On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 04:19:38PM +0500, Илья Шипицин wrote:
> I think we can adjust build-ssl.sh script to download tagged quictls (and
> cache it in the way we do cache openssl itself)
> Tags · quictls/openssl (github.com)
> <https://github.com/quictls/openssl/tags>

Unfortunately that won't work, those tags are inherited from the OpenSSL
repository and does not contain any QUIC code. They didn't make any tag
for quictls, probably because they don't want to do an active

However it looks like they are maintaining a branch with their quic
patches for each openssl subversions. And those branches are not
modified too much once they pushed it.

Maybe we could just take the latest commit of the "openssl-3.0.2+quic"
branch for now, and update it from time to time.

The other solution I considered for VTest was to cache one build
per day. Maybe we could do that for quictls, because the project is not
that active and most of the time the people developing on QUIC test
everything on their computer. That could be the best compromise between
low maintenance and automatic update of the quictls code.
The only requirement would be to display the quictls commit ID
somewehere in the log to be certain of the version we are linking with.

William Lallemand

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