I found the source the designer used for the pattern - it's in Nancy Bradford's 
Costume in Detail, page 169 (at least that's the page number in my edition). 
There is also a color photo of the dress on page 378.

It's that exact dress, right down to the slit at the bottom of the sleeve. But 
it is also clearly a surplice front in both the drawing and the color photo. So 
I've no idea why the designer decided on that bizarre asymmetrical bodice front 
in the pattern. But the sleeves and everything else seem to be an exact copy of 
the dress in Bradford.

I think the color plate may have gotten reversed because the surplice shows as 
the left crossing over the right, rather that the right crossing over the left. 
I don't know if I've ever seen a fashion plate of the period with the crossing 
reversed like that. 

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