Re: Guix bios installation: Grub error: unknown filesystem

2024-04-21 Thread Franz Geffke

Hi Ada,

I very much appreciate your detailed response.

For a moment I thought my email hadn't made it to this list, both because it 
didn't show up, and the lack of acknowledgment. After a day or so, I filed a bug 
report instead [1] - which produced the expected acknowledgement... Still learning.


> Basically, there is a compatibility issue regarding the ext4 filesystem 
features that GRUB 2.06 supports and the features that `e2fsprogs@1.47.0` 
enables by default when creating your ext4 filesystem.

So this broke on 26th of March, with commit 

> To fix this, you will need to make sure you create your ext4 filesystem with 
the following features: `mkfs.ext4 /dev/you-partition-here -O 

I didn't realize mkfs.ext4 would accept these directly, thank you.

Certainly hope the latest version of GRUB will be merged asap, so it doesn't 
affect more users. Not a great experience when the initial install requires an 
undocumented workaround - but then again, it does (still) work on the guix ISO 
from the homepage.

Have a great day!


Guix bios installation: Grub error: unknown filesystem

2024-04-20 Thread Franz Geffke
I'm having trouble installing guix in qemu, using a "fresh" guix ISO.

guix system: error: 
--no-floppy --target=i386-pc --boot-directory /mnt/boot /dev/sda' exited with 
status 1; output follows:

  Installing for i386-pc platform.
error: unknown filesystem.

Here's what I've tried so far:
1. The ISO from 2022 
2. Generated a new ISO today: Failure

These are the channels, on the booted ISO:

guix describe
  guix 65e8472
repository URL:
branch: master
commit: 65e8472a4b6fc6f66871ba0dad518b7d4c63595e

Steps I used to install (1) and (2):

parted -s /dev/sda -- mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext4 1MiB 100%
parted /dev/sda set 1 boot on
mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda1
mount LABEL=my-root /mnt
cp /etc/configuration/lightweight-desktop.scm /mnt/etc/config.scm 
# adjust disk, bootloader
herd start cow-store /mnt
guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt


I didn't really dig too deeply yet; Only noticed that this command produces a 
different result, depending on whether the install succeeds, or not `grub-probe 
--target=fs --device /dev/sda`

- Success: `ext2` 
- Failure: `grub-probe: error: unknown filesystem.`

I also tried using GPT instead of MBR, but it makes no difference.