[h-cost] Re:Leeds Market

2006-06-05 Thread Jayne Thomas
  The Asian guy had his stall inside, it was quite near another, run by I 
think, a white couple. It is a few years since I have been to have a good look 
around the market  as I have problems with childcare, as my daughter gets bored 
easily, though it's high time I went back though!
 The haberdashery stall is near the right hand side main entrance as you 
cross over the road (Vicar Lane?).  There is a newspaper kiosk next to it, and 
a toy stall nearby.
   I have only been on a Thursday (the rail fare is cheaper than 
Friday/Saturday!), so the outside market has been a second hand market -  I 
have only seen a stall with a couple of rolls of furnishing fabric on it.
  Best Wishes

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[h-cost] Re: Leeds Market

2006-06-03 Thread Jayne Thomas
Hi! Debbie
  I used to go to Leeds quite a lot (we're only an hour's train journey away), 
and used to spend most of my time in the market.  The last time I bought any 
fabric there, I went to an Asian guy who used to mimic a telephone ringing - is 
he still there?  My husband had to pinch me to stop me from laughing, as he did 
it mid-conversation!  I love the haberdashery stall that is right at the front; 
I ended up buying a carrier bag full of stuff I didn't really need (I will 
never run out of hand sewing needles!), but I was like a child in a sweet shop, 
as I don't have that choice in my home town.
  All the best

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[h-cost] Re:Flamenco Dress Photos

2006-05-30 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I used an old Butterick pattern for a child's and Miss's Medieval outfit (I 
can't get to it at the moment, as we are putting new shelving up in the store 
room -my fabric stash and sewing books brought the last lot crashing down!!) , 
which I added a train and made a split at the front.  I had to hand sew the 
lace (all ten metres of it!) on the dress, though I originally wanted frills, 
which looked too much for such a small dress.
  My daughter has grown out of it around the chest and the arms are too short; 
to be honest there is no turn up on the sleeves, so the over locking is hidden 
with the lace!
  I will have another look at the dress, to see if I can make it bigger- I 
could make it sleeveless, with lace around the armhole, and let out the seam a 
bit under the arms. 
  Glad you liked the photos!
  All the best 

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[h-cost] Photos of Flamenco Dress

2006-05-29 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I have made an album on my Yahoo! photos page of my first project of this 
year, a Flamenco dress for my daughter.  It took me two months to make, and the 
photos where taken in March, after a lot of persuading my daughter to wear it!  
After that, she danced around the house to Bizet's 'Carmen' for about a month 
in it, which is when she grew out of the dress! The photos can be found at 
http://photos.yahoo.com/dresspattern.  The easiest way to view them is to click 
on the album, then click on 'View Slide Show'. Please tell me what you think of 
  I have (finally!) finished the muslin of the 1569 gown, and ready to cut it 
for real!  My daughter enjoys wearing the muslin, playing QEI, having her 
teddies and dolls as her subjects!  
  All the best!

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[h-cost] Re: When and how did you start making costumes?

2006-05-22 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I learnt to sew when I was twenty-ish, by going to Adult Education classes, 
because I was unemployed, and wanted to fill a bit of the void (plus Employment 
Services paid for the course!).  I started costuming a couple of years ago, as 
it was more fun than making everyday clothes for my daughter.  My current 
project is my first serious attempt at making costumes. You can see what the 
mess I am making on-line at 
  http://photos.yahoo.com/dresspattern.  Only the muslin of the bodice at the 
moment (skirt is in progress!), but I hope to get on with it soon - small child 
  All the best!

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[h-cost] Photos of 1569 Bodice

2006-05-17 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I've finally managed to get some photos of the muslin of my daughters 1569 
bodice.  It can be found at http://photos.yahoo.com/dresspattern .Please excuse 
the pink shirt, it's pretending to be a white chemise!  She has tried it on, 
and fits perfectly now (I cut it on age 5!), so I'm worried by the time that I 
get the real thing finished, it will not fit. I only get about 7 or 8 hours 
sewing a week, and at the moment I'm doing the muslin of the skirt. The velvet 
and the forepart material have cost me a small fortune, and I need to get it 
right before I cut the 'good stuff'!
  Best Wishes

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[h-cost] Skirt Questions

2006-05-12 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I'm back with more questions!  I was planning to make my daughters 1569 gown 
in black velvet, only to have a concern with the weight of the skirt (I'm 
putting in a forepart, rather than have a full petticoat) when I got home from 
purchasing the velvet.
  Would it be alright to do the bodice in the velvet, and the skirt in a black 
wool blend?  Also, how much ease do I put into the waistband - her waist size 
is 20 and a half inches?  I'm doing separate pieces to maximise the wear she 
will get out of it.
  Many Thanks
  PS I hope to download the photos of the bodice over the weekend.

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[h-cost] Re: What's your dressmakers dummy wearing this spring?

2006-05-11 Thread Jayne Thomas
  My toddler size dummy is wearing a muslin of the Jean Hunnisett 1569 bodice, 
which I finished a couple of nights ago.  As silly as sounds, I'm really 
pleased that I have done it, even if it has taken it a month!  I hope to put it 
on my Yahoo! photos page soon, so I will let you all know, and tell me what you 
think.  Just got to work out the skirt now!
  All the best

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[h-cost] More Questions!

