Re: Simple TCP with backup config

2009-04-19 Thread Willy Tarreau
Hi Michael,

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 04:47:38PM +0100, Michael Miller wrote:
 I am doing some intial testing with HAProxy and have come across a
 problem I don't seem to be able to resolve.
 A summary of what I am initially trying to achieve follows. I am trying
 to use HAProxy to provide a VIP that passes on a tcp (SMTP as it
 happens) stream to a backend server. If that server is down, I would
 like the connection forwarded to a backup server.
 Doing some testing and watching the status page reveals that if both
 servers are configured as normal, rather than backup, servers the tcp
 connection is rerouted when the initial attempt to connect fails.
 However, when one server is configured as backup, the connection never
 gets to the backup server.
 The config I am using is:
 log   local0
 log   local1 notice
 maxconn 4096
 pidfile /var/run/
 ##chroot /usr/share/haproxy
 user haproxy
 group haproxy
 spread-checks 10
 defaults default_settings
 log global
 option  httplog
 option  dontlognull
 option  abortonclose
 ##  option  allbackups
 option  clitcpka
 option  srvtcpka
 option  forwardfor
 retries 10
 option  redispatch
 maxconn 2000
 backlog 256
 timeout connect 5000
 timeout client 5
 timeout server 1
 listen www-health
 mode http
 monitor-uri /haproxy
 stats enable
 stats uri /stats
 listen smtp
 log global
 mode tcp
 #option smtpchk HELO haproxy.local
 option tcplog
 balance roundrobin
 rate-limit sessions 10
 timeout connect 1
 timeout client 6
 timeout server 6
 server smtp01
 server smtp02 backup
 Note that I am trying to avoid using active health checks and am hoping
 that the tcp connection failure when connecting to the primary will fall
 back to the backup server. This works as expected when both servers are
 configured as active rather than backup servers. Looking at the
 status page when one is down, the 10 retries against the down server
 are shown and then the tcp connection succeeds to the second server.
 Is this a bug that the tcp connection is not forwarded to the backup
 server, or am I missing some obvious configuration settings?

Neither :-)
It is designed to work like this though I agree that it is not
necessarily obvious. As documented, a backup server is only activated
when all other servers are down. Here, since you are not checking the
active server, it is never down. That's as simple as that. May I ask
why you don't want to enable health-checks ? That's a rather strange
choice, as it means you don't care about the server's status but
still hope that a failure will be detected fast enough to hope a
redispatch would work. You might destroy a lot of traffic acting
like this.

Also, there is an smtpchk option which is able to check that your
server responds on port 25. You should really use it. You don't
necessarily need to check every second, for SMTP generally, checking
once a minute may be enough for small setups.


option splice-auto

2009-04-19 Thread Robert Simmons
I am trying to configure HAProxy to use connection splicing, however  
1.3.17 does not seem to accept this option. I've tried splice-auto  
along with request and response without success. According to the  
configuration, placing it in the listen is acceptable - but it is  
returning unknown option on a configuration test.

Any ideas?



listen rps-test
mode http
stats enable
stats uri /stats
option splice-request
option httpclose
balance roundrobin
clitimeout 10
srvtimeout 3
contimeout 4000
maxconn 4
server Web1
server Web2
server Web3

ulimit-n 1024576
maxconn 4
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.socket