Milk jug plastic is very meliable and is probably fine for short term use but 
will break down with time into sharp pieces, probably to be more 
environmentally friendly in land fills, so if the garment is going to be washed 
(like a shirt collar) or going to stay intact for extended periods (like a 
doll) you need something more durable. I have used the clear, self supporting 
plastic from boxes (e.g. shirt or Christmas decoration boxes) to great effect. 
2 layers of lamination plastic stuck together makes good template plastic by 
the way, you might might try a single layer with no paper as it comes in 
different thicknesses and is designed to last a while and take the heat of 

I don't know about milk jug plastic and corsets, but I do know that milk 
jug plastic is just the thing to cut a collar stay replacement on a man's 
Henry W. Osier
President, Armed Costumers Guild
On Staff for TeslaCon 3 in 2012, Chicon 7 in 2012, and Chicago TARDIS 2012

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:30:17 -0800
Subject: Re: [h-cost] artificial whalebone

I'll echo that, Henry. It's too soft for most purposes, but for collar  
stays, perfect.
Also good for mask parts, visors, and the like, which need stiffening  
but flexibility.
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