Ludovic Courtès writes:

> Hi!
> Christopher Allan Webber <> skribis:
>> If you could package *just* the bootstrapped compiler, if a user doesn't
>> feel like waiting through the whole bootstrap process, they could use
>> the existing bootstrap package, like:
>>   ./configure --with-bootstrap=/path/to/guile-bootstrap
> That’s essentially what happens when cross-compiling Guile, where the
> GUILE_FOR_BUILD variable must point to a same-version Guile.
> What you’re suggesting seems equivalent to bundling the pre-built .go
> files, which is what is done with release tarballs.
> Or am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Ludo’, who sympathizes.  :-)

I'm suggesting we don't bundle them *with* it... because that wouldn't
be helpful when building from a git checkout.  But if we could point to
the prebuilt .go files from a separate package, then yeah!

Note that I wouldn't want to *require* building from a separate
package... I agree that it's valuable to be able to not rely on Guile to
build Guile :)

But maybe I'm just being silly!
 - Chris

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