Re: [h-cost] Post Titles, Custom Brocade, Copyright

2010-05-12 Thread Donna Hawk
Post Titles

Apologies Carol! I forgot to change the heading when I posted...I'm not 
accustomed to this list yet. I will try not to forget in the future!

Custom  Brocade

Zuzana, I look forward to your updates also!

Copyright (was Civility)

Sharon, I'm ignoring the question of fair use of a copied page from a 
publication (either physical or digital via the Internet) and speaking only to 
intellectual rights:

The copyright holder can only charge or withhold approval for use of their 
intellectual property - in this case whatever text they created and the actual 
photos used (unless the photos were used by permission of another 
author/photographer...then you'd have to hunt THEM down!). 

If a reader of the publication decides to create a fabric based on their 
*personal* interpretation of that photo, or any other image of the object, they 
have every right to do so, so long as they aren't simply printing a digital 
scan of the photo/document onto the fabric - it has to be obviously different 
from the original document. An artist creating a garment in the shape of the 
pourpoint, where the fabric was printed with one or more repeats of said 
photograph, would have to have the copyright owner's permission to use the 
image in that way.

If the author had posted a conceptual weaving draft of the fabric, without 
giving permission for use in the text of the book, you would have to ask 
permission to use *that draft*, or one reasonably similar, unless you could 
prove that you had prepared your draft prior to seeing the draft in question 
(parallel development). 

No one can take and publish a photograph of a historical item and thereby have 
copyright on the physical or surface design of said historical item. Even if 
they DREW a picture that was their interpretation of that design, they only own 
the copyright to the drawing, not the historical design it was based upon. The 
process of drafting that design into a woven brocade is sufficient difference 
to not be a violation of copyright, unless, say, you used a computer program to 
precisely duplicate the graphic either in the woven item, or on its surface 
(see above).  

Donna Hawk 
Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares 
enough to break them down.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Post Titles, Custom Brocade, Copyright

2010-05-12 Thread Lavolta Press

Sharon, I'm ignoring the question of fair use of a copied page from a 
publication (either physical or digital via the Internet) and speaking only to 
intellectual rights:

Is this German copyright law?  If the book is copyrighted in Germany, 
that is the law that applies. The Berne Convention requires the 
countries who signed it to respect each other's copyright laws, but 
these are by no means identical.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Post Titles, Custom Brocade, Copyright

2010-05-12 Thread Donna Hawk

Sorry, I'm only getting the digest, so it's difficult 
to respond straight from reading the h-archive:

Fran, you're just being a troll and stirring things up. I refuse to feed the 
trolls. Got it?

Lavolta Press

Wed, 12 May 2010 17:07:34 -0700

Sharon, I'm ignoring the question of fair use of a copied page from a 
publication (either physical or digital via the Internet) and speaking only to 
intellectual rights:

Is this German copyright law?  If the book is copyrighted in 
that is the law that applies. The Berne Convention requires the
countries who signed it to respect each other's copyright laws,
these are by no means identical.

Donna Hawk 
Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares 
enough to break them down.

h-costume mailing list