Ok, here's a challenge for the list's imagination--maybe you can help
me out with a little thought experiment.

Let's say that the whole c1000 Vinland expedition thing resulted in a
viable colony; one that actually got along pretty well with the
indigenous people (Skraelings) yet stayed in contact with Greenland,
Iceland, and points east through a north Atlantic trade route.

Assuming some influence from both sides of the merger, what would the
resulting mixed-race culture have worn, several hundred years in?  If,
for example, there were a Vinlander GFD, what would it have looked
like?  What would the men wear in cold weather?  What kind of shoes
would people wear?  And so on.

-E House

PS--From my brief research, it looks like the Narragansett tribe does
descend from that meeting, but of course there was no continuous
interaction with European culture in the real timeline; what I'm
looking for is the effect that interaction might have!
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