that you propose will almost "fall out of" work to 
create a library for checking the integrity of other apps. Having it probably won't hurt.

Thanks Mark for championing this cause! Its funny to see after years of F-Droid getting criticized for having this model, now Google is forcing it. And F-Droid now supports the reproducible builds requirement for any APK signature type. I think the signature copying is starting to work well enough that we could start doing reproducible builds even when the upstream developer isn't trying to.


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