This Monday (20.11.06), at 18:30, Haifa Linux Club will gather to hear
Ohad Lutzky talk about

  Linux for CS Students (A primer)

In several CS courses - mainly Matam, Data Structures and Operating
Systems, students  face the often-unfamiliar Linux environment, and
use it to hand in course exercises. Experienced users have often seen
them have difficulty with these topics, which the lecture will cover:

 - Getting around in a Linux environment (through graphical UI and commandline)
 - Compiling multi-source-file programs properly - first into object
(.o) files, then linking
 - Creating and using Makefiles

The 2-hour session will start with a 1-hour lecture, and be followed
by a 1-hour Q&A session. Experienced Linux users will be arriving to
answer questions the students may have about using Linux.

The only recommended prior knowledge is basic C programming (for
example, Intro to CS). The lecture will demonstrate on a Linux
environment, but the topics apply also to using T2 directly.

We meet in Taub building, room 3. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!

(This mail has been forwarded to CS TAs and Lecturers for the
appropriate courses)

Haifux members: You are all invited to help answer questions, and find
my mistakes in the first part :)

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Ohad Lutzky

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