2006-05-04 Thread Jayne Thomas
  First of all, many thanks for the suggestions for the shoulder decorations, 
which I have sorted out!
  Secondly, just as I solve one problem, I have more questions!  At the end of 
April, there where some messages about eyelet placing (safely stored in one of 
many e-mail folders!), and I wondered if the same rules apply for my daughters 
bodice, as Jean Hunnisett (the pattern is on page 68) seems to have hers 
matching at the back, rather than offset, as I have read on this group. The 
back of my daughters bodice measures 23cm from top to bottom.
  Many Thanks!

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[h-cost] Re: Elizabethan Epaulettes

2006-05-01 Thread Jayne Thomas
Hi! Joan
  Thanks for your message!  The problem is that the bodice pattern is a hybrid 
of a Simplicity pattern and the 1569 bodice pattern out of JH's book enlarged 
to sort of the correct size (my daughter still has a bit of 'toddler tum'!), 
which I made without too many problems.  I drafted the epaulette base out of 
JH, which was too short, so I lengthened it, so in theory it would go around 
the back of the armhole, which I think is happening in the diagram on page 67.  
The problem is that I am trying to make the JH pattern fit the Simplicity 
armholes.  I thought rather than make 'the square peg fit the round hole',  I 
would try some other Elizabethan shoulder decoration, and make it original, 
rather than copying a painting, but at the same time, I don't want it to have 
the Simplicity Halloween look!  I will have a go at the crescent -shaped 
shoulder decoration, and see how it looks.
  All The Best 

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[h-cost] Alternatives To Elizabethan Epaulettes

2006-04-29 Thread Jayne Thomas
  Can anyone suggest an alternative to the epaulettes on the 1569 Jean 
Hunnisett dress?  I have managed to make (if only in an old sheet!) a four to 
five year old size bodice of this dress, though I did end up adapting a 
Simplicity pattern.  I have spent the last three days doing a pattern for the 
epaulettes, and making three sets, without success.  Any help will be much 
  All The Best!

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[h-cost] Jean Hunnisett Dress

2006-04-05 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I would like to make the 1569 Elizabethan dress (or something near as 
possible!) that is illustrated on page 63 (the one in the middle of the group) 
of 'Patterns for Women's Dress 1500-1800 for my nearly four year daughter. Yes, 
I'm being very ambitious here!  The thing is, how would scale the pattern (on 
page 68 onwards) to fit her?  Am I being a bit too ambitious?!
  All the best!

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[h-cost] Re: Holiday Gift

2006-01-08 Thread Jayne Thomas
  Apologies for leaving this a little late, but I have been trying to get back 
to normal after the holiday period (cleaning, sorting out, etc), but I received 
by holiday gift last week.  I got a beautiful Elizabethan style necklace, which 
my daughter has also taken a fancy too!  Also, a large bag of sew-on pearls, 
which I haven't decided what to do with yet. Very many thanks to Wendi for 
  Best Wishes 

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[h-cost] Girls Flamenco Dress Pattern

2005-12-29 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I would like to make a flamenco dress for my 3 and half year old daughter, 
sort of a mini version of the Folkwear pattern I have seen on their site - with 
a small split at the front and a tiny train.  I doubt whether anyone produces 
anything like this that small, but I wondered if anyone had any suggestions of 
a pattern I could easily adapt (I need something to ease me back into sewing, 
as I have had to put all my sewing stuff away to make room for the Christmas 
tree, so I haven't done anything for a few weeks!).  Do any of the big pattern 
companies do any thing?  Any help much appreciated!
  Best Wishes

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[h-cost] Re: Holiday/Secret Santa Gifts

2005-12-28 Thread Jayne Thomas
  I received a child mannnequin from my parents this Christmas, so I now have a 
'set' - the baby, toddler and child.  I also received a copy of 'The Tudor 
Housewife' by Alison Sim, which has a chapter on housework, which includes the 
Tudor way of doing the laundry and stain removal!  I got a copy of 'Shakespeare 
in Love' as I like Judi Dench, and of course, the costumes!
  My secret Santa present hasn't arrived yet (the Royal Mail can be so slow 
sometimes!), so I have something to look forward to!
  Wishing everybody the best for 2006!

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[h-cost] Re: Holly Leaves (was What's Your Dressmaker's Dummy wearing?)

2005-11-16 Thread Jayne Thomas
  Hubby and I cut out the holly leaves last night, wasn't too bad while 
listening to our favourite CD's (Hubby got the bottles of beer I promised him 
for helping me!).  When I am doing anything like this, I do more than I need, 
to allow for mistakes - I've spotted a few strange looking holly leaves in the 
pile!   I looked at the holly-leaf based Christmas decorations, and they all 
looked a bit non-holly leaf. Such a perfectionist!!  Just got to sew them on, 
which I don't mind!  If the photos of my daughter in her costumes come out well 
(I have some beautiful ones of her in her Tudor costume), I get them enlarged 
and framed, and give them as gifts to her Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles, and 
other relatives, which they all love!
  All the best!

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[h-cost] Re:What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-15 Thread Jayne Thomas
My toddler size dummy is wearing a Christmas Fairy costume; I just need to cut 
out 200 holly leaves!!  I wonder if my 3 year old daughter will appreciate all 
the hard work?!!
All the best

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[h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-15 Thread Jayne Thomas
Hi! Ann
I did look into getting ready made holly leaves, but the ones I have come 
across come in packets of six leaves at £3.00 a packet (sorry, I don't know 
what that is in dollars!), and I have to budget for gift shopping for Santa 
(I'm one of his elves in disguise!! lol), so the DIY option was the cheapest.  
Hubby has promised to cut some out though!  Better find that extra pair of 
All the best 

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